September 1, 2011

Date: September 1st, 2011
Number on council: 12
Number present:
Prepared by Makenzie Mastrud
Senate Chair Sidney West called the Senate meeting of the 2011-2012 Senate to
order at 4:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-Gavin Walton
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Buchta
Second: Senator Cross
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Bingham to table item D
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous
Motion: Senator Buchta to open item A for discussion
Second: Senator Alcorn
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous
Motion: Senator Libby to close discussion
Second: Senator Woodhouse
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous
Motion: Senator Lee to make all clubs official
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous
Executive report
a. President- Blaise Caudill
-Working on filling the open Senator position, unable to hold interviews
at this time because the position was just recently opened. The complete
senate is coming soon.
-Working with the NAU Supreme Court, interviewing students this week
that were nominated by faculty members. There are no returning
Supreme Court members from last year so we are looking forward so
meeting a whole new staff.
-Meet with president Haegar about the new Health and Learning Center,
so many students are supporting the facility and making it a great
-Kick off event next week the 7th in DuBois ballroom at 6pm. We have
collected information from 700-800 students that are interested. We did
phone banking last week, but only reached 100 people so please contact
more during your office hours.
-ASNAU meet and greet after this
-Planning on writing a weekly update to send out to the entire student
body, if you have anything you want included please let me know.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Sammy Smart
- We filled four buses to take down to Tucson for the U of A. We need help
calling all of the students on these buses to review guidelines with them.
If you want to help get students on the bus then meet behind Cline at
10:15 on game day.
-Next Saturday is the first home game, will be the grand opening of the
new dome and Lumberyard. We need help running the tailgater (if you
sign up you are NOT allowed to be intoxicated),the first shift starts at
11am-1:30 and the second starts at 1 and goes until 3.
-Also need people to man the Lumberyard. After the first game we will
hand this off to other organizations.
-Planning on doing give aways at home games. First game we are looking
at horns. Two different companies in mind, one selling yellow horns for a
total of $744 plus shipping and the other company selling plan white
horns for $1.66 per horn (total not known).
-Keep checking e-mails because I will need bills drafted for these give
-Need a banner company to make one for the Lumberyard
-KJack is Djing the first tailgater, says they will play “party” music for
everyone to enjoy.
-We are not planning on kicking out students that are not wearing gold in
the Lumberyard for the first game, but after that we will.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Sidney West
- Meet with academic standards committee to find out what they are
-Senators, please keep desk plates in mail boxes and any poster in you
mail boxes need to be hung up in the college you are in charge of.
d. Chief of Staff- Chloe Olson
-Kick off event on the 7th, we are tableing for the event in the union on the 6th
from 11am-1pm and phone banking on the 6th at 6pm. Please come at 4pm to help
set up and get everything ready
-Working with SUN Entertainment to plan carnival. Will be on October 20th,
homecoming weekend.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Chelsea Byers, Wes Enns, Jenn Hancock
- Please help phone bank to get more interns, we have three right now
and would like 27 more.
B. Public Relations- Julia Lesniak
- Please hang up football posters in your college
C. Special events- Caitlin Heck, Rachel Rogala
- Not present
D. NSO- Erick Gonzalez, Heather Reeves
-Meeting tomorrow together to discuss projects.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Meeting time is Tuesday from 6pm-7pm
B. Legislative: Working on finalizing a meeting time
Senator Reports
A. Nate Alcorn – E-mailed clubs and starting meetings with them next week.
B. Hal Bingham – E-mailed clubs and starting meetings with them next
C. Anthony Buchta – In the process of writing a bill and two OA’s.
D. Samantha Cortez– E-mailing clubs
E. Samantha Cross – E-mailing clubs tomorrow.
F. Ryan Lee – E-mailed clubs and starting meetings with them next week.
G. Zach Libby – In the process of writing four OA’s and a bill. Also e-mailing
clubs and meeting with them.
H. Annsley Niemann– E-mailed clubs and starting meetings with them next
J. Matthew Villa – E-mailed clubs and starting meetings with them next
K. Gavin Walton – None
L. Shayla Woodhouse – Spoke with dean’s secretary about meeting time.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel – Kudos to Julia for helping injured bike rider this morning.
Kudos to exec members for planning such an awesome retreat and being so on top
of things. Remember to stay on top of school work even though you are involved in
ASNAU, have fun but still do good in school.
Art Farmer – Make sure to stop by and personally introduce yourself to
Sherri, she is awesome and has a lot of good things coming out of her office already.
Also spread the word about Sherri’s service to students.
Discussion Items
Motion: Senator Bingham
Second: Senator Libby
4:38 P.M.