Houston Community CollegeCollege BIOl 2402 – 73388 Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture/Lab schedule Fall Semester 2015 (Tentative and sybject to change at the Professor’s discretion) General Syllabus INSTRUCTOR: Hyginus I. Chukwu Ph. D., PHONE: (713) 718-6803 E-mail: hyginus.chukwu@hccs.edu TIME: Lecture: Lab: 4 M 02.00 pm – 05.00 pm RM. 525 W 02.00 pm – 05.00 pm Rm. 512 Credit hours DESCRIPTION A study of the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis will be given to the study of cells and tissues and anatomical and physiological interrelationships of the cardiovascular, Digestive, Respiratory, reproductive, excretory and lymphatic systems. Designed primarily for students entering health careers. PURPOSE This course is the second half of a two-semester course which will help to satisfy human anatomy and physiology requirements for pre-medical, predental, and other health related programs. PREREQUISITE None, Anatomy and Physiology I. 1 . Page 2 BIO 2402 ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II TEXTBOOK Reqd. Visual Anatomy & Physiology, (2nd Ed.) By Martini et, al LAB MANUAL: Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual by Keating and Merit Suggested: A guide to A&P lab (2nd ed.) by Tom G. Rust . BIO 2402 ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I RULES 1. Class attendance is required. Students with four (4) unexcused cuts may result in administrative withdrawal from the class. 2. Smoking is not allowed in the class or lab. 3. Make-up examinations must be pre-approved by the instructor. There must be a valid documented reason for a make-up exam. If no valid reason can be substantiated, then a score of zero is issued for that exam. The maximum grade for a make-up test is a B. All makeup exams must be taken within 7 days 4. Every student is required to do his/her own lab work. On occasion group efforts is encountered in the lab. Individuality will be looked for in lab reports. 5. Students must observe the laboratory safety rules. 6. Cheating is not allowed. Any cheating encountered will cause the student to be subject to administrative action and a grade of F will be given for the course. 2 GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Class and laboratory attendance is required. Students with 3 or more absences are eligible for administrative withdrawal. Tardiness? Be present for the class or laboratory session as close as possible to the scheduled starting time. The time of arrival is particularly important for Laboratory as instructions are provided concerning the activities for the session. If you are late, particularly during lecture, enter the room and quietly take a seat to avoid disrupting the class. 2. Exams: Students are expected to participate in all scheduled examinations. If a student misses a scheduled lecture exam for whatever reason, the makeup exam will be conducted the last week of the semester. The format of the examination will differ (i.e. fewer questions, true-false and matching questions) from the objective format of the scheduled examination. If a student arrives late for a scheduled examination they will have only the time remaining from the official start of the exam. Should a student arrive at the examination after the first examinee has turned in the test materials, they will have to take an alternate examination. Laboratory examination make-ups will be determined on an individual basis. 3. LABORATORY. Students are expected to abide by the rules of safety at all times during the laboratory exercises. Students work in groups during the laboratory sessions, but individual participation is expected in completion of laboratory reports. These reports are to be completed and turned in at the following laboratory session or when requested. A grade will be given for each report. To encourage timely submission of laboratory reports points will be deducted if they are turned in at the time of the laboratory examination. 4. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY DURING EXAMINATIONS. A verbal warning will be promptly issued if dishonesty is suspected with a possible F entered for the test grade. If it should become a chronic and persistent problem the student will be advised to withdraw from the course. 5. STUDENT CONDUCT. Abusive language or disruptive behavior by a student(s) will not be tolerated. If such situations arise, Spring Branch Security will be immediately notified and an appropriate action taken. Absolutely no talking in the class without permission. No hugging with the Professor. 6. Note: Student handbook-Important information for all students that is available on the Houston Community College web site. Also contains the mission statement of the Houston Community College. 7. Turn off all pagers and cell phones in the class and laboratory. Laptops can only be used by permission of the professor. These instruments are distracting to others in the room and may interfere with cardiac pacemakers. 8. DISABILITIES. Students with disabilities should consult with the Disability Counselor as soon as possible so that an accommodation plan can be drawn up and implemented. 3 9. Available for academic advisement. 10. TASP. All students must have taken the TASP test or similar examination before attempting any college level credit hours. If you have not been tested see the counselor immediately. 11. CORE CURRICULUM. Essential to the learning process are six basic intellectual competencies. Among the objectives covered in this course the following components will be addressed such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking and computer literacy. 12. * If a student lacks the prerequisite for this course they should meet as soon as possible with the Instructor to determine the exact status of this situation. *Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System - EGLS3 At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. GRADING 1. Grading Scale: 90 - 100 A 80 - 89.9 B 65 - 79.9 C 50 - 64.9 D <50 F 2. There will be 5 lecture exams and 2 lab a. Four Major lecture examinations. b. One final comprehensive exam c. Two lab exams 2. All Exams carry equal weight. (100%) ie. Exam 1 Chapters 18, 19, 20. 100 % Exam 2 Chapters 21, 22, 23 100 % Exam 3 Chapters 24, 26, 28 100 % Exam 4 Chapters 25, 27, 29 100 % Final Exam will be comprehensive 100 % Two lab exams 50% each 100% The average of six exams will be the final letter grade No make up for missed lab practical No grade will be dropped 4 *NOTE: Your records for all exams (scantrons, lab reports, lab exams, bonus papers, etc) will be kept for only one semester. You may review your records at any time during the semester. After one semester (about 4 months) all exam records will be destroyed. Lab reports (lab books) will be returned to the students on the final exam day after they have been graded. They must be picked up within one semester; after that the remaining will be recycled. Absolutely no hugging of the Profesor. Violation of this rule will be severly delt with. 5