Quick 10-Step ACETS Refresher

Quick 10- Step Refresher for Completing Course Evaluations in ACETS
Login to ACETS
Enter your Username and Password: If you have forgotten only your password, you can
click on “Forgot Your Password.” If you have forgotten both, you can contact
Alecia.Mooney@nau.edu or call 928-523-1745.
Click on “Edit” to choose a course to evaluate (the more out-dated one first, if possible).
New Forms vs. Modification Forms:
 A “new” form is a new course that has never been evaluated before. Therefore, it
does not exist in the Course Equivalency Guide (CEG).
A “modification” form is sent to us when a community college has made changes to
an existing course that has already been evaluated in the past. The changes will be
noted on the form.
The past evaluation will also be displayed on the form next to the words “Currently
equivalent to…” or you can look it up in the Course Equivalency Guide (CEG).
Course Outline: To view the course goals, outcomes, competencies etc., click on the course
link in the form.
Please contact Alecia Mooney as soon as possible, and prior to
completing your evaluation, if a community college has changed one of the following
types of courses and you believe that it is no longer directly equivalent to our NAU
a SUN course (Check the SUN Matrix at http://aztransfer.com/cgibin/WebObjects/ATASS.woa/wa/SUNMatrix).
 a statewide identified “Common Course”(Check the “Common Course Query” at
When you are ready to record your transfer credit recommendation - choose one of
the following:
 Direct Equivalency (DE)
 Departmental Elective (DEC)
 Elective (E)
 Non-Transferable (NT)
A more detailed description of the above choices are as follows:
 Direct Equivalency (DE): Does this course look similar to a course that we offer
here at NAU? If so, which one? (Enter the NAU prefix/subject and the course # on
the form – entering the title is not necessary).
Before you click “send,” however,
 Check the units - Make sure they are the “same” or “more” than the
equivalent NAU course (cannot be less). If more, please add a note in the
“notes” box as to what to do with the additional units (you could award
“departmental elective” credit or general university “elective” credit.
 Make sure our NAU course is a 100-200 level course. Avoid awarding a
community college 100-200-level course a direct equivalency to one of our
upper-division courses. If this is done, it may suggest that our NAU course is
not really an “upper-division” course. It also could affect graduation.
 Departmental Elective (DEC): If NAU does not offer an equivalent course, or if the
equivalent NAU course is upper-division, consider departmental elective credit. This
credit tells the student that the elective will apply towards their major.
 Elective (E): If this course will not be accepted as an elective towards the
department, but you believe NAU will accept the course for general transfer credit,
award “elective.”
 Non Transferable (NT): This course will not be accepted by NAU for transfer credit.
 A note must be provided on the form (state law). Please place your note in
the “Notes” box as to why it will not be accepted by NAU. For example: “This
course is remedial (below 100-level) in nature, and not a university-level
When finished, click “Send.” The form will then be routed back to the Program
Coordinator for AZ Transfer & Articulation for finalization. Once it is finalized, it will be
routed to Undergraduate Admissions to encode in Peoplesoft. Once it is encoded, it will be
uploaded to the CEG.
10. Click “Return to List” in the top right corner of the form to go back to the other courses in
your ACETS account.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you,
Your knowledge and expertise in your field is needed. NAU could not do this without you. Your
work is very much appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact:
Alecia L. Mooney
Program Coordinator for AZ Transfer & Articulation
Office of the Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Northern Arizona University
Phone: 928.523.1745