April 17th

Date: April 17, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: April 17, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:03 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- Savannah Libby
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Simon move to approve the minutes from the Senate meeting two
weeks ago
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
President Haeger – The President wanted to discuss that last week the state budget was
finally released, and the university will get about $6M in new money. A total of $111M is
what NAU is approaching from the state. The total budget is running close to $465M
and the state is very important, but not the most important when it comes to funding.
The numbers will change with the new tuition intake in the fall. They will begin funding
items that are high priority and safe to fund at this time. All in all, the budget is in good
state. The ground will be broken April 30th for the new aquatic center. Construction will
take place over a year and a half. There will be a meeting of the Student Safety Task
Force. Sarah Bickel reminds the senate and audience that ABOR asked the three state
universities at the beginning of the year to create a student committee to evaluate
safety on campus, physical and emotional. They will evaluate current safety
implementations and look for areas to improve. This committee includes the
Community Vice Chair, Chief of Police, and student representatives. Next week on April
23rd, there will be an open forum as per the requirements. The ideas will be complied
into a larger state safety task force. She would like to invite everyone to attend April
23rd, from 4:00PM to 6:00PM. President Haeger is reasonably certain that there will be
a new president implemented in the fall. He will be returning to teach after 13 years as
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Howard move to remove Item A: SB 26-98: NAU Trijacks, $3500 from the
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 26-98: NAU Trijacks, $3500 has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item A: SB 26-98: NAU Trijacks, $3500
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: The NAU triathlon team called the Trijacks went to nationals a couple
weekends ago. There were 120 schools there and they are asking for the full amount to
help cover their hotel costs. The total spent was over $5000.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 26-98: NAU Trijacks, $3500 has been approved.
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Howard move to add Item U: OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $395
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item U: OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $395 has been added
Motion: Senator Ortega move to add Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500 has been added
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item A: IA: Cassie Padilla, $400
Second: Senator Simon
Discussion: Sammy presents on behalf of Cassie because she is in class and was also during
appropriations. The funding is requested to cover conference fee, hotel, and transportation.
She is one of the students attending the Dominican Republic trip.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: IA: Cassie Padilla, $400 has been approved.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item B: IA: Kendra Oviedo, $400 and Item C: SB 26102: Kendra Oviedo, $1685
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Kendra is a senior saxophone student, and she is requesting funding for two
events. One is a series of concerts in Poland, and the second is a workshop in Germany. This
will be a great experience and opportunity to network for NAU internationally.
Senator Cabral asks if she has signed the IA Packet, Smart goes to get it. Senator Soto asks
where she will be performing, and she believes the town is called Strachan.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: IA: Kendra Oviedo, $400 and Item C: SB 26-102: Kendra Oviedo,
$1685 have been approved.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item D: IA: Jacey Bateman, $400 through Item
K: SB 26-106: Alex Dean, $1685
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Katie Mannering is here to represent the students that are attending this trip
because the others are busy on the reservation. They will be going to the Dominican
Republic for two weeks: the first week is Spanish immersion, and the second week is to Los
Ranchitos to help with immunizations, medical situations, and teaching as well. The
funding will cover airfare, housing, and gas for transportation.
Questions: Senator Gorshe asks what the ‘day excursion’ listed on the budget includes. She
explains that they will be going to the capitol to talk about the health issues they encounter.
Senator Gorshe asks what the $100 allocated to this will cover specifically, and she replies
that it will cover transportation to the capitol since it is 45 minutes away from where they
are staying. Senator Cabral asks about the cutoff date being July 1st and how this will effect
their reimbursement as the trip goes until July 3rd. Chairwoman Woodhouse says it should
not be a problem, and Dr. Brandel says that there is flexibility and the bulk of the cost can
be processed for this year. Senator Simon asks how they will be getting receipts to ensure
that they will be getting reimbursed. Katie explains that Miracles International, the
company that they are going with, has set up and created an itemized list.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: IA: Jacey Bateman, $400 through Item K: SB 26-106: Alex Dean,
$1685 have been approved.
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item L: OA: NAU Trijacks, $500
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: See discussion for Unfinished Business, Item A
Vote: Unanimous, Item L: OA: NAU Trijacks, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item M: OA: Elevation A Cappella, $225
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: The Elevation A Cappella group has been around campus for 4-5 years, but they
are trying to get the word out about A Cappella on campus and increase their recognition.
They put on a concert in Cline Library that they are asking reimbursement for. They also
recently competed in a collegiate competition and did the best they have ever done.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M: OA: Elevation A Cappella, $225 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item N: OA: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500 and Item O: SB
26-107: Kappa Kappa Psi, $2688.61
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: The funding will go towards the School of Music Banquet, which will be held in
the High Country Conference Center. This is to celebrate the music students and the $500
from the OA will go to this event. Item O will total $3188.61 because they need to add
another $500.
The treasurer further explains that the OA will cover gas for the Western District
convention, and the two senate bills are attributed towards the School of Music Banquet.
There were many workshops that they attended at this convention that they will bring
back to the program. Dr. Brandel asks how many attended this convention, and the
treasurer replies 16.
Just to clarify, the total from this vote will allocate $3188.61 towards this organization,
Item V, which has been added, allocates the final $500.
Vote: Unanimous, Item N: OA: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500 and Item O: SB 26-107: Kappa Kappa
Psi, $2688.61 have been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item P: SB 26-108: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $993
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: They are asking for funding for gas to and from some competitions they have
previously competed in.
Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-108: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $993 has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item Q: SB 26-109: Women’s Ultimate Frisbee,
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: They are asking to be reimbursed for two competitions that they went to in the
past couple of weeks, as well as sectionals, which will take place next week.
Vote: Unanimous, Item Q: SB 26-109: Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, $880 has been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item R: SB 26-110: ASNAU Special Events, Undie
Run, $1400
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: VP Cooper needs money to pay for the police officers that will run the route;
there will be six who feel comfortable controlling the full event along with 11 ASNAU
members. They will also be paying to keep the lights on for the event.
Vote: Unanimous, Item R: SB 26-110: ASNAU Special Events, Undie Run, $1400 has been
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item S: SB 26-111: Kappa Alpha Order, $1530
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Senator Startt speaks on behalf of his fraternity. They are asking for
reimbursement for their philanthropy event to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. The
funding will pay for some of the events, including jousting, generators, PA system, sound
system, and more. They will also have a two-step instruction night at Louie’s Chicken
Shack, where they are charging $5 a person. Senator Simon asks if they are renting, yes.
Senator Tillinghast asks what the contribution will be. Senator Startt says they will pay for
food cost, renting out the park, and other expenses that ASNAU cannot fund. Spencer says
this is a philanthropy event so Little Caesars might donate pizza. Senator Startt estimates
that they will be paying $400-$500 out of pocket.
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 abstain, Item I: SB 26-111: Kappa Alpha Order, $1530 has been
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item T: SB 26-112: Tau Beta Sigma, $1500 and
Item U: OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $395
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: They will also be helping to pay for the School of Music Banquet. Parents,
Students, Alumni, and family will also be able to attend. The Music Greeks are combining
their money to pay for this and the reimbursement will go to them, not the School of Music.
Senator Simon clarifies this.
The OA is to cover a convention they attended where they won a service award and
brought back a lot of ideas for their program. Senator Cabral asks if it is the School of Music
Banquet, or the School Musical Banquet. He wonders if the senate should amend the bill to
reflect this.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend Item T: SB 26-112: Tau Beta Sigma, $1500 to read
School of Music Banquet in the opening, closing and first whereas.
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item T: SB 26-113: Tau Beta Sigma, $1500 has been amended
Vote: Unanimous, Item T: SB 26-112: Tau Beta Sigma, $1500 and Item U: OA: Tau Beta
Sigma, $395 has been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $1000
Second: Senator Ortega
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to amend Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $1000 to
reflect a total of $500
Second: Senator Simon
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500 has been amended
Vote: Unanimous, Item V: SB 26-113: Kappa Kappa Psi, $500 has been approved
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- This week she met with President Haeger to discuss the initiative board and it
was appointed. Please let the people on the board know if you have any
comments or questions. She told President Haeger about the VP Government
Affairs positions, and he is very pleased with it and thinks that it will definitely
increase NAU’s presence at the capitol. She met with the Regents on the
Presidential Search Committee, and it is moving very quickly. It is not too late,
however, to let her know if you have any comments about the search. She will be
meeting again this weekend. She will also go to Blue Ribbon, and spoke at the
Gold Axe Awards. She thanks the senate for funding the pins. Senator Simon
congratulates everyone who won those rewards.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- He is working on the Undie Run and will be at blue ribbon tomorrow with
President Mastrud. Those who are working Undie Run will meet outside on the
west lawn at the union.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- She has some news; the sustainable landscape project has received their first
year of funding. She attended the academic standards committee, and this
committee and others are working on a new honor code. They are looking at the
possibility of shortening it, and they would like more feedback from ASNAU. She
has three different statements that she passes out, and would like feedback from
all the senators by next week. She will be doing one-on-ones next week to finish
the semester, and everyone will need to write end-of-year reports. She would
like everyone to come next week 10 minutes early for the last senate meeting to
take a group picture and wear his or her polo.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Relay did raise a little more than $94,000. They have until the end of August to
meet the $100,000 goal. Also, thank you to everyone for helping with Ellie
Goulding. Some stats are 3369 IDs scanned, 300 unused floor tickets, 48 failed
cards, and 800+ True Blue Reward students. Athletics will be doing their big
announcement on the 26th and would like support. The banquet will be May 3rd
and invitations will come out soon.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- Dylan says the Hexapus has been printed and is in the communications
building. This week he has been putting together a binder of Brittany for next
year, and preparing for the new SSA Directors.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Last Friday they had a meeting with GSG, who wanted tips on how to advertise
to the grad students. They worked on the student legal aid flyer, the Undie run
ads, the banquet invitations, the lumberjack ad congratulating relay for life, and
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- They are creating the wrap up report for Ellie Goulding, and will be sending out
a survey for feedback. Jillian says the Bounce Out the Stress event is the event for
this month. There will hopefully be bouncy-houses on the pedway and they will
give free Starbucks. They are also doing study break, and will be sending out sign
out sheet next week. May 4th and 5th will be study break and banquet invitations
will be out tomorrow.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- He did a new Undie Run banner, uploaded the Senate Documents, and he
would like anyone who has concert pictures to send them to him.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- The dodge ball tournament went well, there were three teams. They collected a
lot of cans for Louie’s Cupboard. Their banquet will be this week, and have
rescheduled their challenge course event.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega reports that next week is their last meeting and
please let clubs know.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that they did not meet this week, but will
next week.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Thomas Lulay- He did office hours.
b. Scott Tillinghast- He will be sitting on the Initiative Board, and there
isn’t much else going on.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- Dean’s search is running smoothly, there are three
possible candidates. Met with the Dean on Friday to discuss closing
ideas and hopes for next year. Wrote a bill this week and will have one
next week. He also worked Ellie Goulding.
b. Brittany Simon- She was at a cultural music festival (Country
Thunder) and worked office hours; she has been busy with the new
position and would like everyone to let people know about the
positions available.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Dean meeting is tomorrow morning, he wrote the
Frisbee club bills, and finally had a great time at Parking Services.
b. Nicolas Startt- Office hours, dean meeting, and that’s it.
College of Education
a. Alyssa Soto- Office hours, worked the concert, and she is learning how
to do the new Senator Liaison position. And she would like everyone
to know that Hip Hop week is next week. Club Sports wants to know if
anyone wants to attend their banquet on Friday April 25th.
b. Jared Gorshe- Still trying to get another meeting, and working on
advertisements for school things. He did not do office hours yesterday,
but did do the concert line. Parking Services was great, and he would
like to thank everyone involved with the concert.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- He worked the concert line, and the Dean has said that he
is too busy for them. He has passed out 15 applications to his friends.
b. Alexandria Buchta- Office hours and Ellie Goulding Line, she got to
dance with Shayla, and that is all.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- Met with the Dean, who is doing a program with a
university in China. Worked the line, did office hours, and is now
b. Savannah Libby- No report.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— He would like to encourage anyone to attend the Student Safety
forum next Wednesday at 4:00PM. Congratulations to the 42 Graduating Seniors
who were selected for the Gold Axe award, there were a total of 350 applicants.
There were also 5 Presidents Prize awards, which is very prestigious. Finally, he will
be judging the International Talent Show on Friday night.
Art Farmer— He knows that these past few months have been busy, but he
appreciates all the effort. He would also like to thank everyone for welcoming Matt,
the new legal aide. He wishes everyone good luck in the coming weeks.
Discussion Items
- FY Budget 2014-2015 – They decreased $130,000, not including rollover. Total
revenue of $835,000 Total is estimated for next year. The total is comprised of registration
revenue of $720,000, the estimated rollover of $100,000 as well as a GSG Transfer of
$35,000. Paula’s position of Administrative Assistant is a 3% increase, and the VP of
Government Affairs position has been added to salary. She receives the same stipend as the
other exec members and is required to work 15 hours a week. The Supreme Court Justice
positions were increased slightly, a total increase of $212. Capital Improvements, which
includes additions to the office, was increased by $10,000 to accommodate the need to
build a new office for Government Affairs. They also increased the in-state travel to cover
the extra person attending the capitol. Public Relations was reduced by half, and also
special events, based on numbers from this year. Keep in mind that the carnival and the
concert each have their own lines. Because it is an election year, the Student State Affairs
line was increased. The Giveaways and Handouts line was also changed based on this year’s
numbers. The Diversity Events line was reduced, but the executive team plans to change
this depending on rollover amounts. The Speakers and Performers line was reduced based
on 2013-2014 numbers. They took away from the Study Abroad Scholarship, but will add
more with rollover. Receptions and Forums, Clubs and Organizations funding is the final
line that was reduced. This is the predicted budget, for more specific numbers please see
FY Budget 2014-2015. Dr. Brandel says that depending how much comes back from
receipts this year, it is hypothetical that carryover will be less next year. This will be voted
on next week.
Golden Pine Cone Award: Dylan and Ashley for their hard work and dedication to their
position this year
Important Dates
April 23rd, Student Safety Task Force Open Forum, 4:00 to 6:00PM
May 3rd, ASNAU Banquet, 6:00PM
May 4th and 5th, Study Break
Motion: Senator move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M.