Minutes October 21, 2013

Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday October 21, 2013
Please email corrections to Faculty.Senate@nau.edu
1. Call to Order/Acceptance of Agenda
Astrid Klocke/Consent Item
Faculty Senate (FS) President Astrid Klocke called the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive
Committee (FSEC) to order at 3:00 pm in room 200 of Cline Library. She announced President Haeger
will not be in attendance and moved to amend the agenda. A motion was made to approve the agenda
as amended. The motion passed.
Those Present: Shadow Armfield, Bill Culbertson, Kate Ellis, Bruce Fox, Susan Harris, Astrid Klocke,
Phil Mlsna, Karen Sealander, Claire Shonaerts (appeared telephonically), Cathy Small, and Shayla
Woodhouse for Mackenzie Mastrud*.
David Camacho, C. Andrew Griffin, Ro Haddon, Denise Helm, Dan Kain, Karen Pugliesi, and Niranjan
2. Approval of Minutes
Astrid Klocke/Action Item
Astrid presented the minutes of the September 23, 2013 FSEC meeting for approval. A motion was
made and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed with one abstention.
3. Faculty Senate President’s Report
Astrid Klocke
Astrid shared the following:
 The administration is considering faculty and staff raises which will include the exemplary
performer category.
 The Provost has asked for staffing proposals as they work on budget issues. They are
considering the addition of a different kind of research faculty position that will not have a
service or teaching component and will be found in research centers.
4. Committee/Council Reports
Committee/Council Chairs
 Budget & Planning Council
o Kate Ellis, Chair of the Budget and Planning Council, stated that the strategic plan is
close to completion. There are no significant changes in the goals of the plan. Some of
those goals are: student success, global engagement, civic engagement and sustainability.
Any feedback is welcome, please direct it to her attention.
 Budget & Planning Committee
o Chair of the Budget and Planning Committee, Claire Shonaerts, announced that the dues
drive has met last year’s goal with over 200 participants but are still hoping for more
 Liberal Studies Committee
o Ro Haddon, Chair of the Liberal Studies Committee, announced the Liberal Studies
Town Hall is set for November 1st in the Native American Cultural Center from 8am to
5. Office of Military & Veteran Affairs
C. Andrew Griffin
LTC Andrew Griffin presented a PowerPoint covering the services and programs the Office of Military
& Veteran Affairs provides. The office is offering a faculty workshop to discuss best practices,
resources, policies and recommendations on how best to work with and for NAU’s veterans.
6. Bachelor of University Studies
Niranjan Venkatraman
Niranjan Venkatraman, Chair of the Bachelor of University Studies Committee, presented a PowerPoint
explaining the 2 majors and 1 capstone elements of the program. He noted that over the summer the
BUS Committee developed a question and answer brochure for distribution. He then entertained
7. Report from the Provost
Provost Huenneke
Vice Provost Dan Kain reported on the following:
 The SILT Conference is this week October 24th and 25th. The keynote speaker is Dr. Charles D.
 He noted that the Provost continues to work on faculty and staff merit pay raises projected for
mid-year adjustments. He and the Provost have been meeting with the colleges to discuss the
processes used in selection of exemplary performers and solicit their impressions of the program.
 The Provost is also working on establishing criteria and processes on how to make decisions
within the academic framework. She has four subgroups working on this and will share their
work and recommendations as they work is completed.
 The Provost sent out a request to the colleges to prioritize their staffing needs for the coming
8. Old Business / New Business / Announcements
Astrid Klocke
9. Adjournment
Astrid Klocke /Action Item
There being no further business, Astrid adjourned the meeting at 4:11 pm.