Quarknet Seminar Alisa Bredensteiner Endeavour Institute Santa Cruz Institute of Particle Physics

Quarknet Seminar
Alisa Bredensteiner
Endeavour Institute
Santa Cruz Institute of Particle Physics
August 2010
What happens when you mix one
exuberant teacher…
… a group of
… some really expensive equipment…
… and lots of tape?
What I have gained from my week at SCIPP
• A better understanding of Cosmic Rays,
particle decay, Supersymmetry and the
• A great reminder of how incredibly huge I am
compared to say a muon.
• A great reminder of how incredibly tiny I am
compared to say a universe.
• The tools to bring ‘real physics’ and cutting
edge scientific discovery to my classroom
Classroom Application
2nd and 3rd year Endeavour students
• One week introduction and research on
Cosmic Rays and muon detection
• 3 weeks for student developed experiments,
analysis, and poster presentation.
Future aspirations
• Collaborative projects (comparison studies,
shower studies, etc…) with other schools
• Introductory Unit with 1st year students