ACNT 1382-0087, ACNT 2382-0059,
BUSG 2380-0018, BUSG 2381-0024,
Semester with Course Reference Number/CRN: Fall 2010 (62933), (62939), (58934),
Instructor Contact Information (phone number
And email address)
713-213-9925, lgragg@mcgriff.com
Office Location & Hours
818 Town & Country Blvd
M-F 8:00am/4:00 pm
Course Location/Times
Spring Branch Rm 214, Thur 6-7:00pm
Course Semester Credit Hours
Credit hours – 3.00; Lecture hours – 1.00
Total Course Contact Hours
16 plus 320 hours outside class
Continuing Education Units (CEU):
Not applicable
Course Length (number of weeks)
Type of Instruction
Lecture, Internship & Practicum
Course Description
Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization
offered through a cooperative between the college, employer, and student.
Under supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines
classroom learning with work experience. Directly related to a technical
discipline, specific learning objectives guide the student through the paid
work experience. This course may be repeated if topics and learning
outcomes vary.
Course Prerequisite(s)
Student must have completed and successfully passed at least onethird of the award being sought with a grade point average of 2.5.
Note: Co-op I is a prerequisite for Co-op II.
Frequent Requisites
 College Level Writing
 Departmental approval
College Level Reading
MATH 0312 (Intermediate Algebra)
Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
As outlined in the learning plan: Apply the theory, concepts, and skills involving
specialized materials, tools, equipment, procedures, regulations, laws, and
interactions within and among political, economic, environmental, social, and
legal systems associated with the occupation and the business/industry and will
demonstrate legal and ethical behavior, safety practices, interpersonal and
teamwork skills, and appropriate written and verbal communication skills using
the terminology of the occupation and the business/industry.
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO):
1. Student will be able identify career paths and opportunities.
2. Student will be able to identify skills needed to augment career
3. Students will obtain skills to transfer to four-year programs.
4. Students will be able to develop leadership skills for professional
5. Students will be able to identify values for today’s competitive
6. Students will be able to determine a timeline for professional growth.
7. Students will be able to develop career awareness
8. Students will be able to identify avenues for career exploration.
9. Students will be able to identify problems in the workplace for study.
10. Students will be able to develop solutions to workplace problems.
11. Students will be able to develop a network of employers and peers.
12. Students will be able to design a model for sharing information about
Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO)
Students will complete a written project proposal, an individual project, submit
weekly reports, coordinate site visits and provide a written summary/presentation
at the end of the semester.
1. The student must participate in all seminars, related work experiences.
2. Student must be employed for a minimum of 20 hours per week in a
career-related field, with a coop sponsor (usually the supervisor or
company representative).
3. Student must prepare a written proposal within the first 2 weeks of class
that includes development of a new learning experience that extends
beyond the normal work assignment. The student must state specific,
measurable and achievable learning objectives. These approved
objectives, along with input from the Coop instructor and Coop sponsor
will be used to measure and grade the cooperative work experience
participation and project.
4. Student must execute the proposed project over the course of the
5. Student must develop a detailed written report and final presentation to be
given on Week 15 of the class
6. Student must assist instructor on arranging at least one visit to the
employer’s location. The first visit will be arranged as soon as the work
project is approved by the instructor and Coop sponsor. The student will
need to provide specific instructions to the instructor on how to reach the
SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies:
Student will be able identify career paths and opportunities.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Student will be able to identify skills needed to augment career growth.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will obtain skills to transfer to four-year programs.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
4. Students will be able to develop leadership skills for professional growth.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to identify values for today’s competitive workforce.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to determine a timeline for professional growth.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to develop career awareness
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to identify avenues for career exploration.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to identify problems in the workplace for study.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to develop solutions to workplace problems.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to develop a network of employers and peers.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Students will be able to design a model for sharing information about findings.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Instructional Methods
In class lectures (face to face) and working with
individual supervisors of each employer to meet goals
Student Assignments
Students must set three goals with their employer to
be accomplished during the Spring semester. Each
student supervisor must agree and sign the
paperwork which must be approved and signed by
Instructor. All goals must stretch the student and
provide for additional job responsibilities and/or new
job related opportunities for the employer. Students
must complete Weekly activity reports outlining how
many hours and what task is being performed during
each day of the week.
Student Assessment(s)
Student will be able identify career paths and opportunities.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Student will be able to identify skills needed to augment career growth.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will obtain skills to transfer to four-year programs.
No assessments selected for this outcome
4. Students will be able to develop leadership skills for professional growth.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to identify values for today’s competitive workforce.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to determine a timeline for professional growth.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to develop career awareness
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to identify avenues for career exploration.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to identify problems in the workplace for study.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to develop solutions to workplace problems.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to develop a network of employers and peers.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Students will be able to design a model for sharing information about findings.
No assessments selected for this outcome
Instructors Grading Criteria
There are no exams for this course. Students will be
graded based upon:
Completion of all goals set with employer
Presentation of goals and accomplishment in
power point or written notes with oral
Notebook completion
Class attendance
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100- 90
B = 89 - 80:
4 points per semester hour
3 points per semester hour
C = 79 - 70:
2 points per semester hour
D = 69 - 60:
59 and below = F
1 point per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress)
0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit)
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to
receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To
compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester
hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.
See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale.
Instructional Materials
There are no textbooks for this class. Instructor will
lecture each class period on skills necessary to
improve business communication, set goals, how to
deal with difficult employees/co-workers, selfassessment for self-improvement, cultural differences
in the workplace, interviewing skills, how to prepare a
notebook, power point skills. However, Anderson,
Professionalism, Skills for Workplace Success 2nd
Edition, Pearson, ISBN 978-013-5063880 may assist.
HCC Policy statement:
It is the policy of the Dean of Workforce that an
Incomplete may be given only for extenuating
circumstances (i.e. family illness, accident, or an
unforeseen event occurring at final exam time)
Access Student Services Policies on their Web site: http://hccs.edu/student-rights
Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies
Access DE policies on their Web site:
http://hccs.edu/Distance Ed/DE Home/faculty resources/PDFs/DE Syllabus.pdf
Access CE Policies on their Web site :