JUS 421C (Cap) Syllabus

Course: JUS 421C
Distribution Blocks
This is a new course that I want to offer for Liberal Studies Distribution Block credit.
A UCC New Course Proposal Form must also be submitted to the UCC.
This is an existing course that is not currently approved for liberal studies Distribution Block
credit, but I would like for it to be considered for the next catalog year.
This course is already approved for liberal studies Distribution Block credit, but I would like to
realign it with the liberal studies changes that have been implemented since it was approved.
This course is already approved for liberal studies Distribution Block credit, but I would like to
make substantial changes to the syllabus (e.g., change the associated Essential Skill), so I am
submitting it for re-approval.
Provide details about the change(s) here or on the attached syllabus.
A UCC Course Change Proposal Form may also need to be submitted to the UCC.
This course is already approved for liberal studies Distribution Block credit, but I would like to
delete it from the list of approved courses.
If the course is to be deleted from the catalog a UCC Course Deletion Form also must be
submitted to the UCC
Junior Level Writing
This is a new course that I want to offer as a Junior Level Writing course.
A UCC New Course Proposal Form must also be submitted to the UCC.
This is an existing course that is not currently approved as a Junior Level Writing course, but I
would like for it to be considered for the next catalog year.
This course is already approved as a Junior Level Writing course, but I would like to make
substantial changes to the syllabus, so I am submitting it for re-approval.
Provide details about the change(s) here or on the attached syllabus.
A UCC Course Change Proposal Form may also need to be submitted to the UCC.
This course is already approved as a Junior Level Writing course, but I would like to delete it
from the list of approved courses.
If the course is to be deleted from the catalog a UCC Course Deletion Form also must be
submitted to the UCC
Senior Capstone
This is a new course that I want to offer as a Senior Capstone.
A UCC New Course Proposal Form must also be submitted to the UCC.
This is an existing course that is not currently approved as a Senior Capstone course, but I would
like for it to be considered for the next catalog year.
This course is already approved as a Senior Capstone course, but I would like to realign it with
the liberal studies changes that have been implemented since it was approved.
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This course is already approved as a Senior Capstone course, but I would like to make
substantial changes to the syllabus, so I am submitting it for re-approval.
Provide details about the change(s) here or on the attached syllabus.
A UCC Course Change Proposal Form may also need to be submitted to the UCC.
This course is already approved as a Senior Capstone course, but I would like to delete it from
the list of approved courses.
If the course is to be deleted from the catalog a UCC Course Deletion Form also must be
submitted to the UCC.
Other. Please explain.
Course change effective beginning of what term and year? (ex. Spring 2015, Summer 2015): FALL 2016
Course subject/catalog number: JUS 421C
Course title: Senior Capstone in Justice Studies
Department chair name, phone, email: Rosa Gomez-Dierks Rosa.Gomez_Dierks@nau.edu
College contact name, phone, email: Cindy Scott Cindy.Scott@nau.edu
If a topics course, must apply to ALL sections.
Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry
Cultural Understanding
Science/Applied Science
Social and Political Worlds
Critical Thinking
Effective Writing
Scientific Inquiry
Creative or Aesthetic Thinking
Effective Oral Communication
Quantitative Reasoning
Is this a topics course?
Is this course cross listed?
If so, with which other course? _______________
Department chair: ____
Department curriculum committee chair:__
Dean of college:
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When completed, please save this proposal (with the syllabus pasted below) as a .doc file and email
it as an attachment to barbara.branton@nau.edu. Please also send a hard copy, complete with
signatures, to Barbara Branton at NAU Box 4150.
For Liberal Studies Committee
Date __________
Date __________
Approved as submitted
Approved as modified
For University Curriculum Committee
Approved as submitted
Approved as modified
The syllabus below represents a master syllabus, which means that it reflects
elements common among all sections of this course.
For topics courses, the syllabus below identifies the student learning outcomes
that will be found in all topic syllabi, and also explains by what methods
student learning outcomes will be assessed in all topic syllabi offered under this course number.
Click here for a syllabus template.
Northern Arizona University
Department of Public Administration and Justice Studies
JUS 421C – Senior Capstone in Justice Studies
(3 credit hours)
Fall 2016
Prerequisites: JUS 350W, JUS 411, JUS 450, JUS 330 and senior class standing
Instructor: Cindy Scott, Ed.D.
Course Description
The Justice Studies degree is designed to prepare students to successfully
and ethically work in one of the various areas within the criminal justice field
(e.g., police, courts, corrections). To reach this goal, graduating students must
be able to use ethical, leadership, and criminological theories to analyze
contemporary criminal justice issues. In addition, students must have a sound
understanding of the criminal justice process and be familiar with the current
issues impacting their individual field of study (i.e., justice administration,
intelligence studies).
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This capstone course is designed to ensure students in the Justice Studies
program have met these requirements and that they are prepared to pursue
their career choice within the field. To provide this practical, contemporary
learning environment, students will complete the following: (1) write a
comprehensive research project in their field of study; (2) review the major
areas discussed during their program (e.g., ethics, leadership, adjudication of
justice, criminological theory, contemporary justice issues); and (3) investigate
the current job requirements and opportunities in their field of study or interest.
Special Note: This course is being offered in an accelerated format, but we will cover
the same amount of material that is covered during a full semester. As those of you
who have taken courses during these short-format sessions or during the summer
sessions might know, these courses move very quickly, so it is critical that you are
prepared to work from the day the course begins, and that you keep up with the exigent
pace throughout the term.
The Justice Studies Capstone course will focus on the following:
Adjudication of Justice
Criminological Theory
Applying theories in these areas of study to practice
Criminal Justice (and related fields) and Intelligence Studies Job Opportunities
Student Learning Objectives
Capstone students who successfully complete this class will be able to:
1. Identify and discuss the ethical issues in criminal justice (as they relate to justice
administration or intelligence studies).
2. Apply leadership theory to practical criminal justice or intelligence related
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the adjudication of justice process.
4. Apply criminological theory to practical issues impacting the criminal justice field.
5. Analyze practical criminal justice issues and propose solutions based on theory
and research.
6. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and communicate effectively.
7. Critically evaluate reading materials, present accurate and concise ideas in
written assignments, and in a participative process, engage other students in
critical thinking.
8. Write a comprehensive research paper on their field of study.
9. Understand the job requirements and opportunities of positions in their field of
study or interest.
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Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
The following activities are included in this course:
1. Weekly discussion board forum (modules 1-6)
2. Job opportunity paper
3. Case study paper
4. Exam over program learning objectives
5. Capstone project
Discussion Forum (60 points per week)
For weeks 1-6, I will post discussion questions related to the focus of the module. You
need to answer TWO of the posted questions by referencing the course readings and
scholarly material, and offering your interpretation of the material (i.e., what does it
mean to you or how have you seen it take place in practice). Postings are due by
Thursday at 11:59pm.
You are required to respond to the postings of TWO of your classmates by Sunday at
Note: The discussion forum is intended to simulate the discussion that takes place
during “in-person” classes; therefore, to participate (and receive credit), you must post
by Thursday and respond by Sunday.
 ZERO credit for late postings.
 You must POST by Thursday night; ZERO credit if you only RESPOND
Due Date:
Posting: Thursday at 11:59pm (per module)
Responses: Sunday at 11:59pm (per module)
Case Study Paper (25 points)
For this assignment, you will investigate the current issues in the criminal justice or
intelligence field involving leadership, ethics, or the courts. The goal of this assignment
is to ensure you understand, can analyze, effectively communicate, and discuss the
current issues in your field of study.
Note: You are permitted to expand on this topic for your final paper.
With your research, you are expected to write a 3-5 page paper, APA format (12 point
font, 1” margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman font). You must include a title
page, abstract, and reference page (not included in the total required page numbers).
Specific instructions will be provided in the module.
Sample Topics:
Ethical issues associated with racial profiling
Ethical issues associated with intelligence collection
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Effective leadership styles for law enforcement
Gender differences in police leadership
The roles of the courts in the intelligence process
Capstone Project: Paper (100 points) and PowerPoint (25 points)
The capstone project is a culminating project in your program of study that allows you to
demonstrate the theoretical and conceptual knowledge you have gained in the courses
you have taken at NAU AND your ability to apply that knowledge to a real-world issue or
organization in the criminal justice or intelligence fields. This project is intended to
allow you to demonstrate critical thinking and effective communication, two
essential liberal studies skills that you acquired in the Justice Studies program.
You will focus on a significant issue or organization within the criminal justice or
intelligence field. All topics must be pre-approved by WEEK 4.
To ensure that you make significant progress on the project, various stages of the paper
must be submitted at selected points during the semester.
Module 4: Title Page and Topic Summary (10 points)
Module 5: Title Page and Annotated Bibliography (APA format) (10 points)
Module 6: Title Page and Outline (10 points)
Module 7:
(1) Narrated PowerPoint presentation (25 points) AND
(2) Draft of paper (min of 50% complete) (10 points)
Module 8: Final paper due (100 points)
Final Capstone Paper:
For your capstone project, you will examine the justice or intelligence studies
issue or organization on the following topics:
1. Historical Context: To prepare for the future, we need to learn from the past.
Thus, in your project, you need to discuss the historical issues associated with
this issue or organization.
2. Current Issues: To effectively work in the field, you need to understand the
current issues; what is happening now (political issues, community issues, legal
issues, etc.). Thus, in your project, you need to discuss the current issues taking
place within or impacting your field of study.
3. Ethics: Discuss the ethical issues associated with your topic or organization.
4. Leadership: Analyze this issue or organization from a leadership perspective.
5. Courts: Identify any laws or legal issues that impact this issue or organization.
Examples of issues and organizations include the following (note: this is NOT a
comprehensive list):
1. Racial profiling
2. Mandatory sentencing
3. Drug courts
4. Hot spot policing
5. Crime reduction strategies
6. Goals of corrections
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7. Department of Homeland Security
8. Patriot Act
9. Use of social media in terrorist activities
10. Use of social media by law enforcement
11. Current trends in corrections
12. Public versus private correctional facilities
Research Criteria for your Paper
There are two options for your research:
1. Min of 10 scholarly or government sources
2. Min of 7 scholarly sources or government sources PLUS an interview with
someone who works in a practitioner role the field you are studying.
Meaning, this person must be in a position to have the knowledge to add to
your research.
Note: I strongly encourage you to pursue the interview. While you can learn a lot from
research, you will gain a much better understanding of the field through a personal
interview AND research.
With your Research, You will Create TWO Products:
1) NARRATED PowerPoint Presentation that is made up of 10-15 slides (your name
must be on the first slide, reference list at the end). Cite your sources in-text according
to the APA format.
[The PowerPoint presentation will be assessed based on the quality of the information
as well as the style of the slides (e.g. professional, pages not overly crowded, etc.)]
2) Research Paper: In addition to the PowerPoint slides, you must complete a 10-12
page paper (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins) that is a formal write-up of your
project. This paper must be written in APA format, including a Title Page, Abstract, and
References page (these three items will not be counted as part of the 10-12 page limit).
The body of the paper must include the following sections: Introduction with a clearly
defined thesis statement, Literature Review, Topics selected, Summary/Conclusion.
In both the PowerPoint presentation and formal paper, there is a need to include
theoretical/conceptual ideas, with an explanation of how those are connected to the
issues being discussed in the presentation and paper.
Required Readings
Stojkovic, D. K., & Klofas, J. (2012). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and
management. Boston, MA: Cengage.
This book is available through the NAU Bookstore, or it can be purchased directly
from the publisher (as a paper copy or as an e-book – visit Cengage for details).
The book also is available for rent from the publisher – use the link to
Cengage provided above.
Other readings will be posted in the learning modules within
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Blackboard Learn
Course Outline
Module 1 (Current Topics in Justice Administration and Intelligence Studies)
1. Review of APA formatting and effective writing
2. Student Program Goals
3. Discussion on Ethics
Module 2 (Ethics)
1. Review of ethical theories
2. Application of ethical theory to practice
3. Investigation into job opportunities
Module 3 (Leadership)
1. Review of leadership theory
2. Application of leadership theory to practice theory
Module 3 (Adjudication of Justice)
1. Review of the adjudication of justice process
2. Discussion of current issues
3. Case study paper due
Module 4 (Criminological and Crime Control Theories and Policies)
1. Review of criminological and crime control theories and policies
2. Application of theory to practice
3. Submit paper topic and title page (APA format)
Module 5 (Resources for Paper)
1. Comprehensive exam over modules 1-4
2. Annotated bibliography (APA format)
Module 6 (Submit Outline)
1. Submit an outline of your paper
Module 7 (Peer Review and Power Point)
1. Submit a draft of your paper (at least 50% complete) in the discussion board
2. Review drafts of two of your classmates and post comments
3. Submit PowerPoint
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4. Review power point from two of your classmates
Module 8 (Final Paper)
1. Capstone paper due by Friday at 11:59pm
Final grades will be based on the following activities:
Discussion Board Forum
Case Study Paper
Capstone Assignments
Capstone PowerPoint Presentation
Capstone Paper
60 points
25 points
40 points
25 points
100 points
250 points
A= 90-100%
B= 80-89.9%
C= 70-79.9%
D= 60-69.9%
F= 59.9% or less
Grading Rubrics
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
A- Postings will be (1) formatted correctly (paragraph form, proper spacing, etc.), (2)
submitted in a format that clearly articulates which question is being answered (highly
recommended that students use a question/ answer format), (3) use proper punctuation,
spelling and grammar, (4) reference course readings AND offer personal opinions (5)
include in-text and reference citations, and (6) fully address all questions asked in one
-Student will also respond to the postings of 2 other students.
B- Postings will be (1) formatted correctly (paragraph form, proper spacing, etc.), (2)
submitted in a format that clearly articulates which question is being answered (highly
recommended that students use a question/ answer format), (3) may have a couple
minor punctuation, spelling or grammar errors, (4) reference course readings AND offer
personal opinions (5) include in-text and reference citations, and (6) clearly address all
questions asked in one posting.
-Student will also respond to the postings of 2 other students.
C- Postings may (1) be formatted incorrectly, (2) be submitted in a format that fails to
articulate which question is being answered, (3) have several punctuation, spelling and/
or grammar errors, (4) be missing in-text or reference page citations or (5) have an
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insufficient number of in-text citation or personal comments.
-OR student may have responded to less than 2 postings from other students.
D- or Below- Student (1) fails to complete the assignment, (2) submits assignment with
numerous grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting errors or (3) incorrectly submits
assignment (i.e. fails to post discussion posting directly in textbox).
No Credit-Late assignment
Discussion Posting Etiquette
All course discussions are designed to provide a stimulating and collaborative learning
environment. In order to achieve this goal it is imperative that all participants be
courteous and respectful of the opinions and perspectives of others. Individual
opinions, especially pertaining to sensitive topics, can evoke powerful emotions. The
commitment that each of us makes in this class is to agree to disagree in a positive
environment, and to treat each person in a respectful manner. Disrespectful, hateful,
angry behavior and/or conversation will not be tolerated in this course.
Since this is an online course, discussions are held via the written word. Please be
mindful of the fact that written communication is different from face-to-face
communication and consider your words carefully. In written communication we lack
the ability to see non-verbal cues that help us place our verbal speech in context, and
without these non-verbal cues it makes it more difficult to determine the tone of the
writer, and sometimes the intent. Also, on occasion some people write statements that
they would not feel comfortable saying in a face-to-face conversation. Please take
these and other differences you have noticed into account when communicating in this
Any student who communicates inappropriately and over-steps the bounds of decorum
in this class will be given ONE warning that his/her written speech is unacceptable
behavior. If the behavior continues the person will not be allowed to participate in the
discussions and assignments. Should this happen that person would not receive credit
for any and all discussions and assignments missed as a result of his/her written
speech. Extra credit, make-up assignments and alternate assignments will not be
Paper Criteria:
1. All opinions must be supported by scholarly (which may also include government
resources) resources
2. Fulfill the assignment page length (note: the page requirement does not
including the title page, abstract or references page) (see the assignment
3. APA format
4. Use subheadings to separate the facts in your paper
5. Format your paper with a title page, introduction (with a clear thesis statement),
body, conclusion, and reference page
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6. Do not use long quotes, lists, or bullet points. You need to synthesize the
material into your paper.
7. Review the university policies on plagiarism
Module Paper Grading Rubrics
Unless otherwise noted, you must write these assignments as formal papers.
A- Papers will (1) be the assigned pages in length, (2) include a significant amount of
personal opinions and a significant number of references to course readings, (3) clearly
address case study assignment guidelines; (4) be written in a proper format (with an
introduction, conclusion, double spacing, 12-point font, paragraph form, etc.), (5) be free
of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, and (6) submitted in the correct format.
B- Papers will (1) be the assigned pages in length, (2) include a significant amount of
personal opinions and a significant number of references to course readings, (3) clearly
address case study assignment guidelines, (4) be written in a proper format (with an
introduction, conclusion, double spacing, 12-point font, paragraph form, etc.), (5) may
have a few minor be grammar, spelling, punctuation or formatting errors, and (6)
submitted in the correct format.
C- Papers may (1) be slightly less than assigned pages in length, but still clearly
addresses the case study guidelines, (2) include very few personal opinions and/or very
few references to course readings, (3) not include a fully developed introduction and
conclusion, and (4) may have some significant formatting issues several grammar,
spelling or punctuation errors. Note: Papers will be submitted in the correct format.
D- or Below- Paper (1) fails to fulfill the assignment requirements, (2) contains
numerous grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting errors, or (3) is submitted in an
incorrect format.
No Credit-Late assignment
Capstone Project Power Point Presentation Grading Rubric
 No Narration=F (0 points)---all slides must be narrated
 Interview counts as TWO sources. Thus, your presentation must reference FIVE
sources or THREE sources PLUS the interviewee.
1. Presentation includes 10-15 slides that address the assignment criteria
2. All assignment criteria are addressed and supported by scholarly or government
sources---no unsupported opinions and assumptions
3. Slides are well written with proper spelling, grammar, APA formatted citations,
and well organized
4. Narration is clear and conveys enthusiasm
5. Information on slides and narration are both accurate
6. Thorough analysis of facts
7. Reference the assigned number of sources
8. Student reviews at least one classmate’s presentation and offers substantive
feedback to advance the discussion
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1. Presentation includes 10-15 slides that address the assignment criteria
2. All assignment criteria are addressed and supported by scholarly or government
sources---no unsupported opinions and assumptions
3. Some slides may contain a few minor spelling, grammar or APA formatting errors
4. Some slides may lack full organization
5. At times, the narration may not be totally clear or it lacks enthusiasm
6. Information on slides and narration are both accurate
7. Thorough analysis of facts
8. Reference the assigned number of sources
9. Student reviews at least one classmate’s presentation and offers substantive
feedback to advance the discussion
1. Presentation includes 10-15 slides that address the assignment criteria
2. Some assignment criteria may not be thoroughly addressed or fully supported by
scholarly or government research---presentation may, at times, include
unsupported opinions
3. Some slides may contain several spelling, grammar and/or APA formatting errors
4. Some slides may lack full organization
5. At several points, the narration may not be totally clear or it lacks enthusiasm
6. Information on slides and narration are both accurate
7. Thorough analysis of facts
8. Reference the assigned number of sources
9. Student reviews at least one classmate’s presentation and offers substantive
feedback to advance the discussion
1. Presentation does not include 10-15 slides that address the assignment criteria
2. The majority of the assignment criteria may not be thoroughly addressed or fully
supported by scholarly or government research---presentation may, at times,
include unsupported opinions
3. Slides contain several spelling, grammar or APA formatting errors
4. Sides may lack full organization
5. At several points, the narration may not be totally clear or it lacks enthusiasm
6. Information on slides and narration lacks accuracy or clarity
7. Presentations lack a thorough analysis of facts (student simply recites readings,
as opposed to interpreting facts)
8. Assigned number of sources are not referenced in-text and in the reference page
9. Student fails to offer substantive feedback to one classmate’s presentation
Course Policies
1) This is an upper-division university course and, for many of you, one of your final
courses. As such, expectations will be set fairly high; a few guidelines in this regard:
 You are required to ensure that all papers are well written (words properly
spelled, complete sentences, etc.). Double-check your work before submitting
any assignment. Your answers and arguments should be well-organized, wellwritten, and demonstrate thoughtful reflection
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The use of outside sources for information that will enhance your ideas certainly
is welcome. However, there are a few “rules” that need to be followed:
 Outside information should be used to support/enhance your own
ideas. The activities in this course are designed for you to demonstrate
that you understand the materials and are able to explain that
understanding in your own words, and so direct quotes and
paraphrases from other authors should not take the place of your own
 If you use outside sources, including the case studies and assigned
readings, you must provide a proper citation (enough information to
allow the instructor to find the information you used) and use quotation
marks where appropriate. Please see the “Academic Integrity” section in
the NAU Policy Statements at the end of this syllabus. Plagiarism (see
the websites listed below) will result in a zero for an assignment, and
any additional instances will lead to further disciplinary measures. If you
have any questions on what constitutes plagiarism, please check with
the instructor.
 Visit the following websites:
 NAU’s Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Plagiarism
 NAU’s e-Learning Center site on academic integrity
2) Since this is an online course, any discussion and correspondence will be via the
written word. Please be mindful of the fact that written communication is different from
face-to-face communication and consider your words carefully. In written
communication, we lack the ability to see non-verbal cues that help us place our verbal
speech in context, and without these non-verbal cues it makes it more difficult to
determine the tone of the writer, and sometimes the intent. Also, on occasion some
people write statements that they would not feel comfortable saying in a face-to-face
conversation. Please take these and other differences you have noticed into account
when communicating in this class. Moreover, please recognize that ALL perspectives
and views are welcome in this class, with the exception of overtly offensive remarks and
writings which violate standards of academic pursuits and are intended to cause
discomfort to others.
3) Please be aware of the dates established by the Registrar’s Office regarding
administrative deadlines, such as the date by which to drop the course without it
appearing on your transcript and the deadline to withdraw from the course with a ‘W’
(without a petition).
4) Requests for Incompletes will only be considered for instances where extreme
“circumstances beyond the student’s control” prevent the student from completing
a relatively small portion of the course work; these circumstances must be verified
with written documentation for the request to be considered.
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Please click on this link (http://nau.edu/OCLDAA/_Forms/UCC/SyllabusPolicyStmts22014/) for a full presentation of NAU's Policy Statements. It is your responsibility to read
these policy statements and be familiar with the expectations listed therein.
NAU’s Academic Integrity Policy
Please review NAU’s Academic Integrity Policy, located at the following link:
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