Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Student Senate Twenty-Sixth Session Bill 261/27/14 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduced by: Senator Ernan Cabral College of Social and Behavioral Sciences _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An act to allocate up to $1,800 from the ASNAU Senate Bill line to the NAU National Society of Pershing Rifles for the purpose of attending a national convention. Whereas: This event is the National Society of Pershing Rifles National Convention. Whereas: The convention will take place in Richmond, Virginia from March 13-15. Whereas: Three students from Northern Arizona University shall be attending this convention. Whereas: The approximate cost of attending the convention is $2,300. Whereas: The funds allocated by this bill will be used for airfare, housing, and convention registration. Whereas: Representatives from over 50 schools will be attending the convention. Whereas: This convention will better train the NAU National Society of Pershing Rifels to perform duties such as exhibition drill at sporting events. Be it enacted by the Associated Students of Northern Arizona University that: An act to allocate up to $1,800 from the ASNAU Senate Bill line to the NAU National Society of Pershing Rifles for the purpose of attending a national convention. Action taken:_____________________________________________________ Date:___________ Approval:________________________________________________________ Date:___________