September 6th

Date: September 7th, 2012
Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: September 6, 2012
Number present: 12
Prepared by Shelby Burton
Senate Chair Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at
4:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
All Senators were present at the meeting.
Note: Senator Reddig arrived at 4:20 pm.
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to approve the minutes from last week’s
Senate meeting minutes.
Second: Senator Fox
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
VP Niemann: VP Niemann wishes to open up a lumberyard bill (written by Senator
McDiarmid), which will pay for shirts and help to promote the Lumberyard. She
wishes to pay for 2000 shirts, with athletics contributing money as well. She wishes
to spend approximately $7,700 out of the $10,000 allotted. The remaining money
will go toward vuvuzuelas for homecoming; otherwise, there are no other plans for
the remaining money. These shirts will replace the Jack Pack shirts. Senator Tenney
points out that not all students will want a shirt/attend the game and wonders if the
money should go elsewhere. VP Niemann says that the money is purposely there
for giveaways. Senator Fox announces that, while it seems like a large amount of
money, the budget is devised around the 23 fee and is actually not very much.
Chairperson Lee entertains a motion to move on Senator McDiarmid’s bill to New
Action Business.
Motion: Senator Lake
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Senator McDiarmid’s bill is now titled SB 25-11: The Lumberyard
Bill and item o is now on the agenda
Unfinished Business
New Action Business:
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on items a and b, Supreme Court Approval and
Elections Commission Approval
Second: Senator Woodhouse
Discussion: President Smart announces the Supreme Court justice nominees.
Heather is in her fourth year at NAU as a criminal justice major. She served on the
senate last year and was an NSG advisor. Vannessa is in her third year at NAU as an
accounting major with a political science minor. Previously, she was the secretary
for the Supreme Court. Joe, the chief justice nomination, is in his fifth year at NAU
studying microbiology. He is the president of the adventure club and he sat on the
Supreme Court last year. Brandon is in his third year at NAU as a history major with
a political science minor. Elise has no report. In addition, President Smart
announces the elections commission nominees. Monique is in her third year at NAU
as a vocal performance and chemistry major. She has had experience in ASNAU,
NSG, and the elections commission. Joey is in his fourth year at NAU and serves as
the treasurer for Sigma Chi. Milan is an orientation leader and is studying psychology
and pre-med.
Vote: Unanimous, item a (Supreme Court Approval) and b (Elections Commission
Approval) have now been approved
Motion: Senator Cross move to vote on item c, ASNAU FY13 Budget
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: ASNAU FY13 has been approved by last year’s senate, but still needs
approval from this year’s senate. The leftover $2,080 has been disbursed. They also
reallocated money from tshirts and handouts, clubs, and diversity to create Line 113
(Vote 2012) to educate the students on the election. The money will eventually be
redistributed; time is a concern. She also stresses that if the budget gets approved
now, then changes can always be made in the future.
Vote: Unanimous, item c (ASNAU FY13 Budget) has now been approved
Move: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on items d through i, Club Recognition:
Alpha Theta Xi, Club Recognition: NAU Men’s Club Basketball, Club Recognition: The
Navigators-NAU Chapter, Club Recognition: The Philosophy Club of Northern Arizona
University, Club Recognition: Seventh Day Adventist Collegiate Club, and Club
Recognition: Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Alpha Theta Xi is a multi-cultural, co-ed, service-based sorority/fraternity
whose purpose is to bring both genders together in a home away from home and to
provide community service. The NAU Men’s Club Basketball is an opportunity to
provide basketball to NAU students. The Navigators is an international,
nondenominational, nonprofit ministry with chapters at both ASU and U of A. The
Philosophy Club is a place where people can go to think, analyze, and discuss a
variety of issues. The Seventh Day Adventist Collegiate Club is a safe place for
students to praise god and make friends free from judgment. The Students in Free
Enterprise (SIFE) Club is a great opportunity to make leaders and improve students
through projects and helping others.
Vote: Unanimous, items d through I (Club Recognition: Alpha Theta Xi, Club
Recognition: NAU Men’s Club Basketball, Club Recognition: The Navigators-NAU
Chapter Club, Club Recognition: The Philosophy Club of Northern Arizona University,
Club Recognition: Seventh Day Adventist Collegiate Club, and Club Recognition:
Students in Free Enterprise-SIFE) have now been approved. Congratulations.
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item j, OA: The NAU Saxophone Society, $500
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: The NAU Saxophone Society wants to create an event for high school
and college students to attend master classes and recitals by two renowned
musicians. It will be open to all AZ students and give great P.R. to NAU. 500
students have already signed up and will each be paying a $15 fee. He wishes for a
total of $2200 to pay for an accompanist and for the musicians to travel and stay
here. The club is using $1000 of its own money, but is asking ASNAU so that their
account is not depleted. The facility will be donated by the performing arts school.
He expresses that he used Facebook to target outside of this local region and many
ASU students will be attending.
Vote: Unaninmous, item j (OA: the NAU Saxophone Society, $500) has now been
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item k, SB 25-8: The NAU Saxophone Society,
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: Senator Woodhouse confirms that $1000 will be used for airfare.
Senator Creaser confirms that the workshops will be useful for all ages, not just for
more advanced players. The representative also stresses that NAU students will be
Vote: Unanimous, item j (OA: The NAU Saxophone Society, $1700) has now been
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item l, IA: Missy Hoffman, $400
Second: Senator Fox
Discussion: Missy Hoffman requests a grand total of $1233.04 to attend a women’s
leadership summit in Boston, MA on October 16-18. It is an opportunity for women
to acquire skills to take on leadership roles in the accounting and finance industry.
The registration fee is $795, the hotel is $500, the roundtrip flight is $330, and she
received a grant from the Franke College of Business and is willing to contribute
$250 of her own money for foo. Senator Woodhouse wonders how she learned
about the conference. Ms. Hoffman explains that she receives emails from the
organization. Senator Tenney wonders what she will bring back to NAU. Ms.
Hoffman says she will share her experiences through clubs that she is involved in.
Vote: Unanimous, item l (IA: Missy Hoffman, $400) has now been approved
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item m, SB 25-9: Missy Hoffman, $833.04
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item m (SB 25-9: Missy Hoffman, $844.04) has now been
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item n, SB 25-10: Presidential Election
Debeates, Line 113, $3000
Second: Senator Fox
Discussion: The money will be used for projector screens to be placed in the central
quad, between Allen Hall and Wilson Hall. It will promote political action within
students, by showing the presidential debates.
Vote: 11 in favor, 1 in opposition
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item o, SB 25-11: The Lumberyard Bill
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item o (SB 25-11: The Lumberyard Bill) has now been approved
Executive report
a. President- Sammy Smart
-President Smart will begin requesting money for handouts and hot chocolate for
the showing of the presidential debates. She welcomes any advertisement
ideas. Computers should be fixed soon. She has a town hall meeting on
September 21st on academic integrity; an email will follow. President Smart
thanks the senate for approving the Supreme Court and Elections Commission so
that it is will be ready for Homecoming Royalty. She will be speaking at a
diversity event at 6:00 P.M. on south campus tonight. Chelsea Buyers and
President Sammy are reaching out to different chapter meetings to let them
know the services that we provide. When emailing clubs, mention legal services.
In three weeks, the senate meeting will be cancelled for the ABOR meeting, but
still attend this meeting in substitution. She also recommends that anyone who
is impacted by scholarships and Pell grants talk to her. Please be respectful
when eating Chic-Fil-A in the office.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann
-VP Niemann thanks everyone for a successful first event (ASU/NAU football
game); five buses were filled. Tailgating packets are at the front desk if clubs
need them. Make sure the forms are complete before putting them on her desk.
She thanks ASNAU for passing the lumberyard bill and will order the shirts
tomorrow so that they can be distributed at the first game on the 15 th. It is not a
requirement to attend every football game/tailgate. The helium tank will be
refilled soon.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee
-VP Lee thanks ASNAU for an efficient meeting. He reminds the senators to
contact their deans and thanks everyone for phone banking. Keep track of
hours; if payroll info is not turned in, then you cannot get paid. Put all events in
a calendar, so that we remember to go them. When apprehensive about
something during senate meetings, do not hesitate to express your doubts.
d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud
-Chief of Staff Mastrud thanks everyone who participated in phone banking and
reminds everyone that their pictures will be uploaded onto the website. The
Homecoming posters are completed, the royalty packets will begin soon, the
carnival and concert list is coming together. Put posters on ASNAU bulletin
board in designated college. Know the poster policy ahead of time and respect
the time frame.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Jack Sawyer, Danielle, Shayna
- Please attend CASL, a leadership conference for AZ students that includes
workshops. ASA will be welcoming 31 new interns. Continue doing class reps, so sign
up! Voter registration is up to 476 completed forms, and even more that they are
waiting on. The ABOR meeting will be the last weekend in September, so please attend
it. He also announces the first healthcare commission meeting.
B. ITS- Jonathan Tessmar-Bell
- The website is being worked on and the pictures should be uploaded soon,
along with links promoting our legal services.
C. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin
- Special events is putting together a concert list. They also did well under the
pressure of changing the location of the Kick Off event last night.
D. NSG- CJ Cooper, Sally Barnes
-NSG thanks those who participated in the phone banking and Kick Off event
and hopes NSG will benefit. Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. is the first meeting, where they will
discuss officer positions and add a new officer for philanthropy.
E. Public Relations- Matt Villa
-If anyone needs Matt, fill out a slip so that he can pace himself and not
become overwhelmed.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse stresses that clubs must attend the
senate meeting if they want something approved; if they cannot make it,
then that club’s senator represents them. She also reminds the senate to put
any files in the OA/IA/BILL folder on the front desk, with a date on it and all
blanks filled out.
B. Legislative: Senator Lake is waiting to hear back from the senate to organize
a consistent committee meeting time.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Senator Boruch emailed her clubs, discussed
meeting with her dean, and talked to students about voter
b. Anthony Lake- Senator Lake reminded ASNAU of the Ardrey
Auditorium grand opening; he also discussed meeting with club
sports and congratulates those who were involved in the Kick Off
Event on a successful night.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciencesa. Samantha Cross- Senator Cross discussed making an appointment
with her dean and helping students with club headquarters.
b. Jeremy Reddig- Senator Reddig blew up balloons for a sorority
event, helped students with the printer, and participated in the
phone banking.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Lara Creaser- Senator Creaser scheduled a meeting with her dean,
emailed her clubs, and helped with phone banking.
b. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez helped clubs cut out letters and make
signs, and he helped the Chess Club create an OA.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart announced a meeting with her dan
tomorrow, she emailed her clubs, and she will most likely be in
contact with one for a possible bill.
b. Adam Fox- Senator Fox emailed and met with his clubs and
created a few OAs.
College of Business
a. Jeremy Chan- Senator Chan made copies for students/ASNAU and
got to know the staff and senate.
b. Darrell Tenney- Senator Tenney contacted people to set up
appointments with lawyer, printed out papers, and wrote letters
to clubs.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Oregon McDiarmid- Senator McDiarmid emailed his clubs, talked
about bills, and helped with ASA.
b. Shayla Woodhouse- Senator Woodhouse emailed her clubs, has
begun her work for an IA concerning a conference. She also
participated in class reps.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel – Dr. Brandel praises ASNAU for looking at and approving the
budget. He also stresses that if ASNAU wants to advertise in the union, please do not
use megaphones. He congratulates VP Niemann on her ASU/NAU football game. He
tells ASNAU to attend the opening of Ardrey Auditorium and reminds ASNAU to utilize
their office hours for the good of NAU as a whole.
Art Farmer – no report
Discussion Items
Two clubs applied for money last year, but never turned in their receipts. VP Niemann
reminds ASNAU that it is a new fiscal year with a new slate; Ryan tells the senate that,
combined, the two clubs would potentially be asking for about $5500. Senator Cross
says that it is not ASNAU’s responsibility that they did not turn in the money. Senator
McDiarmid says that the clubs should re-present. Senator Woodhouse asks if the
money could come out of rollover. There is an informal poll; five senators believe that
the clubs should be held accountable, re-present, and redo the bill. One senator
believes the money should come from out of rollover. Six senators believe that they
should receive no money, but can create a new bill for the 25 th session.
University Committees: University committees will be decided via email discussion;
people who have previously sat on a committee are urged to come back.
Calendar of Events: Look at your binder; the events include ASA, NSG, and ASNAU
events! Please be there and support these organizations!
Chelsea Buyers urges ASNAU to attend the ASA class on Mondays at 7:00 P.M.
This week, the spirit trophy goes to Shayna! She is awesome because she is always at
events and making phone calls, and is such a dedicated ASA worker!
Motion: Senator Woodhouse
Second: Senator Fox
6:01 P.M.