TECA 1303 Syllabus.doc

TECA 1303 Family, School, and Community
Spring 2011
Tuesday 7:00-10:00 PM
Jerri Tetrault M.ED ECE
jerritetrault@mdumc.org and jerritetrault@comcast.net
281-855-9134 or 713-425-6804 ext. 138
Course Description:
This course centers on the study of the relationships among children, families, the community and
educators. Students will explore such topics as parent education and involvement, family and
community lifestyles, current family life issues, and child abuse. They will also examine the
characteristics of functional and dysfunctional families, effective parenting techniques, and
research on parenting styles. The overarching goal of the course is to help future teachers at all
levels acquire the ability to communicate and interact with diverse parents and families.
Course Outcomes:
 Students will be able to discuss the significance of the ecological systems theory as it
relates to growth, development, socialization, and support of children.
 Students will demonstrate an awareness of family and cultural diversity and a philosophy
of family-centered partnering.
 Students will be able to describe plans or strategies childcare programs and schools use to
involve and/or establish positive collaborative relationships with families.
 Students will be able to identify community resources, agencies, and programs that
strengthen and/or support families.
 Students will demonstrate professional behavior and the ability to work effectively as a
member of a professional team toward a common goal and purpose.
Course Format:
Every effort will be made to employ a variety of instructional strategies in this course including
lecture, discussion, small group learning, and video/computer presentations. Students are
expected to actively engage in the class activities by asking questions, sharing perceptions, ideas,
concerns, and issues.
Required Text:
Berns, R. (2007). Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support. (8th ed.).
Thomson Learning.
Course Policies
All students are expected to have regular and punctual attendance in all classes. A sign-in sheet
will be distributed the first part of each class session to document both attendance and tardiness
(to be recorded by the instructor). Students who are absent more than 3 consecutive times and
more than 5 times over the entire duration of the semester will be administratively withdrawn
from the course by the instructor. Partial class session attendances will also be counted towards
the absence accumulation totals. If there are extenuating circumstances or a need for additional
support or assistance, please inform the instructor as soon as possible so that the appropriate
advisor, counselor, or other support service resources may be consulted. Note – Students who
have 2 or fewer absences starting the second week of class and ending the week prior to the
final will be eligible for the extra credit points.
Late Assignments:
Course assignments will be considered LATE if they are not received by the start of class on the
due date. No late assignments will be accepted.
Classroom Behavior:
Collegiality, mutual respect, and tolerance are expected of every student enrolled in this course.
The ability to work well with other people is an important characteristic in the team-oriented
workplace of today, in other words, we will maintain professionalism. Please use tact and
diplomacy in resolving conflicts, speaking to a classmate, and discussing issues or concerns with
the instructor. Any personal information about children and/or adults that is shared during class
sessions should not be discussed with others outside the classroom. We will maintain
Electronic Device Usage:
Although admittedly convenient, most modern technological devices are considered inappropriate
and distracting during class time. The use of cell phones, palm pilots, and other electronic devices
is prohibited during class. When you arrive at class please turn your cell phone or other electronic
devices to silence or vibrate. If you have an emergency, excuse yourself from class and take care
of your business. Note: if you have to leave class for emergencies it is your responsibility to
retrieve the information you missed.
Evaluation and Grading Scale:
 Two examinations will be given during the semester. Each exam will cover materials
presented in lectures, assigned readings, handouts, and videos. All of the tests will consist
of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer questions.
You are responsible for all class information and materials whether you are present or
not. Please arrange your schedule to arrive on time for the exams. These exams are worth
100 points each.
 Six other assignments will be used to determine the extent to which students have gained
the requisite knowledge and skills expected from the course. These assignments are
worth 460 points.
o Family Member Interview
(50 points)
o Parent Education Workshop
(100 points)
o Community Analysis Project (100 points)
o Community Resource Poster
(50 points)
o 16 hrs. of Field Experience
(60 points)
o Family Profile Project
(100 points)
A = an accumulation of 600-660 points D = an accumulation of 420-479 points
B = an accumulation of 540-599 points F = an accumulation of 419 or fewer points
C = an accumulation of 480-539 points
All students who have a documented, college-approved excuse for missing an assignment may
make up the assignment without any grade reduction or penalty. The assignment must be turned
in within two weeks of the original due date. Approved excuses include personal illness, a death
in the immediate family, and participation in official college functions. Students who are unable
to attend during an examination day should contact the instructor as soon as possible to
reschedule. Make-up examinations must be completed in a designated location approved by the
instructor within two weeks of the original date of the exam.
Extra Credit Opportunities:
Students, who have 2 or fewer absences by the end of the semester, will be eligible to complete
and submit one extra credit assignment worth an additional 25 points. Please consult with the
instructor on the type of extra credit assignments appropriate for this particular class. All extra
credit assignments must be turned by the date the final exam is administered.
Types of Extra Credit Assignments:
Create a community resource file with at least 25 entries. Each entry must be numbered
with the agencies contact information (name of agency, address, phone number, email
address if available, website if available). These are local not nationwide.
Attend a parent education event and write a two page report.
Conduct an internet search for at least 5 journal articles related to family issues and
parenting and give a brief summary of the article.
Watch a TV channel designated for children with a Youth rating and list the commercials
aired in a one hour period. Give your opinion as to whether or not these commercials are
age-appropriate and why or why not.
Go to the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s website and follow
the link under Information for Families. Write a two page report on what you found
inside this link.
Monitoring of Student Progress:
It is highly recommended that you keep backup copies of ALL of your submitted work and that
you keep all of your graded assignments until the final grades are posted. A space has been
provided on the syllabus for you to record your accumulated assignment points.
Please be aware that the First Alert/Early Warning form will be submitted to an appropriate
Academic Advisor and/or Counselor if the instructor notices a need for tutoring, study skills and
organization seminar, or a pattern of excessive absences or tardiness/early departures begins to
The content, exams, dates, and assignments presented in this course outline may be subject to
change by the instructor. Students will be appropriately notified in such case.
Description of Assignments
Note – Students are expected to do their own work on both in class and out of class assignments,
with the exception of any designated group projects. Any violation of this requirement as
determined by the instructor will result in “0” points given on that assignment. Please note that all
written work must be TYPED, DOUBLE-SPACED, IN 12 POINT FONT, 1” MARGINS, AND
PROOFREAD thoroughly for spelling and/or grammatical errors. Should you need additional
help with your writing skills, please visit the Learning Assistance and Tutoring Centers that are
available on campus. Do not submit any work in folders, fancy binders, or plastic covers. For
your own protection and personal grade records, be sure to MAKE A COPY OF ALL
Assignment #1
Personal Family Member Interview (50 points) – Part I
Contact an adult with at least one offspring, age range 6 mo. – 8 yrs., that can participate in this
assignment. Explain the nature of the class you are taking and the purpose of the assignment.
Take notes of the individual’s responses to the following questions then use the answers to later
write up your final report (Family Profile Project). You may ask any additional questions you like
but must include the following:
Part I: Questions about the adult’s family
1. Tell me about your family and your place in it.
2. What type of community did you grow up in, rural, urban, suburban, etc.? Give
specific examples to its classification.
3. Were you expected to go to school? When, where, how? Were you encouraged to go
to high school or college? Why or why not?
4. Were your parents involved in your schooling? If so how? If not why?
5. Did your family ever receive special services through health organizations, churches,
outreach programs or the government? If so what type? How was it administered?
What were your feelings about the program?
6. How did you meet members of the opposite sex and date or “court?” What “rules”
did you have to follow?
7. Were you or your family members involved in after-school activities? If not why? If
so what type of activities and who was involved?
8. What was your first job? How did you get your training for the job? What other jobs
did you have?
Assignment #2
Parent Education Workshop (100 points)
Working in groups of 3 or 4, you are to organize a teaching workshop/presentation on a topic or
issue of relevance to parents.
Suggestive topics include:
 Positive Discipline
 Toilet Training
 Developmental Milestones
 Accessing Community Resources
 Stress and Anger Management
 Handling Sibling Rivalry
 Basic Nutrition
 Supporting Language Development
 School Readiness
Play Curriculum
Children’s Emotional Development
Bullying Prevention
Your workshop should include:
 A flier announcing your workshop and its content, along with the target audience
 A 1-2 page handout or brochure of information for your fellow classmates
 Audio-visuals (PowerPoint presentation, booklets, poster, etc.) or other resources
 Each presentation can not extend over 30 minutes, but must be at least 20 minutes
Assignment #3
Community Analysis Project (100 points)
You will explore, research, and analyze the community (10 mile radius) surrounding your family
member interview. Using a variety of sources of data (e.g. http://www.citydata.com/zips/77003.html, www.census.gov, www.houstontx.gov) you will gather and present
information and statistics regarding the community’s population, socioeconomic status, area
businesses and industry, area religious institutions, cultural educational, and recreational
resources, and organizations or agencies, that provide services (health, emergency, family). You
should also discuss the challenges, issues, or needs of that community if any exist and how these
might impact the children.
You will present your information in a 2-3 page paper. Remember your paper should be typed,
double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 font, and proofread. Your paper will also have a bibliography for
your sources.
Attach grading rubric with your name to this assignment.
Assignment #4
Community Resource Poster Presentation (50 points)
Working in groups of 3 or 4, choose a community agency (501c3/nonprofit organization) that
provides preventive (recreation or supplemental education), supportive (health, economic,
counseling, protective), or rehabilitative (corrections, mental health, special needs) services to
children and their families. Conduct research to find out the answers to the following questions:
1. What problem does your agency attempt to solve or need does it address?
2. What is the history of your agency?
3. What is the purpose or mission statement of your agency? What are its goals?
4. How is this agency funded?
5. What types of services or activities are provided by the agency?
6. How many persons (or families, children, etc.) does it impact?
Once you have collected as much data as possible through personal visits, review of websites, and
the reading of brochures or pamphlets, create a creative but also informative poster presentation
using a portable 3-sectioned display board. Each presentation should be at least 20 minutes, but
no more than 30 minutes.
Assignment #5
16 hrs. of field experience completed (60 pts.) & Part II of Family Interview
Part II: Questions about the adult’s nuclear family
9. What is the highest level of education you and/or your spouse has attained?
10. What is your socio-economic level?
11. What are your family’s strengths?
12. What are your family’s weaknesses?
13. Has your family ever received special services through health organizations,
churches, outreach programs or the government? If so what type? How was it
administered? What were your feelings about the program?
14. Are you raising your children differently from the way your parents raised you? In
what ways?
15. Is the child, involved in this study, considered by the parent an easy child, a slow to
warm child, or a difficult child? Why?
16. Are you considered an authoritative, authoritarian or laissez-faire parent? Why?
17. Does your child play with other children? If so, where and when? If not, why?
18. Does your child attend school, pre-school or any other organized group activities?
19. What is your attitude about your neighborhoods public school district?
20. What do you think of the children of today? Are they more or less prepared for the
educational demands of our public school system?
21. What goals do you have for your child?
22. What else would you like to share with me?
Assignment #6
Family Profile Project (100 points)
Refer to the Child Development Department’s handout and rubric.
Attach grading rubric with your name to this assignment.