3D Sensor Studies at New Mexico Sally Seidel for Martin Hoeferkamp, Igor Gorelov, Elena Vataga, and Jessica Metcalfe University of New Mexico Sally Seidel 1 Introduction • We have characterized 3D sensors of pitch 200 µm × 100 µm. • We report probe station based studies of depletion voltage, leakage current, electrode capacitance, capture time, and signal rise time, supported by simulations • The devices: non-irradiated and irradiated (1014, 2×1014, 1015 cm-2 55-MeV-p), unannealed, from Sherwood Parker. Sally Seidel 2 Equipment • • • • • • • • • Picoprobe Model 35 (26 GHz bandwidth, 14 pS rise time, 0.05 pF capacitance) Picoprobe Model 12 (500 MHz bandwidth, 0.8 nS rise time, 0.1 pF capacitance) Kentech APG1 Pulser (300 pS pulse width) Tektronix 7254B Oscilloscope (2.5GHz bandwidth) 1064 nm, 960 nm, 820 nm IR lasers, 12GHz Photoreceiver Cascade REL-6100 semiautomatic probestation Micromanipulator HC-1000 Thermal Chuck (-60C) Peltier Thermal Chuck (-20C) Eichhorn+Hausmann MX203 wafer thickness and flatness gauge Sally Seidel 3 3D Sensor Configuration • Configuration of the devices: <100> p-type silicon. – Alternating columns of n- and p-electrodes – Most electrodes are connected together along each column – Some electrodes are left isolated, to be contacted and measured individually • Layout dimensions: 200 mm x 100 mm spacing, 17 mm electrode diameter, 121 mm electrode length. • Top view layout Sally Seidel 4 Electrode Leakage Current • Measured leakage current versus fluence: • Prior to irradiation, the n-electrodes are shorted together by a surface electron layer. Sally Seidel 5 Electrode Depletion Voltage • Pixel cell depletion voltage measured via LCR meter: • Pixel cell depletion voltage measured via pulse height: Sally Seidel 6 Array Depletion Voltage • To test the entire device, we completely flood the 3D sensor with a uniform 1064 nm laser spot and scan the bias voltage above full depletion. • Photo with IR filter of laser illuminating the sensor: Sally Seidel 7 Array Depletion Voltage • Array depletion measured from signal efficiency (pulse height relative to the maximum for the non-irradiated device) versus bias: • Result: very low values of depletion voltage for the entire sensor array, • Vdepletion ~ 15V for non-irradiated sensor • Vdepletion ~ 60V for sensor irradiated to 2x1014 • Vdepletion ~ 130V for sensor irradiated to 1x1015 Sally Seidel 8 Electrode Capacitance • Electrode capacitance using standard (HP4284A) LCR meter techniques • Electrode capacitance versus fluence, type, and frequency: Fluence (cm-2) (55-MeV-p) 0 0 2×1014 2×1014 1×1015 1×1015 type p n p n p n Electrode 10 71 59 96 72 98 91 Frequency (kHz) 100 1000 58 46 38 32 69 53 72 62 70 55 80 60 Sally Seidel 9 Electrode Capacitance • Electrode capacitance versus temperature and frequency: Sally Seidel 10 Electrode Capacitance • Direct measurement is checked by indirect measurement through signal decay time : Pulsed1064 nm and +Vbias 960 nm Laser Gnd PICOPROBE 35 To Oscilloscope R= 1.25M • • • • • C=.05pF Indirect measurement using decay time of IR pulse on an isolated electrode. Electrode is grounded through input impedance of a Picoprobe 35. The IR laser induced charge is collected. When the laser is turned off the signal decay follows an exponential with a time constant = R*(C+C3D) , referred to here as RC time constant. C3D is extracted from the decay time constant using values of probe resistance and capacitance. Sally Seidel 11 Electrode Capacitance • Performed at different bias voltages, using the procedure of Parker et al., Proc. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Oct 2001, p. 1635: Isolated electrode grounded through the 1.25 MΩ input impedance of the picoprobe. T = 0 when the laser is turned off. After the light emission ends and the charge is collected, the pulse height follows an exponential of time constant 177 ns. Averaging the values for 50 V to 100 V gives a p-electrode capacitance of 91.6 fF. Irradiated 2×1014 cm-2 55-MeV-p sensor p-electrode • Decay Curves, 3D sensor irrad 2x1014 55MeVp 0.2 0.15 100V, tau=177nS 90V,tau=176.5nS 80V,tau=177nS Capacitance (fF) Pulseheight (AU) 0.25 Capacitance, 3d Irrad 2x1014 cm-2 55MeVp 70V,tau=177nS 60V,tau=177.4nS 50V,tau=183.5nS 0.1 40V,tau=198nS 30V,tau=198nS 0.05 20V,tau=207nS 10V,tau=231nS 0 0.E+00 0V,tau=252nS 1.E-07 2.E-07 3.E-07 4.E-07 5.E-07 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Bias Voltage (V) Time (S) Sally Seidel 12 Electrode Capacitance • A summary of the capacitance versus fluence for a p- and an n-electrode using the direct capacitance measurement technique and for the p-electrode using the indirect measurement technique. The indirect measurement gives about a 50fF higher result. Sally Seidel 13 Electrode Capacitance Calculation • 3D electrostatic calculation (IES Coulomb): – p electrode length = 121 µm – p electrode diameter = 17 µm nominal – Center electrode to nearest neighbors n p p n Prediction for p electrode = 28 fF n p n We are systematically varying the geometrical parameters to understand the impact of each one on capacitance. An example for electrode diameter: Capacitance at 17 mm is 28 fF Sally Seidel 14 Position Scans • Scan the laser across one electrode cell to measure uniformity of signal collection Y X Sally Seidel 15 Position Scans • Non-irradiated 3D sensor, p-electrode • Signal collection versus position: Y X Sally Seidel 16 Charge Collection • Pulse the IR Laser as fast as possible and observe the rise time of the signal Pulsed1064 nm IR Laser +Vbias Gnd PICOPROBE 35 R= 1.25M • C=.05pF Measure the output rise time while reducing the laser pulse duration Sally Seidel 17 Charge Collection • Input 0.3 nS laser duration: • Output non-irradiated p electrode, ~ 2.5 nS rise time • Output irradiated (1015) p electrode, ~1.5 nS rise time NOTE: The system isolation was improved, and a broken cable shield replaced, after this measurement was recorded. Revised graphs are in preparation. Sally Seidel 18 Capture Time • For an irradiated 3D sensor, pulse the laser at a distance of 30 µm from the electrode and measure the output. Repeat with laser pulse at a distance of 90 µm. Sally Seidel 19 Capture Time • The 60 µm difference in laser position results in a collection time difference of 50.6 nS – 47.4 nS = 3.2 nS NOTE: The system isolation was improved, and a broken cable shield replaced, after this measurement was recorded. Revised graphs are in preparation. Sally Seidel 20 Plans Plans for 2007-2008: – Repeat charge collection and capture time measurement with new low-noise system. – Complete systematic simulation of full scope of geometrical options. – Implement TCAD device simulation for improved capacitance and charge collection prediction. – Systematics studies with 820 nm and 960 nm lasers. – Irradiate ATLAS geometry devices at LANL and Sandia. – Apply these measurement techniques to the ATLAS geometry devices. There is a larger range of measurements we would like to do additionally if a TurboDAQ system becomes available. We are 5 people available for testbeam staffing as well. Sally Seidel 21 Budget for FY 2008 $110,000 for electrical engineer, travel, and materials and supplies. Sally Seidel 22