Minutes September 23, 2013

Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday September 23, 2013
Please email corrections to Faculty.Senate@nau.edu
1. Call to Order/Acceptance of Agenda
Astrid Klocke/Consent Item
Faculty Senate (FS) President Astrid Klocke called the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive
Committee (FSEC) to order at 3:03 pm in room 200 of Cline Library. She announced President Haeger
will not be in attendance and moved to amend the agenda. A motion was made to approve the agenda
as amended. The motion passed.
Those Present: Shadow Armfield, Kate Ellis, Bruce Fox, Laura Huenneke*, Astrid Klocke, Phil
Mlsna, Karen Sealander, Claire Shonaerts (appeared telephonically), Cathy Small, and Shayla
Woodhouse for Mackenzie Mastrud*.
David Bousquet, Cyndi Banks, David Camacho, Laurie Dickson, Ding Du, Melissa Griffin, Ro Haddon,
Denise Helm, Gae Johnson, Dan Kain, Cynthia Kosso, Alexa Krueger, John Masserini, Karen Pugliesi,
Connor Scheuer, Robert Till, and Melissa Welker.
2. Approval of Minutes
Astrid Klocke/Action Item
Astrid presented the minutes of the August 26, 2013 FSEC meeting for approval. A motion was made
and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed.
3. Faculty Senate President’s Report
Astrid Klocke
Astrid shared the following:
 She is looking for a liaison from the FSEC to attend the ACC meetings as an ex-officio. Bruce
Fox said he would do this.
 Jennus Burton will appear at the October 7th FS meeting to present information on various
campus construction projects on campus.
 The AFC Breakfast with the regents will take place this Friday. Invitations have gone out to the
Regents, the university presidents, the FSEC, senators, and chairs of key university committees.
Rather than a formal presentation, she has prepared talking points on the theme of Student
4. Committee/Council Reports
Committee/Council Chairs
 Bylaws Committee
o Past Chair of the Bylaws Committee, Gae Johnson presented once again the
recommendations of the bylaws committee and called for a motion to endorse the
recommendations. A motion was made to endorse the recommended changes to
sections 4.11 of the bylaws and 1.21 of the constitution. The motion passed. This
will now be placed on the October 7th FS agenda as an action item.
o Chair of the Advisory Council on Curriculum and Assessment (ACCA), John Masserini
presented their proposed charter. He explained why the task force was formed and why
this charter will help stream line the curriculum and assessment processes. The charter
address their mission; goals; membership meetings and reporting process. Discussion
followed. It was decided that the bylaws committee will review hot to categorize this
task force and how to move forward.
 Follow up on SETE
o The SETE discussion last month brought raised concerns among the faculty. Astrid will
send out an email to all senators to seek feedback from their constituents and share those
with the FSEC through Kate Ellis. Kate will assemble the concerns and prepare a
response to those concerns at the October 7th FS meeting.
5. Student Learning Centers
Melissa Welker
Melissa Welker, Director of Educational Support, presented information on the various support
initiatives they offer including learning centers, in-hall tutoring, the math achievement program and
academic success workshops. She also presented examples of faculty partnerships they have developed.
She will present this information to the faculty senate on October 7th. It is her goal to make faculty
aware of their services in order to help students succeed.
6. Enhancing Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Bruce Fox
Bruce Fox, Chair of Liberal Studies Committee, presented a proposal of curricular expectations and redesigned of campus processes. This proposal is meant to be vetted to many different groups across
campus for feedback. A lengthy discussion followed. At this time the committee would like to bring it
before the full senate for feedback. It will also be vetted through the University Curriculum Committee,
the University Graduate Committee, the University Assessment Committee, the Academic Standards
Committee, and the Liberal Studies Committee.
7. Student Health Advisory Committee(SHAC) NAU/Tobacco Free Connor Scheuer/Alexa Kreuger
ASNAU SHAC representatives Connor Scheuer and Alexa Kreuger presented a PowerPoint regarding
the NAU Tobacco Free campaign underway. A discussion followed. They will present this information
at the October FS meeting for feedback from faculty.
8. Report from the President
No Report
President Haeger
9. Report from the Provost
Provost Huenneke
Provost Heunneke reported on the following:
 This week ABOR will vote on the principles they will use to run the search for a new NAU
President. Regents Myers and Leonard will chair the search. She noted that President Haeger
has met with the Regents to discuss qualities suitable to NAU’s needs they might consider.
 ABOR will hear presentations on NAU’s FYLI program related to the student success initiative;
a presentation on what makes NAU unique; and the President’s approach to financial
 Her office is working on a plan for staff and faculty raises to take effect in January which will
include the exemplary performer piece. Dan Kain his working on gathering information on what
criteria various units used in making this determination to glean insight into any challenges
incurred and innovations used last year.
10. Old Business / New Business / Announcements
Astrid Klocke
11. Adjournment
Astrid Klocke /Action Item
There being no further business, Allen adjourned the meeting at 5:09 pm.