Gig for Geek Available


Gig for Geek Available

Replace with your Job Title: one line-description of job, e.g., “Create

E-shopping Portal for Widgets Inc.”


Employer: <your name or company name>

Proposed Start Date: <when you’d like to begin, e.g., “ASAP”

Desired Completion Date: <could be “open” or some specific date>

Estimated hours/week commitment: <could give a range>

Salary Range: <be as concise as possible. For all but most basic jobs, I’d say you need to start at

$12/hr. Good programmers won’t be interested for less than $16/hr.>


Job Details:

Give a careful concise outline of your job and it's key challenges/features.

Also mention specifically the hardware/OS you need the product to run on (e.g. a standard Dell box running WindowsXP, a Sun Solaris server, etc), as well as what technologies you'd like to use (PHP, database backend, Coldfusion, etc.). If you don't know the answers to these issues, state this explictly, e.g. "candidate will help determine appropriate hardware/software to implement the project".


Conditions: <Any extra info or conditions you need to explain, e.g. “Work at home on your own time” or “Work at company office for fixed hours every week.”

Anticipated Skills Required: <if you know these, outline them here>

Contact Info: <give your name, email, and phone number>
