September 26th

Date: September 27, 2013
Date of Senate Meeting: September 26, 2013
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:01 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- Jared Gorshe
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Libby move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that she talked with Christine and GAMMA will be coming
but NAU Rugby 7’s will not be attending a meeting, this will need to be tabled indefinitely.
Motion: Senator Libby move to remove Club Recognition: NAU Rugby 7’s from the table
Second: Senator Cabral
Vote: Unanimous, Club Recognition: NAU Rugby 7’s has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Cabral move to table Club Recognition: NAU Rugby 7’s indefinitely
Second: Senator Smart
Vote: Unanimous, Club Recognition: NAU Rugby 7’s has been tabled indefinitely
Motion: Senator Libby move to remove Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern
Arizona University from the table
Second: Senator Startt
Vote: Unanimous, Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern Arizona University
has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern
Arizona University
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: This club will be founded to create a positive community for people in fine arts
who are interested in Printmaking. There are currently about 25 students interested in this
idea. The Printmakers Society would like to do some fundraising events, prints sales, and
raise money to invite artists to do workshops and activities for the students.
Questions: Senator Simon asks representative to please explain what printmaking is.
Printmaking is a degree in the finance department and involves screen-printing and other
types of printing. Senator Libby asks if this club will be willing to get involved to help clubs
such as Greek Life with T-shirts, posters, and other printing. Representative says that yes,
this will be one way they intend to fundraise. Senator Cabral says that as there are specific
names listed for officers in their constitution, a change should be made so the constitution
doesn’t have to be revised every year. Club representative thanks ASNAU for their time.
Vote: Unanimous, Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern Arizona University
has been approved.
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Homewood and Friends
Tailgating Association
Second: Senator Tillinghaust
Discussion: This club will be founded so that students can participate and enjoy university
athletics together. Held before athletic events, whether it is the ASNAU tailgate or other
occurrences, this group will attend all together and support athletics and the students of
Northern Arizona University.
Questions: Senator Cabral asks if they will be providing food and drinks during the tailgate,
the representative replies that this will depend on the event. He and some friends had
tailgated unofficially last week but this week is family weekend and depending on approval
will be present at tailgate with the new student organization. Senator Simon asks if they
will be open to all students, and if so, how will this be advertised. He says they will start
with a Facebook group but also already have a good amount of interest due to word of
mouth. Everyone is welcome and club will be open to all students.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Homewood and Friends Tailgating Association
has been approved
Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on Item B: OA: Northern Arizona Merchandising
Association, $500
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: Jenna Moser, the President of the Northern Arizona Merchandising Association,
is here to request club funds for the annual event with Phoenix Fashion Week. This is a
three-day fashion show that will help members get hands-on experience within the fashion
industry, and provide them with great opportunities to network and get jobs. Requesting
$500 for Hotel Expense.
Questions: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: Northern Arizona Merchandising Association, $500 has been
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on Item C: OA: Green Jacks, $500
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: Green Jacks is requesting funds for a conference in Tennessee, the Association
for Advancement in Sustainability in Higher Education. This is a great opportunity to help
students get to know what other universities are doing with the Green Movement, and keep
the initiative going at Northern Arizona University. Students attending will be giving
presentations as well as going to a workshop on how to ‘Green Greek Life’ which will help
start that campaign at the university as well. The conference will give students a chance to
learn more about sustainability and bring that back to the students.
Questions: Senator Boruch asks about the club’s Federal ID number not being present, the
representative replies that they do in fact have one it was just not reflected in the
documents. Senator Cabral asks about the current budget for this event, club
representative says that they will be funding things like hotel expense and travel, alongside
money they were given through other funding sources.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: OA: Green Jacks, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item D: SB 26-8: Green Jacks, $430
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: None
Questions: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: SB 26-8: Green Jacks, $430 has been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to vote on Item E: SB 26-9: iStock Photo Credits, Public
Relations Line, $1100
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Colleen is requesting money from the Public Relations Line for images that they
use on all advertisements. It will help greatly to purchase them now because there will be
no copyright issues.
Questions: Senator Libby asks what images will be bought, Colleen replies that this will be
for advertising throughout the year and specific images are not yet determined.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: SB 26-9: iStock Photo Credits, Public Relations Line, $1100 has
been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item F: SB 26-10: Open Extended Library Hours
Second: Senator Tillinghaust
Discussion: President Mastrud says that she has been working with the library in regards
to keeping it open for 24 hours during finals and reading week, along with extending the
café hours. She would like the line open so that while she is setting up these meetings and
working out details everything will run smoothly and she will be prepared.
Questions: Senator Libby asks if we are changing these hours for the rest of the semester,
and President Mastrud reiterates that this is only for reading week and finals. Once she has
gone to more meetings she will present dates and more information. Senator Startt asks if
this is only for this semester, or if next semester will also be included in the decision,
President Mastrud says that the 24 hour library access during these times will only be for
this semester and they will see how many students participate before deciding on next.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: SB 26-10: Open Extended Library Hours Line has been approved
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that this week she has been doing a lot for the ABOR
meetings. It has been a really fun experience and she would like to thank Chief of
Staff Smart for coming all this morning. She also thanks Jillian for attending and
Senator Libby for bringing her father along. President Mastrud also met with the
student regents to get their insights on the proceedings this morning, thanking
them for attending as well. The morning session tomorrow will be all about
Northern Arizona University so please attend. She met with the student
government of University of Arizona this morning with Dylan and Oregon, and
would like to thank the Student State Affairs Directors for all of their hard work
regarding ABOR. Finally, she will be meeting with President Haeger to discuss
what went on during ABOR and will be moving forward with library hours in the
next week. President Mastrud introduces Paula, the new administrative
assistant. Paula has been on campus for many years within Dean’s office and
financial offices as well. She is excited to be working within ASNAU this year. We
are fortunate to have her here she is a great resource; if front desk isn’t available
you can always ask her any questions down in the administrative office.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports that he is thankful to everyone that helped with tailgate, and
has a sign up for this upcoming game, he will need probably just as much help
and if your parents are here he completely understands but it is a lot of work
with monitoring cars that come in and out and going around to everyone and
making sure wristbands are distributed, because police will be in full force. Met
with Elizabeth Simms about Make-a-Difference Day, which will be held on
October 26th, they are shooting for 150 attendees and VP Cooper believes this
will definitely be doable especially if they are tapping into Greek Life unlike last
year. He will start getting Public Relations to make posters for Make-a-Difference
Day, please post them in your academic college when they are ready. Tailgate is
at the forefront right now but once it slows down Cooper will be working on
Make-a-Difference day and then moving to Equality Week. Make-a-Difference
Day will consist of three hours of community involvement and then three hours
of celebrating involvement. The Murdoch Center is very proud of this event and
looks good for campus to be involved so please spread the word.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- VP Woodhouse reports that she would like Senators to know that if clubs start
coming in to turn in receipts and front desk is not available, please get email and
phone number so they can be contacted when their checks come in. Contact info
and original receipts go to Ashley and Christine. If clubs do not know their
Federal ID number, they should go through their bank and get it. Please let her
know if you have any questions. VP Woodhouse attended faculty senate this
week and the Tobacco Task Force committee yesterday with Senator Cabral. She
would like to Public Relations and VP Cooper for their work on the Lumberyard
T-shirts and everyone who helped out with their distribution. Finally, she would
like to thank the New Student Government advisors for a great mentor reveal
and social yesterday.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Chief of Staff Smart reports that she would like those who have signed up to
work the ASNAU Booth tomorrow at South Village to be there by 2:00P.M. She
can drive anyone, but please let her know if a ride is needed. President Mastrud
adds that Spencer and Senator Cabral have already committed, but if anyone else
would like to help please let either her or Chief of Staff Smart know. Smart will
have flyers in the office to bring down to South Village, which is located by the
South Fields just up the hill. Homecoming Royalty packets will be due back to the
ASNAU office next Thursday at 5:00P.M. Students must have 90 hours to apply
for royalty. An adherent is someone that takes the petition and gets it signed for
the candidate when he/she is not present. President Mastrud adds that whoever
is the adherent needs to write their name down on the packet. Smart has a
meeting with the elections commission tomorrow afternoon to get them
prepped on homecoming royalty. She met with Rachel Cole with SUN
Entertainment and Special Events to go over the concert results and begin
looking into an artist. The date to release the results has not been set yet, and
please do not bug Special Events about who the artist is, you will be the first to
know. Family Weekend Open Office will be Saturday Morning at 10:30A.M.
Please let Chyna and Jillian know today if you are attending with your parents so
they will know how much food to purchase. The Tradition’s Day Carnival is
coming along; please remember that everyone will need to devote a large chunk
of time on that day to help. The carnival will be from 3:00-10:00P.M. There will
be shifts and sign ups will be help closer to the event. Lastly, she thanks Staff for
continuing to do a great job in the office and hopes everyone has a great
weekend with family.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- Dylan reports that ABOR started yesterday with committee hearings, where the
directors heard a lot about our instate schools. Spoke with the Legislative
committee on bylaw changes, and would like to thank them for their time. Some
changes were approved including the rebuilding of the new aquatic center as
well as a new administrative student academic service building. Ben reports that
the Phoenix Suns will be here for training in the next week and a half. They have
also been talking about student retention; keeping students in school from their
freshman year forward. They also approved the search for President Haeger’s
replacement. Next, ABOR addressed what is now the Student Safety Initiative
(formerly the Greek campaign) and there were seven or eight speakers on behalf
of Greek Life, which was good. They have turned it into a task force with all the
state universities and would like a lot of student involvement. This task force
will have a report in the spring. Ben reported that they focused on what students
will be doing after college as well, and more details will be emailed out next
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Spencer reports that Public Relations has finished the Tradition’s Day and
Homecoming banners. They are working on homecoming ads and a few other
things this week. Lastly, they thank ASNAU for approving of the iStock credits.
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Chyna and Jillian report that they met with Rachel with SUN Entertainment
about the results of the concert, thank you for not bugging them about the about
it. They are working on contracting for the carnival, met with TC and gave them
the layout for the entire carnival. Currently working on last minute details for
family game night, everyone should come and bring their family and friends to
support. Will be held Saturday night from 8:00P.M to 10:00P.M in the University
Union across from Chick-fil-A. They would like to thank Senator Smart, Senator
Cabral, and President Mastrud for volunteering. The Family Weekend Open
Office event will be from 10:30-11:30A.M on Saturday. Relay for Life is going to
be April 5th-6th, and Chyna and Jillian are creating a team for ASNAU because
registration is only $6 right now, please let them know if you are interested. This
is not a commitment just currently interest-based and they will have more
information later. Having everyone involved would be great representation for
ASNAU. Homecoming royalty packets are due October 3rd and they will be
scanning the flyer to put on social media. Please share if you see it. Students will
find out the results of the genre soon and so will everyone in the office so please
be patient.
D. ITS - Joey Smoll
- Joey reports that all the tailgate information was posted on the homepage.
Events calendar was made and posted as well. He has made a club headquarters
tab with contact information and hours. Will be posting on the Facebook page
once a week to keep the page active and deadline for pictures for the website is
next Thursday.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- NSG Advisors report that from now on they will be having their NSG Senate
Liaisons give the report. This week it is Paolo and Belle, who report that
yesterday they split into their four committees, and have been working on a
tailgate for this Saturday. Yesterday was the reveal of mentors and social, and
they would like to thank ASNAU for being present because it means a lot.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch reports that she would like everyone to remind
clubs to have a budget before presentation of materials.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe is not present.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Helped students as she was walking to class about
what she could do for them. Dean’s meeting went well.
b. Scott Tillinghaust- Worked tailgate on Saturday, attended Legislative
Committee meeting on Monday night. Desk shift went well.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- Attended Legislative Committee meeting, office hours
were busy and wrote the bill for opening the Extended Library Hours
Line. Went to the Tobacco Task Force committee yesterday and the
mentor social also but mentee didn’t show up.
b. Brittany Simon- Had Dean’s meeting, and he was very interested to
help and asked them to sit on a committee called Start, to see what
they can do to better SBS. Discussed starting a coffee shop on the first
floor. Office hours and Legislative Committee on Monday, had to miss
mentor because she is sick.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Worked office hours and went to the Appropriations
Committee meeting, in contact with Young Life trying to figure out a
complicated bill. Didn’t go to the mentor social but he look forward to
meeting mentees.
b. Nicolas Startt- Had office hours on Tuesday. Went to the mentor social
and met with an honor society for transfer students looking to go to a
national conference, will be writing a bill soon.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart- Heard through word of mouth that the college of
education will be starting a study abroad program, schools in Italy
starting next semester. Thank you for coming to the mentor social.
b. Jared Gorshe- Went to RHA and discussed dangers of smoking on
campus, thank for passing the Green Jacks bill and will be meeting
with forestry club next week.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- Went to the mentor social and exchanged contact
information with one of his three mentees. Worked office hours.
b. Alexandria Buchta- Meeting with club about writing a bill and worked
office hours this week.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Savannah Libby- Dean’s meeting tomorrow, worked tailgate and
would like to thank everyone for an awesome job on the shirts. Went
to office hours and the Legislative Committee meeting this week.
b. Nicole Ortega- Had office hours and helped with tailgate, talked with a
few kids in classes about things to talk to Dean about, but no one
really had any ideas.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— Dr. Brandel reports that he would like everyone to take care and
stay healthy. Tailgating went really well thank you to everyone who was involved.
He is excited for family weekend this Saturday and would like to emphasize that if
you are planning on going to the football game get into the building a little early
because the game might be a sellout. There will be a certain point when they say
they are full. Had the Board of Regents here today and would like to say thank you to
everyone who came out. Gold Axe applications are due October 1st, and lastly he
asks if anyone has the dates for the Safety Walk, because he believes that it would be
a great event to attend and please participate if you can. Jillian will be emailing out
the flyer.
Art Farmer— Not present.
Discussion Items
a. Increase Bill Limit Amount
Because of the rollover and the increase of the Student and Organizational
Allocations line to $160,000, it has been suggested that the Bill Limit Amount be
increased from its current $2500 to something bigger. Senator Libby thinks that
since the money is for the students, if possible, we should increase. Senator Startt
asks if we are looking to increase from $2500 back to the $3000 that the limit was
previously. Chairwoman Woodhouse replies that yes, this would be ideal. Senator
Ortega asks how many clubs went for the full amount last year, and highlights that if
there is a total of $160,000 in the line then 53 clubs will be able to receive a full
$3000. Senator Smart says not many have been coming in. Dr. Brandel says looking
back, it is not atypical to have this time of year be slower as groups get organized.
Many more requests should come in the spring but will pick up by mid-October.
Senate should look at data if available over the last three years as to how many clubs
have been coming in. Senator Simon says that if a change is to be made it should be
soon so it isn’t changing halfway through the semester. Senator Tillinghaust
reminds everyone that the limit was changed to $2500 to accommodate for more
clubs as the number continues to grow. He believes that the current limit should be
kept and ASNAU can spread the word so more clubs come. Senator Ortega agrees.
Senator Smart asks if we have a current ASNAU Facebook page, and if so, it may be
beneficial to add club presidents so that posts can spread the word about these
extra funds. Makenzie says she will put it in the video and email it to the students. It
is determined to keep the Bill Limit Amount at $2500.
Chairwoman Woodhouse reminds Senate that hours are due, if anyone hasn’t done so yet
please print off and sign and date timesheet.
Golden Pine Cone Award: Student State Affairs Directors, Ben and Dylan for doing a great
job with ABOR. President Mastrud explains that they have done a great job representing
our organization to the regents and other state schools.
Dylan would like to thank those who showed up to ABOR.
VP Cooper has a lot of maybes for tailgate and he needs a lot of help, so please help with
tailgate if you can. He understands if you are busy but he expects everyone to show an
effort because he cannot do it all on his own.
Chyna says that STAC, the Student Activities Council, will fund club activities if they can’t
get enough through ASNAU. She will send an email with the information.
Motion: Senator Smart move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Tillinghaust
Unanimous, Meeting was adjourned at 6:06 P.M.