Stellar Evolution Pressure vs. Gravity Pressure vs. Gravity • Two determining forces that govern a star’s existence Gravity pushes inwardly Pressure pushes outwardly Pressure • Stars support themselves against gravitational collapse by generating thermonuclear energy • Most stars are composed mainly of Hydrogen and thus fuse together to form Helium. Proton-Proton Chain • p + p d + e+ + νe • p + d 3He + γ • 3He + 3He 4He + p + p • These reactions take about 5 billion years to go into effect. Low Mass Star Evolution • Our sun is a example of low mass star that uses Hydrogen as fuel • Lower mass stars have less energy available to fuse heavier elements together • Slower burning process; longer lives Gravity • When star runs out of fuel gravity wins out • Contraction produces heat • Helium core then becomes hot enough to begin burning Helium for fuel to produce Carbon • To radiate the energy produced by the Helium burning, the star expands into a Red Giant. White Dwarf • Outer Hydrogen envelope, i.e. planetary nebula eventually drifts off • Hot remnant core is a white dwarf • No more support from burning fuel. • Thermal motion of the ions will become less important and eventually degenerate electron pressure opposes gravitational collapse. Importance of White Dwarfs • More accurate estimate of the age of the universe • At these extremes of temperature and pressure we expect to observe deviations from existing theories of matter High Mass Star Evolution • Approx. 8 solar masses or greater • More massive stars have higher core temperatures so, burn beyond C. • H He C Ne O Si Fe • Cannot burn beyond Fe because it is the most tightly bound state. Burning Fe would no longer release energy, but require energy absorption. • These stars have short violent lives. Nucleosynthesis Massive Star Collapse • Burn Hydrogen up through Carbon, Neon, Oxygen & Silicon • Iron Core Formation & burning shells • Catastrophic collapse of Iron Core. • Happens very quickly End of Road • Two possible outcomes for massive stars. Neutron Star Black Hole Summary • Stellar evolution depends on gravity and pressure. • Less Massive stars have less energy so end up as white dwarfs. These stars live very long • More massive stars have more energy so end up as neutron stars or black holes. They have very short lives