
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University
Student Senate
Twenty-Sixth Session
Bill 26January 27, 2014
Introduced by: Brittany Simon
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
An act to allocate up to $2525.00 from ASNAU Senate Bill Line for New Student
Government for the purpose attending the National Collegiate Leadership Conference
from February 14th – February 16th, 2014
Whereas: 14 members and one staff chaperone will be attending the National
Collegiate Leadership Conference in Tucson, AZ at U of A
Whereas: The members are paying for their own food, as well as a $25.00 fee
Whereas: Travel will cost $800.00 (including rental cars and gas), hotel will cost
$1100.00, and registration will cost $975.00
Whereas: The total cost of the trip is $2875.00, but $350.00 will be covered by the
members’ $25.00 fee
Whereas: The students are requesting funding to pay for the hotel, registration, and
Whereas: The students will be attending seminars, lectures, learning about leadership
skills, and working in groups to educate one another about various leadership styles.
The attendees will be bringing back to NAU first-rate experiences, improved
communication skills, and leadership skills.
An act to allocate up to $2525.00 from ASNAU Senate Bill Line for New Student
Government for the purpose attending the National Collegiate Leadership Conference
from February 14th – February 16th, 2014
Action Taken:_______________________________________________