Zhao Wu 50024849 Answer: The story is still about me buying a car. The Player: Me(Zhao Wu), the seller(M) Sequences of moves: The seller moved first and I responded to her. She said if I could accept the original price, she would gave me a set of new snow-tyres. Options for Me: I can either accept the seller’s suggestion or I could choose not to have snow-tyres so that I could beat the price. Objectives: The seller wanted to sell her car and the snow-tyre in a relatively high price. I wanted to spend as little as I could. Information: Complete Vs Incomplete. I knew that the seller wanted to sell both the car and the snow-tyres but she wasn’t sure if I would only buy the car or buy both. Time: One-shot Equilibrium: I knew that winter in Buffalo is terrible and I am sure I would need a set of snow-tyres. After comparing the price with other cars and snow-tyres, I thought the original price would be reasonable for both the car and the snow-tyres. At last, I bought the car without beating the price and got a new set of tyres and the seller saved her time for selling tyres. Answer: I am interested in Game Theory so that I think I like most parts of IE675 class. But I would like to give one suggestion that more examples should be given when there are some abstract and complex formulations and conceptions. Zhao Wu 50024849 Answer: We can see the feasible area with the constraints from the picture below. We can see that 0 x1 10 and 0 x2 5. 2 (a) U1= x1 x2 First, from the three constraints for three inequality, we can have x2 5substitute (1) into U1 so that we could get: 2 U1= x1 x2 1 3 x1 5 x12 2 We can see the graph of 1 3 x1 5 x12 function as below. 2 1 x1 (1) and we 2 Zhao Wu d ( 50024849 1 3 x1 5 x12 ) 3 20 1 3 2000 2 x1 5 x12 = , x12 10 x1 0 x1 2 27 dx1 2 3 Because x2 5- 1 5 x1 x2 2 3 So the maximum point should be( 20 5 2000 , ), the maximum value of U1 should be . 3 3 27 (b) U2=2 x1 + x2 Similarly, we can have x2 5U2=2 x1 + x2 1 x1 (1) and we substitute (1) into U1 so that we could get: 2 3 x1 5 2 We can see the graph of 3 x1 5 as below: 2 Zhao Wu 50024849 3 x1 5 gets its maximum value 20 when x1 =10. 2 1 Because x2 5- x1 x2 0 2 Obviously, So the maximum point should be(10,0), the maximum value of U1 should be 20. (c) U3=min( x1 ,3 x2 ) Similarly, we have: 3 x2 15 Let x1 15 3 x1 2 3 x1 x1 6 3x2 6 2 Now we have U3=min(6,6)=6 If x1 decreases, then obviously U3 would decrease too; If x1 increases, then 3x2 would decrease and smaller than 6. So we can draw the conclusion that the maximum point should be(6,2), the maximum value of U1 should be 6. Answer: In order to find the global minimum and global maximum, we can calculate the derivative of f ( x ) and then we get f '( x) as below: f '( x) ( Vx (Vx) '( x d ) ( x d ) '(Vx) dV x) ' 2 xd (x d ) ( x d )2 Zhao Wu 50024849 Then we calculate the derivative of f '( x ) and we get f ''( x) as below: f ''( x) 2dV ( x d )3 <0 We know that f ( x ) gets its maximum or minimum when f '( x ) =0. So we would have f '( x) ( or x Vx (Vx) '( x d ) ( x d ) '(Vx) dV dV x) ' 0 x d 2 2 xd (x d ) (x d ) dV d (which obviously contradicts with the given condition) We can also see from f ''( x) 2dV ( x d ) 3 0 that when x dV d , f ( x) would get its maximum. (a) Under no conditions would f ( x ) get its global minimum f ''( x) 2dV ( x d )3 0 . (b) When x dV d 0 , that means V d , we can have global maximum. * (c) Global maximum point x dV d (when V d ) Global maximum value f ( x ) V d 2 dV * because Zhao Wu dV * (d) 1.For x i) 50024849 d About d V x* dV d ( d * When x dV 2 V )2 4 d 0 d V V So we can know that when d increases from (0 , 2 ] , x* will increase; V When d increases from ( 2 , V ] , x* will decrease. The picture below shows an example. Assuming that V, β don’t change and let V/ β =10. We can see the graph of function x* ii) dV d About V x* dV d * It is obviously that when V increases, x will increase too. Zhao Wu 50024849 About β iii) x* dV d It is obviously that when βincreases, x* will increase too. 2.For f ( x ) V d 2 dV * i) About d Let t= d , then f ( x* ) V t 2 2 V t V (t 2 2 V t V ) V (t V )2 ( d And We know that to make sure the global maximum exists, we must have means d V V d Then we can draw the conclusion that: When d increases from (0, When d gets bigger than V V ] , f * ( x ) will decrease; , f * ( x ) won’t exist. ii) About V Let t= V , then f ( x* ) V d 2 Vd (t d )2 (V d )2 Because V d ,so Decrease when V increase from When d 1 , then f * ( x ) will ( d , d ] ; Increase when V increase from ( ( d , ) When d 1 ,then f * ( x ) will increase when V increase from [ d , ) iii) About V which )2 Zhao Wu Let t ,then f ( x* ) V dt 2 2 Vdt V d (t 2 2 V V V 2 V 2 t ) V d (t ) d( ) d d d d Similar to problem d-i, To make sure the global maximum exists, we must have Then we can draw the conclusion that: When increases from (0, V ] , f * ( x ) will decrease; d When gets bigger than V , f * ( x ) won’t exist. d Answer: (a) T={1,2,3,4} St {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 , S6 , S7 , S8} A1,1 {(1, 2), (1,3), (1, 4)} A2,2 {(2,5), (2, 6)}; A3,2 {(3,5), (3, 6), (3, 7)}; A4,2 {(4, 7)}; A5,3 {(5,8)}; A6,3 {(6,8)}; A7,3 {(7,8)}; A8,4 50024849 V d Zhao Wu 50024849 r1 (1,1) a r1 (1, 2) 3 r1 (1,3) 4 r2 (2,1) 3 r2 (2, 2) 5 r2 (3,1) 5 r2 (3, 2) 6 r2 (3,3) 2 r2 (4,1) 2 r3 (5,1) 1 r3 (6,1) 2 r3 (7,1) 6 r4 (8, 0) 0 Pt ( j / st , a) is not given, but we know that jS Pt ( j / st , a ) =1 (b)i.Set t=4 and u *(4,8) 0 Since t 1, set t=4-1=3 u3 *(5) 1 u4 *(8) 1 , u3 *(6) 2 u 4 *(8) 2 , u3 *(7) 6 u4 *(8) 6 A5,3 * (5,8) , A6,3 * (6,8) , A7,3 * (7,8) ii. Since t 1, set t=3-1=2 u2 *(2) max{3 u3 *(5),5 u3 *(6)} max{4,7} 7 , u2 *(3) max{5 u3 *(5),6 u3 *(6), 2 u3 *(7)} max{6,8,8} 8 , u2 *(4) max{2 u3 *(7)} max{8} 8 Optimal Action Sets: A2,2 * (2, 6) , A3,2 * {(3, 6),{3, 7)} , A2,2 * (4, 7) iii. Since t 1, set t=2-1=1 u1 *(1) max{a u2 *(2),3 u2 *(3), 4 u2 *(4)} max{a 7,11,12} When a 7 12 a 5 , u1 *(1) a 7 ,Optimal Action Sets: A1,1* (1, 2) When a 7 12 a 5 , u1 *(1) 12 ,Optimal Action Sets: A1,1* (1, 4) Since t=1, Stop. Conclusion: The optimal solution would be 1-2-6-8 1-4-7-8 if a 5 if 0 a 5