Etching Assignment -Color and Chine colle.doc

ART 2333
Etching – Zinc Plate
1 Print of the Key Plate (Artist Proof/ B.A.T.) Black Ink
Edition of 3 color
1 image using the Chine colle technique
Chine collé is French for thin paper collage. Chine collé is literally collaging a thin piece of
paper onto a heavier piece of paper. There are multiple reasons a print maker might want to do
this. Most usually, a printmaker will want to combine different papers with different properties in
order to get a different feel in different areas of a single print. Laying a finer more sensitive paper
into part of a print gives a printmaker an area that will take a finer detail and tone. It is also
common to use colored paper or elements printed via other processes to add color to a print
without having to make another plate.
Bon a Tirer Proof. Literally, the “okay-to-print” proof. If the artist is not printing his own
edition, the bon a tirer (sometimes abbreviated as b.a.t.) is the final trial proof, the one that the
artist has approved, telling the printer that this is the way he wants the edition to look.
There is only one of these proofs for an edition.
Artist’s Proofs. A certain number of impressions are put aside for the artist to do with as he
will. Artist’s proofs are annotated as such or as A.P., or Epreuve d’artiste or E.A.
1. Execute your etching on a piece of zinc, as described in the Etching instructions handout
provided on the Learning Web.
2. Proceed to the printing process using the press in the same way you printed your
Collagraph and Drypoint Assignments
3. After you establish your B.A.T. of the key plate, produce an edition of 3using color
(minimum 2 colors other than black) to turn in to me.
4. Finish the assignment by printing an image using the Chine colle technique. You can use
any printing technique previously discussed in class in combination of this image.
Standards: Quality of prints and standards of which you will be graded will continue to
rise substantially with each project. Focus will still be heavily placed on the technical
aspects of you etchings, but you will be considerably more responsible for the originality
of your image and the presentation of your work as the semester continues.
I must first approve imagery before work begins on the plate(s).
Due: TBA