Course Number Course Title Semester/Year Instructor: Name Section # Day and Time Welcome to (Name of Class) In this section, you might want to type in the course description. An abbreviated description of the course can be found in the schedule of classes. A more detailed description can be found in the college catalog. Once you have typed in your information, you can alter the size of this textbox by simply clicking on the perimeter of the box and dragging the arrow to resize the box. Student Learning Outcomes: Check with your department chair if you are not familiar with the student learning outcomes. These should be published on the syllabus. Objectives: Phrasing objectives as measurable outcomes will help students understand what they will have learned by the end of the semester. You can use bullets to highlight your objectives. For example, you may say… By the end of the semester, you will be able to: xxxx xxxx xxxx Instructor Information Office Phone: (661) 362-XXXX Office: Building/Room E-mail: e-mail address This textbox can be used to insert clipart. To delete, just click on the box and hit delete. Website: Web Address if applicable Textbook: Author: Name(s) Office Hours: Monday: Times Tuesday: Times Name of Textbook Wednesday: Times Thursday: Times Publisher Information Friday: Times Inside This Issue Page 2 2 2 3 3 3 Assignments and Policies Academic Honesty Classroom Conduct Attendance Grading Course Calendar This area has been formatted as a textbox. You may type in additional information, or insert clip art from any clip art program or file. This is another area where you could highlight student learning outcomes. 1 Continued from page 1 ASSIGNMENTS: ACADEMIC HONESTY: In this area, it is helpful for students to have a clear understanding of all assignments that have a point or percentage value, and how those assignments contribute to their final course grade. Although the campus has a policy on academic honesty, most students are unaware that a policy exists. This policy may be found in the schedule of classes or the college catalog, in the section titled Student Rights and Responsibilities. For example, you might follow a format like this: Assignment 1…………………………. Assignment 2 ………………………… Assignment 2 ………………………… Assignment 2 ………………………… Assignment 2 ………………………… Total You may consider letting students know your specific class procedures and consequences, such as what will happen if a student is caught cheating on an exam, an assignment, plagiarizing a paper, etc. 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 100% ASSIGNMENT POLICIES: Use this area to explain important policies, such as late or missing assignments, opportunities for make-up assignments, etc. CLASSROOM CONDUCT: Use this area to let students know what your expectations are when they are in your class. For example, you might discuss disruptive behavior, entrance or exit interruptions, and the use of cell phones and pagers. The campus also has a student conduct policy. You can access this information on the college website: es/Academic_Info/Dean/Default.asp Continued on page 3 2 Continued from page 2 ATTENDANCE: GRADING (continued): It is important for students to understand your policy for attendance. Whether you extend your policy beyond that of the college, is entirely up to you. It is important to recognize that the syllabus is your contract with the students. If you have a strict attendance policy, it is important to enforce it. Continue your explanation of grading, or use this area for another topic. In this area, you can indicate how attendance will effect the students’ final grade. GRADING: Course Calendar In discussing your grading methods, be as clear and specific as possible. Let students know whether you grade on an accumulation of points, or use of percentages. If extra credit factors in, that should be explained as well. It is important to use measurable criteria in grading. If you have a participation grade factored in, make sure to explain how you quantify participation. The following calendar is tentative. You will be notified of any changes should they occur. Date Topic and Reading Week 1 Date Topic Continued on page 4 3 Continued from page 3 Date Topic and Reading Date Week 8 Week 2 Date Date Topic Date Topic Date Topic Date Topic Topic Week 12 Week 6 Date Topic Week 11 Week 5 Date Topic Week 10 Week 4 Date Topic Week 9 Week 3 Date Topic and Reading Topic Date Topic Week 7 Date Topic Continued on page 5 4 Continued from page 4 Date Topic and Reading Take Note: Week 13 Date Topic Week 14 Date This is an area where you might put important notices to students, such as add and drop deadlines. Topic Week 15 Date Click on areas below to insert or delete clip art. Topic Week 16 Date Topic Week 17 Date Topic 5