Flexible Spending Accounts: , 2014, flex claims

Flexible Spending Accounts: Please remind your employees that beginning January 1st, 2014, flex claims
for Plan Year 2014 will no longer be processed by the Payroll Office. ADP, a third-party administrator
has been contracted to provide us with a debit card and to process our claims. If you still have not
received your debit card, please call Cheryl at 777-4423 and a card will be re-issued for you. By
registering at http://myspendingaccount.adp.com you will be able to set up direct deposit, submit
claims online and check your balance. Any address changes or direct deposit changes that you want to
be reflected on your Flex information must be done through http://myspendingaccount.adp.com. Your
2014 flex comp account details and balance information is now available on
http://myspendingaccount.adp.com , instead of Employee Self Service. If you have a balance remaining
in your 2013 flex account, those claims should still be submitted to Cheryl in the Payroll Office. Any
questions regarding your flex accounts can be referred to Cheryl at 777-4423.
Use or Lose Leave Adjustment: Employees that did not use a minimum of 40 hours of Annual Leave
(except employees hired in 2013) or had an Annual Leave balance in excess of 240 hours (prorated for
part-time), will see that their annual leave balance has been reduced on the January 31st check to meet
these requirements.
Retirement Contribution Increase: Effective with the January 31, 2014 paycheck the retirement
contributions for both the employee and employer will each increase by one percent of your gross
wages. This is a 2013 legislative change for the NDPERS Plan and the same increase will be made for
TIAA-CREF. The employee contribution will continue to be a pretax deduction.
Closures for PPE 01/31/2014: There were two closures that will affect the upcoming pay period. The
first started at 11:00PM January 15th and ended January 16th at 11:00PM. The second closure started at
4:00PM January 26th and ended January 27th at 7:00AM. Please keep these dates/times in mind when
filling out reporting forms.
Automatic Security Access Removal: An automatic process has been developed to automatically
remove an employee’s HRMS and Financials PeopleSoft access upon termination. Therefore,
departments no longer need to submit forms to request the deletion of HRMS or Financials access for a
terminated employee. The deletion occurs when the termination is entered into Peoplesoft, or the
date of termination, whichever is later. So, it is important that you submit your terminations, prior to
the date of termination, to insure that the access is removed in a timely manner.
Graduate Health Insurance: On the January 31st paycheck, departments will be billed for the spring
health insurance premium for all active graduate students that have requested health insurance. The
amount will be $737.00 for the entire cost of the graduate health insurance for the spring
semester. Additional Information: This payment for the graduate health insurance is taxable to the
graduate student, depending on their tax status. So, the student may see additional federal and state
withholding tax deducted from this check.
Floral Memorial Tribute Fund: Many years ago, a fund made up of employee voluntary contributions
was established for the purpose of sending a memorial tribute when an employee death or death in the
immediate family of a current University employee occurs. Although the original Faculty-Staff
Memorial Committee policy specified that flowers be sent, recent practice has been to send a green
plant. Supervisors are asked to contact Cheri Williams in the President’s Office at 777-2121 with the
pertinent information when a death occurs. If the funeral is out of state or not in the immediate vicinity,
a plant will be sent to the employee’s workplace.
Minnesota or Montana Residents:
The following was sent to Minnesota and Montana residents:
If you are NOT a tax resident of Minnesota or Montana, do not read any further. You do not need to
complete these forms.
If you have already completed an NDW-R form for 2014, you can disregard this message. This is a mass
MONTANA RESIDENTS: If you are a tax resident of Montana and you would like to request that North
Dakota tax not be withheld from your UND paychecks, you must complete an NDWR form each year
prior to February 15th. UND does not withhold Montana state tax.
MINNESOTA RESIDENTS: If you are a tax resident of Minnesota and you would like to request that
North Dakota tax not be withheld from your UND paychecks, you must complete an NDWR form each
year prior to February 15th. Upon completion of the NDWR form, Minnesota state tax will be withheld
instead of North Dakota state tax.
are required to complete a W-4MN if ONE OR MORE of the following apply to you:
Claim fewer Minnesota withholding allowances than your federal allowances (You cannot
claim more Minnesota allowances than federal allowances).
Claim more than 10 Minnesota allowances
Want additional Minnesota withholding deducted from your pay each pay period
Claim to be exempt from federal withholding or claim to be exempt from Minnesota
If you do not complete an NDWR form each year by February 15th, North Dakota tax will automatically
be withheld.
Return all completed forms to the Payroll Office- Twamley 312 or Stop 7127 – DO NOT SEND DIRECTLY
TO THE TAX COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE. Please be sure to sign your form and complete all boxes,
including wages earned in North Dakota last calendar year (wages earned from UND can be obtained
from the Self-Service website).
If you have questions you can call (701) 777-4227.