Houston Community College Department of Biology Biology 2402 Anatomy and Physiology-CRN 56049 Spring Semester 2011 Course Instructor: H. Howard-Lee Block, Ph.D. Credit Hours: Four (4) Course Meetings: Lecture: 5:30 – 8:30PM Thursday Lab: 5:30 -- 8:30 PM Tuesday Email Address: hlblock@pvamu.edu *Office Hours: By Appointment Required Text: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Tortora and Derrickson 12th edition Laboratory Manual: Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: 3rd Edition 1998. Robert Keating and Vernonn Wiersema Reference Textbooks: 1.) Human Physiology (From Cells to Systems, 4th. Edition), L. Sherwood 2.) Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th Edition, A.C. Guyton, J.E. Hall 3.) Human Physiology, 4th Edition 2003, Rhoades/Pflanzer 4.) Human Physiology, 3rd Edition 2003 (An Integrated Approach) D. Silverthorn, Course Overview: This is a lecture/laboratory course in anatomy and Physiology. The study of anatomy and physiology is essential to understanding the human body. Lectures and laboratory exercises have been designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of human structure and function. Anatomy and Physiology Part II will focus on the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system and immunity, the respiratory and digestive system, sensory, motor and integrative systems, the special senses and the endocrine and urinary systems. This is an introductory course and will serve as a foundation for students pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. The text for this course is comprised of twenty nine chapters, which have been divided into five units. Lecture material for BIOL _2402________ will cover material(s) from parts of unit 3 and units 4 and 5. Unit 3: Emphasis is placed on the control systems of the human body. Unit 4: Chapters in this unit are concerned with the systems that provide maintenance of the human body Unit 5: Chapters in this unit are concerned with continuity in The human body. Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the important components of blood and major functions of blood. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the composition and functions of plasma. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics and functions of red blood cells and white blood cells. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the recycling system for wornout or damaged erythrocytes. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the location and general features of the heart. 6. Demonstrate the ability to trace the flow of blood through the heart, identifying the major blood vessels, chambers and heart valves. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of how to identify the electrical events of a normal electrocardiogram. 8. Demonstrate knowledge of the major arteries and veins and the area they serve. 9. Demonstrate knowledge of blood pressure regulation. 10. Demonstrate knowledge of the body’s non-specific defenses. 11. Demonstrate knowledge of the lymphatic system and immunity. 12. Demonstrate knowledge of the organs of the digestive system and the functions of the digestive system. 13. Demonstrate knowledge of metabolism. Additional Information: Cell Phones are very distracting and are not allowed in the classroom at Houston Community College. My e-mail address is listed on the syllabus; your e-mail will be answered in a timely manner. As an Adjunct Professor, I am not available during regular operational hours. Therefore, I am available after class for appointments or meetings. Disability (ADA) Houston Community College has provided the least restrictive environment for all students. We strive for excellence in providing equity for all students through accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section 504 and the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA), this act enables students with disabilities to benefit from all post-secondary activities. If you require any accommodation because of physical, mental or learning disability, please contact the Dean for Student Services who will provide you with the forms you need to request accommodations. Please turn these forms in to the Professor at the beginning of the class to arrange for those accommodations. Grading: The final letter grade for this course will reflect each student’s performance on the following: 1) 2) 3) Three (3) Lecture Exams Laboratory Quizzes/Exercises (Averaged to one test grade) Final Exam Academic Honesty: Cheating during an exam will result in an automatic zero (0) for that exam. Dishonesty is grounds for dismissal from HCC. Make-up Exams: Make-up exams will only be given after receiving a validated excuse. The instructor will schedule all make-up exams. Failure to take the make-up exam on the scheduled date (for any reason) will result in a zero for that exam (no exceptions). Grading Scale: 90 – 100 89 - 80 A B 79 - 70 C 69 - 60 D 59-0 F Unit 4 (Tentative Schedule) Week Day Lecture Topic Jan 19 Sat. Orientation 26 Sat. Chapter 19 and 20 Feb 2 Sat. Chapter 20 9 Exam Chapters 19 and 20 17 23 Chapter 21 Mar 1 Chapter 21 and 22 Exam Chapters 21 and 22 Mar 8 Chapter 23 15 Chapter 24 22 Mar 29 Chapter 25 Exam Chapters 23-25 Apr 5 Chapter 16 12 19 Chapter 17 28 Chapter 26 May 5 Chapter Exam chapters 25 - 26 Final exam