November 8th

Date: November 9, 2012
Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: November 8th, 2012
Number present: 11
Prepared by Shelby Burton
Senate Vice Chair Adam Fox called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order
at 4:05 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-Lara Creaser
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Lopez move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Vice Chair Fox entertains a motion to put item i on the agenda and title it “SB 25-38:
NAU Cycling Club, $1993”
Motion: Senator Mcdiarmid move to put item i on the agenda and title it “SB 25-38:
NAU Cycling Club, $1993”
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item i is now on the agenda and titled “SB 25-38: NAU Cycling Club,
Jon Wachale, who works for the RHA, encourages everyone in ASNAU/ASA to apply to
be an R.A. He believes ASNAU/ASA members would be good candidates because they
are looking for leaders. Go to to apply; the application opens up on
November 9th. Interviews will be the first and second week of February. Some bonuses
that come with being an RA include free room and board and a stipened pay.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item a, Club Recognition: NAU Capoeira
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian mixture of martial arts, dance, fighting, music,
and acrobats. It is culturally rich and was developed by African slaves who disguised
martial arts as a dance. The club wishes to meet once a week to train in games,
instruments, and languages. There are no competitions for capoeira.
Vote: Unanimous, item a (Club Recognition: NAU Capoeira Club) has been approved
Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item b, Club Recognition: Northern Arizona
University Health Occupations Students of America Chapter
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: “HOSA” is parallel to the FBLA for medical students going into similar
professions; it provides opportunities to compete in state and national level
competitions, to work on their skills, and to network. Their competitions will be in April
and June/July of next year. Senator Lake asks if they pay dues; there is a membership
fee of $16 that is renewed annually. The money helps pay for pre-med tests like the
GRE and the MCAT and pays for seminars. Senator Mcdiarmid asks if they will be
attending the spring conference; yes. Senator Woodhouse asks what kind of
competitions they do; the competitions include prepared speaking, clinical nursing
activities, hands on E.R. activities, and writing/speaking about topics within the medical
Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Health
Occupations Students of America Chapter) has been approved
Motion: Senator Chan move to vote on item c, OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $500
Second: Senator Smart
Discussion: Tau Beta Sigma is a national honorary band sorority that handles band
services like cleaning up the music building and providing water at the games for the
marching band. Along with Kappa Kappa Psi, they put on an event to recognize the
marching band members for all of their hard work throughout the season; about 100
people will be in attendance. Senator Woodhouse asks if people contribute anything
toward the event individually; every bandsman is required to pay roughly three to five
dollars. The two organizations also contribute to the event.
Vote: Unanimous, item c (OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item d, OA: NAU Youn Wha Ryu Club, $426.63
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: Youn Wha Ryu is a Korean-based mixed martial arts. Last weekend, they
attended a tournament in Arkansas; the money will be going toward gas and the entry
fee for four individuals. Senator Woodhouse asks how they did; they won two gold, two
silver, and two bronze. There were many other people in attendance throughout the
nation ranging from ages 5 to 76. They represented us while they were there.
Vote: Unanimous, item d (OA: NAU Young Wha Ryu Club, $426.63) has been approved
Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item e, SB 25-36: Shari Miller, University
Student Legal Services Association Conference, $1675
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: This money will be going toward the western regional conference that Shari
Miller attended last year and thought was very beneficial; she made several
connections, especially U of A’s legal services representative who provided many words
of wisdom. The conference will help better NAU by helping our students.
Vote: Unanimous, item e (SB 25-36: Shari Miller, University Student Legal Services
Association Conference, $1675) has been approved
Motion: Senator Tenney move to vote on item f, OA: Women’s Rugby, $500
Second: Senator Smart
Discussion: The money will go toward two tournaments’ entry fees and the housing fee
for one of the tournaments. During the first tournament, they won all of their games
and got third place based off of their cumulative points. During the second game, they
won two out of the three games. Senator Woodhouse asks if they have club dues; $75,
which pays for out-of-state gas, housing, and other tournament fees. Senator Lake asks
if the season is still young; it is and they are expecting to participate in another
tournament this semester and three or four next semester. Senator Lopez asks how
many girls are part of the team; 50.
Vote: Unanimous, item f (OA: Women’s Rugby, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item g, SB 25-37: Women’s Rugby, $504.92
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item g (SB 25-37: Women’s Rugby, $504.92) has been approved
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item h, OA: NAU Cycling Club, $500
Second: Senator Reddig
Discussion: This money is for student members of the NAU Cycling Club, who have
contributed approximately $8,000 towards this club sport. The students go to
community service events like the national forest service trail day or the Sedona
mountain biking day. They placed third in the last championship tournament that they
attended. Overall, they are ranked eighth out of 100 universities and were honored to
send one single rider for an individual competition (only nine universities have this
privilege). This rider received fourth place. The program allows for talented athletes to
flourish, but they cannot sustain the sport by their own wallets. This money will be
going toward eight athletes and they have not asked for money since six years ago. In
the national competition, they only took one vehicle to reduce the cost of gas.
Vote: Unanimous, item h (OA: NAU Cycling Club, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item i, SB 25-38: NAU Cycling Club
Second: Senator Reddig
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item i (SB 25-38: NAU Cycling Club, $1993) has been approved
Executive Report
a. President- Sammy Smart
-President Smart reminds ASNAU/ASA that hours are due tonight after
meeting. There will be a weekly announcement going out before the game
on Saturday, so please share it on Facebook. Before the last game on the
17th, we will be decorating the union. UA’s student regent selection has been
lowered down to the finalists. The 40 Gold Axe recipients have been chosen.
As far as Prop 204 goes, while the proposition did fail, ASA is working out a
plan to get involved with the community to make up for the loss of funding
that we will be feeling next year (i.e.: after-school tutoring programs, high
school involvement, etc). President Smart has a meeting in Phoenix with the
other presidents and regents, which was interesting. Their decision will be
made on November 26th so if you can make it please inform President Smart.
Their goal is to have at least 15 students there to support ASA.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann
-This week, there will be a tailgate! Despite the snow, we can still support
our team so please remain positive! Athletics is donating pizzas for everyone
in attendance and there will be bussing provided. The shirt that was chosen
was the shirt with the axe across it that said “#kickaxe.” The results will be
posted online and the shirts will be handed out after the last game or on the
Monday that follows; they will not be handed out at the game because they
are not blue and gold and we want to encourage wearing our school colors.
As far as club headquarters goes, the last interviews will be tonight; they will
take their position at the beginning of next semester. This week, VP
Niemann also had a meeting about the Snowjack Express. They are
considering starting the busses on November 30th, if weather allows it. They
are also considering switching the days to Friday/Saturday rather than
Saturday/Sunday. VP Lee and his wife will be hosting a Thanksgiving pot luck
on November 18th at his house at 5:00. NSG and ASA are both invited.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee
-VP Lee thanks everyone for doing a tremendous job; compared to last year,
the amount of bills is astonishing (21 versus 38). Club recognitions have also
doubled since last year. He reminds us that there will always be negative
people, so just focus on the positive comments. If anyone has concerns with
Prop 204 or any events, please send them to exec.
d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud
-Chief of Staff Mastrud helped with interviews for club headquarters this
week; if you have ideas for the website, tell her.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Jack Sawyer, Danielle, Shayna
-ASA thanks everyone for the support while campaigning for Prop 204. We
started the conversation up here and made great strides. Do not take it as a
defeat because we will always keep fighting for education. This Sunday,
there will be a board meeting in Phoenix at 10 AM. They will discuss
efficiency and the $2 fee as it pertains to the ABOR. Chelsea Byers stresses
that it is more important to attend the November 26 th meeting than the
December 6th meeting because the November meeting will decide the course
of action to be taken, which will be announced at the December meeting.
B. Public Relations- Matt Villa
-Public Relations is working on t-shirts and updating the Facebook page.
C. ITS- Jonathan Tessmar-Bell
-The website is current, new minutes will be updated Friday. He is planning
on adding media onto the website, including the football video. If you have
any ideas, please email him.
D. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin
-Special Events is brainstorming for ideas for equality week/diversity day.
They are still trying to get the ball rolling with the concert information.
Hopefully, we will know before winter break.
E. NSG- Representatives
-Thanks to everyone who attended the social on Saturday. NSG is working
on holiday week events, which will be durin the last week of November.
There will be “pictures with Santa” and many decorations. In addition, they
will begin the mentor program soon.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse notifies the senate that there will not
be an appropriations meeting during the week of Thanksgiving; there will
only be one next Tuesday and then the week after Thanksgiving, so please
tell your clubs.
B. Legislative: There will be a meeting today.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch-Senator Boruch apologizes for not attending the
social, as she was sick. She is also working on a bill for the tuba
b. Anthony Lake- Octuba fest was a huge success. Senator Lake also
reports that he has been working with three clubs about bills. He
was sick and could not attend the Club Sports Council meeting last
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross reminds everyone to email their
new clubs. If someone comes in and wants to know who their
senator is, please look it up for them. In addition, she would like
to take an informal poll about whether she should redo the club
list. The senators agree that this could be confusing for the clubs
if their senator switched.
b. Jeremy Reddig- Senator Reddig passed out “voting is sexy” tshirts; he also cleaned the office and made copies.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Lara Creaser-Not present
b. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez informs everyone that they will be
having a dean’s meeting on Friday, the 30th. He also is excited to
be working with the Pokemon Club!
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart is in the process of a writing a bill.
b. Adam Fox-Senator Fox thanks everyone for bearing with him for
this meeting; he reminds everyone to tell their clubs about the
free pizza at the tailgate. He also reminds everyone that we are
all human and that we all make mistakes, so please be polite.
College of Business
a. Jeremy Chan- Senator Chan has been working on the football
video, to be posted tomorrow!
b. Derrell Tenney- Senator Tenney realizes that since their dean is
new, it is difficult to get ahold of him; instead, they will be trying
to meet with the vice-dean.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Oregon McDiarmid-They had a dean’s meeting today. Senator
McDiarmid finished a bill and an IA for a student as well.
b. Shayla Woodhouse- The dean’s meeting really focused on the
future of college (online classes, hybrid style, etc). Senator
Woodhouse thanks everyone for passing Shari’s bill; she is
working on bills with two other clubs. In addition, she was chosed
to be a student member on the student environmental caucus.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel—No report
Art Farmer—He encourages everyone to go the game on Saturday despite the
weather. Thank you for passing Shari’s bill!
Discussion Items
The discussion item has been postponed to next week.
This week, the trophy goes to President Smart for putting in so much to this
organization, including extra hours representing the students! VP Niemann also
congratulates Senator Fox to doing a great job holding the meeting and she likes
Senator Tenney’s tie!
Chelsea Byers announces that Andrea Gibson will be speaking tonight at seven;
she is a poet an activist, not to mention an amazing speaker.
Motion: Senator Lake
Second: Senator Boruch
5:08 PM