Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Student Senate Twenty-Sixth Session Bill 26-

Associated Students of Northern Arizona University
Student Senate
Twenty-Sixth Session
Bill 26Date
Introduced by: Senator Zach Howard
College of Health and Human Services
An act to allocate up to $2,500 from ASNAU Senate Bill line for Younglife for the
purpose of performing community service in Mexico.
Whereas: 66 students will be going to Mexico to help build houses for those in need. This
event will held from February 21st to February 23rd in 2014.
Whereas: Younglife is asking for funding to cover gas and lodging expenses.
Whereas: The estimated cost of gas will be $23.53 per person at a total of $1552.98. In
addition, lodging expenses will be about $30 per person which will amount to $1,980.
Whereas: The remaining cost of gas and lodging of $532.98 will be paid from the profits of
the clubs Lake Powell trip and from proceeds gained from t-shirt and hat sails year round.
Whereas: This annual trip will give NAU students an excellent opportunity to experience
diverse cultures and contribute to overall cultural awareness.
Be it enacted by the Associated Students of Northern Arizona University that:
An act to allocate up to $2,500 from ASNAU Senate Bill line for Younglife for the
purpose performing community service in Mexico.
Action Taken: __________________________________________________
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Approval: _______________________________________________________
Date: ______________