ENGLISH 1302 (80352, 80721, 80722) SPRING 2014 Instructor Dr. Jeffrey Waller “Office hours”: Lunch, before and after school, and by appointment Email: jwaller@houstonisd.org Learning Web: http://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/jeffrey.waller Required Texts Holt McDougal Literature: British Literature Lady Audley’s Secret (Mary Elizabeth Braddon) Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller) Pygmalion (George Bernard Shaw) Hamlet (William Shakespeare) Materials Loose-leaf notebook paper Pens (blue or black ink) and #2 pencils Grade Breakdown 15% 15% 25% 10% 15% 10% 10% Poetry Essay Bibliography/Research Paper Proposal Research paper on Lady Audley’s Secret Midterm Exam Drama Essay on Death of a Salesman Journals, quizzes, etc. Final Exam