November 1st

Date: November 2, 2012
Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: November 1st, 2012
Number present: 11
Prepared by Shelby Burton
Senate Chair Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order
at 4:03 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-Lara Creaser
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to approve the minutes from last week’s
Senate meeting
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Chairman Lee entertains a motion to put item f on the agenda and title it “OA:
National Society of Leadership and Success, $145.”
Motion: Senator Fox move to put item f on the agenda and title it “OA: National
Society of Leadership and Success, $145.”
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item f is now on the agenda and titled “OA: National Society of
Leadership and Success, $145”
The prospective president and vice-president from the NAU G.I.V.E Club present to
the senate their potential club’s intentions. They explain that the NAU G.I.V.E.
program stands for “growth international volunteer excursions” which is based in
Seattle. Through this program, both representatives got to travel to Nicaragua
where they constructed a technical school from plastic bottles with sand. This
addressed three community problems: everyone was fishing which endangered the
ecosystem, the nearest high school needed more money for busing but they could
not afford it, and the proximity to the ocean with the limited means of recycling led
to water pollution. The club’s intention is to feed the interests of students
interested in opportunities like this and to encourage them to travel if they are
feeling hesitant. They would also like to help fundraise for the trips and to provide a
sense of community for people who have similar interests.
Chairman Lee entertains a motion to add item g to the agenda and title it “Club
Recognition: NAU G.I.V.E. Club”
Motion: Senator Lake move to add item g to the agenda and title it “Club
Recognition: NAU G.I.V.E. Club”
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item g is now on the agenda and titled “Club Recognition: NAU
G.I.V.E. Club”
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item a, OA: Chi Sigma Iota, $500
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: This is a counseling honor society that would like to use the money to
pay for two trainings (one this semester and one next semester) open to undergrad
and grad students. The speakers request a stipened pay of $200 for the first speaker
and $300 for the second panel of speakers.
Vote: Unanimous, item a (OA: Chi Sigma Iota, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item b, OA: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s, $500
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: They are asking money to go toward their UPA fees ($50/person at a
total of roughly $1000) and for seven of their upcoming tournaments. The money
will go toward entering the tournaments; the hotel, travel, food, etc will all be paid
for by each individual as well as their cleats, jerseys, etc. They participated in two
fundraisers this semester. There are still five or six unofficial tournaments not
listed on the OA and bill and they already participated in three or four this semester.
Senator Fox asks how long those tournaments will go until; he explains that it will
continue throughout the semester. Senator Fox asks if he knows the club’s federal
ID number for reimbursement purposes; yes. Senator Woodhouse asks if they
require dues; he explains that they do not because this is a cheap alternative to
other sports that are extremely expensive. Chairman Lee explains that it is rare to
fund multiple events under one bill, so make sure to be detailed on what each event
is and have all receipts ready.
Vote: Unanimous, item b (OA: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item c, SB 25-34: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s,
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Senator Fox expresses concern that the bill is for a duration of seven
events; each time Mary Lou will have to deal with the receipts, etc. He is also
concerned that regionals is up in the air. Senator Lake asks how they have done in
past tournaments; at the ASU tournament last year, they won, beating both ASU and
U of A who have lots of funding and coaches. The NAU team has neither and they
won, which was extremely impressive. The bill also does not ask for money for
regionals or nationals, it only asks for money for guaranteed tournaments. They
usually send 15 to 20 people. Any other tournament will not be funded by ASNAU.
Senator Cross expresses that they have funded similar events in the past years
without a problem. Chairman Lee says that this would actually not be too much of a
task for Mary Lou; it is a great cause and they are obviously contributing a great deal
of their own money to this organization. Consider amending the bill to specify
which tournaments the bill will pay for. Senator Lake explains that he is usually
stingy with numbers, but that in order for this team to be more competitive they
deserve a little bit of funding; this will also attract more talent. Senator Fox
emphasizes the need for receipts after the transactions occur. Senator Woodhouse
asks if it is the same 15 to 20 guys who play; generally it is because they want to
have a strong team. However, sometimes injuries occur.
Chairman Lee entertains a motion to amend SB 25-34: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s,
$2250 to read “whereas the approved funding will pay for the tournaments as
follows: ASU Warm Up, Red Chili Fest, New Years Fest, Trouble In Vegas, Green Chili
Fest, Tucson B Team, and Sectionals” and in the second whereas it will read “$1000
will go towards funding the national dues and registration fees”
Motion: Senator Fox move to amend SB 25-34: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s, $2250 to
read “whereas the approved funding will pay for the tournaments as follows: ASU
Warm Up, Red Chili Fest, New Years Fest, Trouble In Vegas, Green Chili Fest, Tucson
B Team, and Sectionals” and in the second whereas it will read “$1000 will go
towards funding the national dues and registration fees”
Second: Senator Reddig
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, SB 25-34: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s, $2250 now reads “whereas the
approved funding will pay for the tournaments as follows: ASU Warm Up, Red Chili
Fest, New Years Fest, Trouble In Vegas, Green Chili Fest, Tucson B Team, and
Sectionals” and in the second whereas it reads “$1000 will go towards funding the
national dues and registration fees”
Vote: Unanimous, item c (SB 25-34: Ultimate Frisbee Men’s, $2250) has been
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item d, OA: NAU Ice Jacks (D2), $500
Second: Senator Smart
Discussion: The money will go toward the ACHA fee and for recent games in
Colorado. Their game schedules goes until march. Last year, they finished sixteenth
in the nation which was extremely impressive for being such a young team. The
team is growing and the managers have been scouting just like any other sport. Of
the 91 who tried out, 28 made the team. The ranking comes out tomorrow and they
are expecting to be either second or third in the west, which will guarantee them to
go to nationals. Each player pays $2500 plus money toward camp, gear, etc. Their
total budget is $140,000. Hockey is an expensive sport so they have done
fundraisers and have had help from alumni. They charge to get revenue from their
games; last time, they even sold out and had to turn people away. Senator
Woodhouse asks what the $3000 will be going toward; it will help pay for expenses
like busing and hotel costs. Senator Boruch asks if they know their federal ID
number; they do.
Vote: Unanimous, item d (OA: NAU Ice Jacks (D2), $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Tenney move to vote on item e, SB 25-35: NAU Ice Jacks (D2),
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item e (SB 25-35: NAU Ice Jacks (D2), $3000) has been approved
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item f, OA: National Society of Leadership and
Success, $145
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: This organization helps people discover and achiever their goals; it is a
life changing experience where they sponsor presenters that will inspire students
both inside and outside of the club. In order to be part of the club, you must attend
three lectures; tonight, they are putting one on that features Hillary Duff on
leadership and success and advice for people our age. The lectures are offered to
the campus to help build their foundation. They have even done fundraisers.
Senator Woodhouse asks if they have ever hosted an event like this; he explains that
this is the first time because they have just recently overcome some obstacles
concerning communication.
Vote: Unanimous, item f (OA: National Society of Leadership and Success, $145) has
been approved
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item g, Club Recognition: NAU G.I.V.E. Club
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Chairman Lee asks the senate if they would rather vote now or table it
and vote next week to remain consistent (once they have proper documentation).
Senator Cross says that they do not need the paper to confirm that they have been
approved by student life; they have already received a call saying that they were
approved. Senator Woodhouse agrees. Senator Fox, Senator Tenney, and Senator
Lake think that they should remain consistent and look over the documentation so
that they can go through the proper process. Senator Reddig asks if tabling it will
affect their club operations; it will not. Senator Lopez expresses that they should
vote now, but asks how many students expressed interest; about 20 expressed
interest within the first week of getting contacted. Through an informal poll, they
decide to vote now. Senator Fox asks if they can list the officers; president and vice
president, with a prospective treasurer, secretary, and two improvement officers.
Their GPA requirement is a 2.5. Senator Lake asks if they have bylaws or a
constitution; they do. They also have $5 dues. Currently, they will not be asking for
funding from ASNAU. Senator Fox asks when the time and day of their meeting will
be; they will decide once they know who is joining.
Vote: Unanimous, item g (Club Recognition: NAU G.I.V.E. Club) has been approved
For those with concerns, Ryan will be sending out an email with the documents. If
there are any concerns, do not pass it when passing the minutes from this week at
the meeting next week. President Smart will also postpone signing the documents
until it fully passes.
Executive Report
a. President- Sammy Smart
-President Smart announces that the polos have been ordered; she also
wants to know how many people will be attending the NSG/ASNAU social
on Saturday. Whoever has a car, please provide transportation! She had
a meeting concerning the iPads funded with the AIMS scholarships this
year. The money came from the forfeited deposit you give when you
enroll with the university. It was only given to honor students; the
inscription on the back was free from Apple. If withdrawing from the
university within the first three weeks of school, they had to give the
iPads back. They justified this by saying they needed to become more
competitive between ASU and U of A to get an equal amount of good
leaderships and good grades. There was an increase in AIMS scholars,
but they are not sure if this is correlated with the iPads. When asked why
this was only provided to the freshmen, they explained that it is because
the older classes have a lower tuition. After attending the academic
integrity meeting, President Smart was charged with the goal of talking to
undergrad students about what academic integrity means; expect a short
individual meeting with her or Ryan to discuss this. They will be revising
it from saying “academic dishonesty” to “academic integrity” to have a
more positive vibe. President Smart will be in and out of the office these
next two weeks talking with ABOR about ASA matters and the two dollar
fee. She will be researching other student fees as well as looking at the
structure of ABOR itself. Anyone interested in providing letters of
support, please give them to her. Tuesday is election day so please vote
yes on Prop 204 and educate others! Please post anything about Prop
204 on Facebook, Twitter, profile pictures, etc. and tell your friends and
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann
-VP Niemann thanks Shayla and Ryan for helping with Make-A-Difference
day. Although it was not a huge turnout, the projects were successful! In
addition, please put the link for the shirt survey as your status; it will be
up until Sunday night. After receiving the results, they are looking to
order them next week. There will be club headquarters interviews this
week; out of 32 applicants, they are looking to hire four to eight students.
Do not forget that there will be two more home games (November 10th
and 17th) with tailgates! Right now, NAU is ranked number on in the Big
Sky Conference. Please email this to your clubs and brag to keep
attendance up!
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee
-VP Lee received a suggestion in his suggestion box; please act happy
while at the front desk and pay attention to other senators comments so
as not to repeat questions. Keep up the participation even when some
weeks are more tiresome than others. He also informs the senate that he
will not be available next week for health reasons. If polos are available
next week, please wear them! He also encourages the senate to attend
the social this weekend and represent ASNAU well. After elections, they
were thinking about doing a mentor program with ASNAU and NSG. The
parliamentarian, Kristi, explains that for future reference a “call to
question” can only be used when called on (ie: no interrupting) and that
the chair always has the ultimate say. Whether it passes or not, the chair
has the power to go back to discussion or keep the vote.
d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud
-Chief of Staff Mastrud sat on the study abroad scholarship review, where
$40,000 from the 23 fee goes to fund over 40 scholarships. She also met
with The Lumberjack and there will be some corrections in the next
paper about ASNAU topics.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Jack Sawyer, Danielle, Shayna
- With the elections five days away, please help ASA however you can! On
Sunday night, they will be putting signs up for Prop 204 and phone
banking until elections. They will be having a finance call tonight to
discuss who is going to be going to D.C. to lobby for education changes.
Chelsea Byers explains that in Arizona there is only $31 per student
provided by financial aid (statistically). On average in the nation, there is
$412 per students. Arizona is far behind the rest of the country. Prop 204
can have the power to change this statistic. Without the passage of this
proposition, tuition will skyrocket because education will be losing
approximately $1 billion. President Smart stresses that by Wednesday,
education could potentially be destroyed. If not passed, this may also
affect ABOR’s decision with ASA as ASA supported this cause with our
two dollar fee. If you would like to show support, the ABOR meeting will
be December 6th. Senator Reddig asks if we can make a video; President
Smart says that this may be too short of notice.
B. Public Relations- Matt Villa
-The “Kiss My Axe” shirts survey just went out to the student body!
C. ITS- Jonathan Tessmar-Bell
-For all minutes and bills, please send them to Ryan or Makenzie so that
they can send it to Jonathan to get posted on the website.
D. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin
-Special events is brainstorming for equality or diversity week ideas.
E. NSG- Representatives
-NSG is excited about the social this Saturday with ASNAU. They have
been working on holiday events, and brainstorming for spring
philanthropy ideas. Senator Fox asks what they think of NSG thus far;
they like NSG but would like to improve on communication! They are also
thinking about doing leadership workshops together.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse says that if you have a bill/OA/IA
that you did not have time to print off before the meeting, you can send it
to her via email.
B. Legislative: Senator Lake reports that there will be no meeting this week
and that the original discussion topic will be postponed again.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch-Their college is having an “Octuba Fest”
tonight, as well as an orchestra concert on Saturday. Senator
Boruch has been spending more time in the office and will be
phone banking.
b. Anthony Lake-Senator Lake tells everyone about the metal
working artwork outside of the theaters. He also wrote the bill
for the Frisbee team. Next week, he will be talking to the
cycling club about funding.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross will be attending the university
assessment committee meeting tomorrow; she is also finishing
the club and organization list. Friends who are SBS majors, the
college is trying to learn what students are aggravated with
(advising, teachers, etc).
b. Jeremy Reddig-Senator Reddig has been helping with copies
and packets, and helped fill the paint pots, and check the mail.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Lara Creaser-Not Present
b. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez and Senator Creaser has a meeting
with their dean; it has been slow in the office, so he made
copies this week.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart has been doing her office duties
and emailing her clubs about the new club headquarters.
b. Adam Fox-Senator Fox has a meeting with the Newman’s
center about funding events. He and Senator Cross also got
invited to go to the Arizona Townhall meeting.
College of Business
a. Jeremy Chan-Senator Chan talked to someone about funding,
but then he never followed up with Senator Chan.
b. Derrell Tenney-Senator Tenney is meeting with a club
president to talk about funding tomorrow; he talked with other
clubs about funding as well.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Oregon McDiarmid-Senator McDiarmid has a deans meeting
next week. They wish to discuss how students are taught best
and how they like being taught; an email will follow to hear
everyone’s thoughts. He also worked with the Ice Jacks on their
bill and is looking forward to the game this weekend. Also,
reminder that there is a PRISM drag show tonight at 8 PM!
b. Shayla Woodhouse-Senator Woodhouse is working with the
EWB and Shari Miller to write some bills in the future.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel—Dr. Brandel agrees with Dr. Farmer.
Art Farmer—Dr. Farmer stresses taking care of your health and thanks
everyone for a great homecoming and for donating both time and money.
Discussion Items
The trophy goes to Shayla for helping with Make-A-Difference Day and being a great
role model!
Chairman Lee reminds the senate to please vote on Tuesday and that as November
approaches, money requests go up so please continue to be a team and work
Shelby is holding a canned food drive, so please bring in any canned foods that you
have to her! The canned foods will be donated on November 10th so you have a
week and a half 
Motion: Senator Lake
Second: Senator Boruch
5:36 PM