Student Research: Ways to get involved

Research on Action
Action Research Team
Nick Eddington
Ways to Get Involved
Secular Students Alliance - a national organization whose mission is to “organize, unite,
educate, and serve students and student communities that promote the ideals of scientific and
critical inquiry, democracy, secularism, and human-based ethics.” They envision a future in
which nontheistic students are respected voices in public discourse. The Alliance’s goal is to
cultivate free thinking in a secular, nondiscriminatory fashion.
Contact Information: Website:
Contact Secular Students at
NAU Chapter Email:
Secular Coalition for America - a national group whose goal is augmenting the voice of the
“nontheistic community.” Located in Washington D.C., the Coalition advocates the rights of
nontheistic citizens and fights for the separation of Church and State. Currently, the Coalition is
taking action on issues such as Health and Safety, Tax Policy, Government Action, Education,
and Discrimination.
Contact Information: National Website:
Arizona branch:
American Atheists - advocates for the civil liberties and rights of atheists in America, and
campaigns for the absolute separation of church and state. American Atheists encourage secular
thought, perform community services locally, all while lobbying for equality.
Contact Information: Website:
Telephone: (908) 276-7300
Flagstaff Free Thinkers - is a community of “skeptics and nontheists” in Flagstaff who host
discussions, community events, volunteer opportunities, and overall a place for nontheists to
convene. Although the group is not overtly political, it does advocate for the separation of church
and state, and secularism.
Contact Information: Website:
Research on Action
Action Research Team
Nick Eddington
Ways to Get Involved
NAU Vintage Christian Fellowship – an NAU group that is committed to a Christian
Worldview that is fueled by loving Jesus Christ and our neighbor and sharing the Good News
with others. NAU Vintage Christian Fellowship meets every Sunday night @ 6:30pm in the
Du Bois Center at NAU, in the Southwest Room.
Contact Information: Website:
Telephone: (928) 607-1887
Family Research Council - a national organization located in Washington D.C. Their vision is a
culture in which human life is valued, families flourish and religious liberty thrives. Their
mission is to advance faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian
Contact Information: Website:
Telephone: (202) 393-2100
Global Jewish Advocacy – a global advocacy organization whose mission is to enhance the
well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values
in the United States and around the world. The nearest office is located in Los Angeles, CA.
Contact Information: National Website:
Los Angeles Website:
Los Angeles Telephone: (310) 282-8080
Regional Director: Rabbi Mark Diamond