Psychology Southwest College PSYC 2301-78/79 - Introduction to Psychology Instructor: Office hours: By appointment CRN: 64878 / 64876– Spring 2011 Semester Alief Rm B111| Monday/Wednesday 5:30-7pm & 7–8:30pm (3-Hour Lecture/ 48 hours per semester/ 16 weeks) HCC Psychology Model Course Syllabi ( Jan. Feb. Date Topic 19-24 Science of Psychology/ Research methods 26-31 Biopsychology / 2-7 Sensation and Perception 3 9 *EXAM 1 (Ch: 1, 2, 3) TEST DAY 14-16 Basic Principles of Learning 5 21 Presidents Day holiday (No class) No Class 23-28 Memory 6 Lifespan Development 9 9 *EXAM 2 (Ch: 5, 6, 9) TEST DAY 14-20 Spring Break No class 21-23 Gender and Sexuality 10 28-30 Personality 11 Social Psychology 12 11 *EXAM 3 (Ch: 10, 11, 12) TEST DAY 13-18 Stress, Health and Coping 20,25,27 Psychological Disorders/Therapies 14/15 2 *EXAM 4 (Ch: 13, 14, 15) TEST DAY 4 Final Exam Review 9/11 Departmental FINAL EXAM Mon. 5:30/Weds.7:30pm March 2-7 April 4-6 May Chapters Discuss written assignment (Drop date Apr 14th 4:30pm) 1 2 13 (All Chapters) PSYC 2301 – page 2 Changes will be made to this syllabus as we progress through the semester. You will be informed through class announcements. The Psychology Intro 2301 workbook is online on the psychology homepage for download. Please refer to the Learning web. TEXTBOOK & SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Hockenbury, D. H., & Hockenbury, S. E. (2010). Psychology (5th ed.). New York: Worth. Textbook Publishers Website: Learning Website: Assessments and Course Requirements: Written assignment 20% of your final grade 3 Class Exams 60% of your final grade Final Exam 20% of your final grade Test will consist of multiple-choice items. Most will be selected from the text, but may come from class activities, lectures, and the study guide. You must provide scantron forms (Green 882-E). All Answers are final, I will not change your mistakes. The comprehensive Departmental Final exam will be 100 multiple-choice questions. The following will be used in calculating the student’s midterm and final grade. The scores earned on four (4) exams given during the semester will be totaled with the 4 papers, and other extra credit assignments. The comprehensive final is on July 8th at 10am. Grades are assigned according to the following point scale: Course Requirements Exam #1 Exam #2 Exam #3 Exam #4 [Drop the lowest grade of exams 1-4] Final Exam Written Assignment (4 x 25) TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points = 100 points 100 points 500points A = 450 – 500, B = 400 – 449, C = 350 – 399, D = 300 – 349, < 300 = F A= 90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F=below 60%. HCC Policy Statement – ADA Services to Students with Disabilities Students who require reasonable accommodations for disabilities are encouraged to report to Dr. Becky Hauri, ADA Counselor, at 713.718.7910 to make necessary arrangements. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations by the Disability Support Service Office. PSYC 2301 – page 3 Written Assignments- Internet Articles and Summaries (20% of grade / 100 points each) You will complete four (4) written assignments during the semester (each assignment is worth 25 points). One written assignment will be submitted on/before the date of each test. All assignments must be typed and submitted on time. Hand written and/or late papers will NOT be accepted!!! Please note that written assignments and tests are separate components of your grade. Therefore, if you choose (or must) miss a test; please arrange to turn in the written assignment on or before the due date (test day). DO NOT email or put these assignments in my mailbox. They will not be graded. Remember 4 papers x 25 points each = 100 points! Each summary is to be a maximum of one double-spaced typed page (do not go over one page or points will be deducted). An APA style cover sheet must be included that contains the following information: Your name, Title of paper, Name of Institution, Date, and Course information. Include a separate page at the end for your references. The purpose of the written assignments is to give you practice in using the internet to research information in the field of psychology. For each paper you are to choose an internet article on any subject/topic covered in the assigned chapter or reading material for the next test. Write a one page summary of the article. Choose an article on a topic or subject that is of personal interest to you and that is related to the assigned chapters or reading material. In each summary, make sure you answer the following questions: (5 points off if incorrect). 1. Why did you choose this article? 2. What is the article about and how is this article relevant to assigned chapters or readings? (Use a few references, quotes, text book page numbers, etc.) 3. What did you learn that is meaningful to you? Your Internet article MUST be included (10 points off if not). Criteria for grading papers: (5 pts. each) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thorough- follows ALL instructions including 2 APA references. Accuracy- paper reflects the internet article correctly Coherent & readable- clear and easy to understand Concise & brief- stay within page limit Grammar & spelling- self explanatory ***An average college level paper is a “C” (15pts). For an “A” (25pts.), this paper must be wellwritten and very interesting. Papers are due within first 5 min. of test day. Late papers not accepted. *Class attendance equals class success. Your final grade may depend on attendance.