LOUIE GUIDE FOR CLASSES AND MORE For detailed information about how to use the LOUIE information system, all students admitted to NAU may go to an online tutorial at: webct.nau.edu. Or, you can use the limited instructions below. While using the LOUIE Guide for Classes and More, DO NOT use the back button on the toolbar; instead, use the breadcrumbs trail at the top of the panel. The LOUIE on-line reference page helps with most LOUIE questions: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~istt-p/Doc/LOUIE/louie.htm. If you have questions, please call the student help desk at 928/523-9294 or at 888/520-7215. ESTABLISHING YOUR LOUIE or DANA ACCOUNT Email is becoming the standard form of communication to students from NAU through an email system called "dana." All admitted students should automatically be set up with a dana email account. Students should receive a letter from NAU providing their User ID (dana account username) with instructions to establish a LOUIE or Dana Account, and how to set a password. If you do not receive this letter or otherwise do not know your User ID, you should be able to get it by doing your own name search from the NAU home page; click on Find People. Or, you may contact the Academic Computing Help Desk at 5239294, or toll-free at 888-520-7215, for username and/or password assistance. It is the student's responsibility to read any communications that come through dana. You may link your personal email address to dana so that you receive all of your NAU communications through a separate email address. To do this, go to www.nau.edu/its/email. It is the student's responsibility to keep any personal links to their dana account updated. If you would like to review the entire dana communication policy, you may go to www.nau.edu/policy. Select NAU Network Acceptable Use Policy for Students. CATALOGS-- You can find the NAU Catalogs on line at: http://www.nau.edu/web/catalogs.shtml, or follow the pathway of: NAU homepage (www.nau.edu) > select Prospective Students > select the Catalog Type you want > click on the Catalog link. These catalogs provide information about the general range of classes offered at NAU; not every class listed in the catalog is offered every semester. Catalogs also answer many other academic questions. SCHEDULE of COURSE OFFERINGS -- Up-to-date registration information is available on line in the Schedule of Course Offerings, found on the Registrar's website at http://www.nau.edu/registrar/. For basic information about registration processes, dates, etc., select Enrollment Information for the semester you want. An “enrollment appointment” is the date on which a student can begin pre-registration for the next semester. The Registrar’s Office no longer prints hard copies of semester class offerings. For a listing of the classes that are being offered during any semester, return to the NAU home page (www.nau.edu) > click on “LOUIE” under QUICK LINKS in the box on the right hand side of the screen > select “As a student or visitor” > click on Log In To LOUIE. Use your dana user name and password to gain entry. Select “Course Catalog and Schedule” from the left hand column and follow the directions below. When looking up actual courses that are available during any particular semester, you will need to enter a prefix for the type of class you are seeking. If you would like to see all course prefixes that are available, go to the LOUIE home page (https://my.nau.edu/louie/) > click on “Course Catalog” > select “Northern Arizona University” in the Institution field > click on the assist button (the magnifying glass icon) next to Subject Area > click on the Look Up button for a listing of all prefixes. Write down the prefix abbreviations for all subject areas in which you are interested. TO VIEW SCHEDULE OF COURSES: Use this path: Home ~ SA Self Service ~ Learning Management ~ Catalog ~ View Schedule of Classes If you do not know what response to enter, use the assist buttons (magnifying glass icons) to the right of blank fields. You will be taken to a second screen where you will press the yellow “Look up” button to get a menu. Down arrows to the right of the blank fields will automatically provide a menu. “Term” = semester you are seeking – Choose from posted list or select assist button. Click on Basic Search, or Advanced Search for a more exact search. Submit information for at least 2 areas shown to narrow your search options. Under Subject area: If you know the subject area you are seeking (course prefix, e.g., CC, EDL, EDF or EDR), type it in here. Otherwise, you may use the assist button to the right of the field. If, after clicking on the magnifying glass and then the yellow Lookup button, you do not see the area you want, additional selections may be available by pressing the yellow and black “right arrow” button at the top right of the block under Search Results. Click on the subject area you are seeking. Under Catalog number: If you know the specific catalog number (course number, e.g., 660), type it in and select “Exact Match” in the next field. Or, you may leave the Catalog Number field blank, select “Wildcard.” and fill in one other field to bring up all classes in your subject area. You may want to unselect the “Open Classes Only” option. Uncheck “Open Classes Only” if you want to view all sections, including sections that are closed. Fill in additional fields by using the assist button to the right of any field. There may be some fields left blank, but it is recommended that you fill in your “Course Career” (Graduate or Undergraduate) and, perhaps, the “Campus Code” fields. If you leave the subject area blank, all available classes falling within the parameters of the other areas you select will appear. Click Search at the bottom of the page. The resulting screen will display all classes with the criteria you specified. Use the “Class Number” listed to the left of the class information to register for that particular class. Click on the “Details” icon (at the far right near the top of the panel) to learn more about the class. Be especially sure to look at Details if Department Consent or Instructor Consent is required. After you click on the “Details” icon, follow the instructions under Class Notes. Contact your local Statewide office for permission numbers for package web classes. To view the course description and prerequisites, click on details, then, click on course catalog detail. The prerequisites and co-requisites will be listed in the bottom left hand box. Click on cancel to return. To look for another class, click on Basic Search. To “window shop,” choose a prefix and then fill in Course Career with Undergraduate or Graduate. This will give you a list of all the available Undergraduate or Graduate classes under that prefix. Anther way to “window shop” is to select one of the liberal studies (AHI, CU, LAB, SAS or SPW) under Req. Desig and then select Flagstaff Mountain Campus under “Campus.” This will give you a list of all of the available liberal studies for the area you selected offered on the Flagstaff campus. REGISTERING FOR CLASSES: To Register for Classes, go to the NAU homepage (www.nau.edu/), Click on “LOUIE” under QUICK LINKS; select “As a student or visitor;” log on using your Dana User ID and password, then follow the menu guides. Call the Student Help Desk at 888-520-7215 or 928/523-9294 with questions. You may also get assistance at http://www.distance.nau.edu/services/howtoregister.aspx. Enrollment Appointment pathway (the time when you can begin enrolling): Home ~ SA Self Service ~ Learner Services ~ Academics ~ View Enrollment appointment Enrollment Holds: pathway: Home ~ SA Self Service ~ Personal Portfolio ~ Tasks ~ Holds Enroll In, Drop Or Swap A Class: Use this basic pathway: Home ~ SA Self Service ~ Learner Services ~ Academics ~ Enroll in a class Add a Class: Select a semester Click on add classes (bottom of the screen) Enter four digit class numbers and press Tab (this will tell you what you’ve chosen) Press Submit (If you get an error message, see “Error Messages” instructions below. Click on View my Schedule. This screen will indicate that you are enrolled in the class(es). To print this, change layout to “landscape.” To enroll in a related class – a class that has a zero credit lab attached. Enter the lecture class number and then hit tab. It will take you to another screen where you enter the lab under related component. Click ok and it takes you back to the original screen. The lab will not show up on the enroll page, but will appear on their study list. Drop a Class: Select a semester (your schedule will appear) Select drop/update classes (bottom of the screen) When your classes appear, find the class you want to drop and use the drop down feature and select drop. Press Submit To swap a class (this feature which exchanges one class for another class will only drop the class if the other class is available to add) Select a semester (your schedule will appear) Select swap classes (bottom of the screen) When your classes appear, find the class you want to swap and enter the new class number in the box Press Submit Adding Or Dropping Classes After The Deadline: Students cannot use self-service to add classes once the deadline to add has passed, even for classes that have not yet started. To add or drop a class after the deadline, students should fill out the appropriate petition found on the Registrar’s web page under “FORMS.” They can either turn in a hard copy of the signed petition and pay with a check, or they can follow the instructions below for electronic processing. If the deadline to add has passed, but the class has not started, summer and Statewide students can add the class by calling the Student Service Center at 1-800-426-8315 or by faxing their enrollment form to 928523-1169. On-campus students can process the add form directly at the Registrar’s office in the Gammage Building. Students will not be penalized. Error Messages in LOUIE: If you get an error, click directly on the error message and it will give you details. If there are available seats in a class and you get an error message that says, “Available seats are reserved. Reserved seat requirement not met…” the available seats are reserved for a specific group (probably a package group or cohort). You will have to select a different class or section. To see how many seats are reserved, go to the schedule of classes and look at the reserve capacity block. You may need to click on the details box first. Permission Numbers: And Overrides If a student is blocked from a class because instructor consent is required, a class is full, there is a time conflict, or a prerequisite or co-requisite is to be waived, students request an override directly from the instructor. The instructor may choose to create permission numbers for that class, then assign a separate permission number to each student they override. The student enters their individual permission number directly on line when registering. Or, hard copy override and petition forms can be found on the Registrar’s homepage and may be processed in person at any registration site. Overrides may also be processed by emailing the override request to the instructor; be sure all of the pertinent information is written in the text of the email including the student name, ID number, course name, class number, semester, etc. For NonMountain-Campus classes forward any response from the instructor that approves the override to the Distributed Learning office at distance.programs@nau.edu, or fax it to 928/523-1169 (toll-free = 866/6443519). For Mountain Campus classes, forward any response from the instructor that approves the override to the Registrar’s office at nau.registrar@nau.edu, or fax it to 928/523-1414; ask that the registrar enroll you into the class on the strength of the override authorization. If department consent is required (versus Instructor Consent), permission numbers and overrides are processed the same way as above. Instead of contacting the instructor, however, click on the “Details” panel of the LOUIE Class Schedule for contact information; this may indicate the academic department or the Statewide site office to be contacted. If your request is past the deadline to add, you will need a petition to add, and will be responsible for paying the $25.00 petition fee. Follow the instructions above to add after the deadline. How to enter a permission number: Enter the class number and then hit tab. Click on the class name (in blue). It will take you to another screen where you enter the permission number and hit okay. This will take you back to the original screen. To Calculate Tuition After Enrolling: From the study List, click on Tuition Calculation (bottom of the page) Click on Calculate Tuition & Fees Click on Display Tuition & Fees. Print To View Your Weekly Schedule, Students: Home ~ SA Self Service ~ Learner Services ~ Academics ~ View My Weekly Schedule If you print this, change the layout to landscape Text Book Orders: To find out which books are required for your classes or to order them, you may call the NAU Bookstore at 928/523-5505 or toll free at 800-426-7674. Grades, As Viewed by Students: SA Self Service>Learner Services>Academics. From this point you can select View My Final Grades, View Unofficial Transcript, or other details related to your academic record. NAU DISTANCE LEARNING CLASSES Distance Learning, Class Information: NAU Home Page/ Distance Learning/Courses (select term & location, click on Search). Type the course prefix and number (e.g. EDL 600), or just the course prefix (e.g., CC, EDF, EDL or EDR) immediately before the “Search” button. Press the “Search” button. Click on the course you want; you may contact the professor from this page by clicking on his or her name. Call the Distance Learning office in Flagstaff at 928/523-4212 or 1-800-426-8315 for additional assistance. Web Course Information: Go to http://www.distance.nau.edu/courses/webcourses.aspx. To access a web class or order your books, go to http://www.nau.edu/web/distance.shtml. If there is a restriction on a Statewide class, it is controlled from that local Statewide office, contact that site for help. Professor contact information: For Contact Information (to find someone at NAU, go to “Find People” on the NAU home page, http://www.nau.edu/text/. Student Handbook: The NAU Student Handbook contains academic policies and much other valuable campus information. It is located at http://www4.nau.edu/stulife/StudentHandbook/TableofContents.htm.