April 7th

Date: April 12, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: April 7, 2016
Number on council: 13
Number present: 13
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:02pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
Late: Senator L’Ecuyer
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approved last weeks’ minutes.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
a. ASWI: President Hannah Bashaw
Hello, I am the president of ASWI. We wanted to how the diversity director
position is going and its addition to campus.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I had someone come up to me and said they really
enjoyed the diversity programs on campus and I had never heard that before.
Senator Carr: I think this diversity week went really well and Dallas help it
moved really smoothly. Also think we have been working on different things
that have really reached out to the population. We have the clothing swap
and undie run coming up.
Presenter: Does she have access to the ASNAU email? There were very few
emails about the week. How many showed up and how many would have
come if they had sent more?
Chair Rosic: I don’t know if she has access to the list, but I think there were
one or two sent out.
Allison: Only president and chief of staff have the list. So if someone wants to
send out an email they can include it into the weekly emails, but if they want
it to be different they can meet with them.
Senator Moore-Sharp: During the week on Facebook I had multiple people
invite me and share the events.
Presenter: Yeah definitely, but I think it would reach more student through
email. Also for the position is in the constitution or when will it be added?
Senator Carr: We voted on adding it, but I don’t know if it has been uploaded
to the website yet.
Presenter: Can I know when it will be added?
Senator Moore-Sharp: It is just the matter of us talking to Chantz to make sure
it gets up there.
Chair Rosic: I just think since it was new, the execution is the not the best, but
we are slowly adapting to it. This organization has a history. I think that over
the summer when I new person is hired, going forward the events will go
smoother along with the logistics. Are there any events you would like to
Presenter: I thought this week was really great and set a good precedence for
the position.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Chair Rosic: For those here for new action business we will call you up. When you
are at the podium tell us about your bill or club, what the money will go to (if for
funding) and how it will benefit the students.
Item A- Club Recognition: NAU Greek InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition: NAU
Greek InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Second: Senator Roos
Discussion: We are leaders for NAU Greek InterVarsity. A group of us got
together last year and wanted to start this group for Greek life. We have
speakers come to present on teachings in order to create a community. We
have three small groups already for AOII, Tri Delta, and a men’s group. It isn’t
just for Greek or Christian individuals, but is open for everyone. We have
support from intervarsity here on campus.
Senator Warner: So are you a branch off of them or are you associated?
Presenter: No, we are our own thing.
Senator Roos: Are non-Greek students allowed?
Presenter: Absolutely, we want to encourage that. So if they want to rush they
can see how their faith won’t be affected by it.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: NAU Greek InterVarsity
Christian Fellowship has been approved
Item B- Club Recognition: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition: Sigma
Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Our organization is unique, because we are the Pan-Hellenic
council. We are historically a black sorority. We are community service
based; we value enhancing the life of women and their families. We
also…sorry I lost my train of thought.
Senator Rosic: Are any people interested?
Presenter: Yes we have already started meetings.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
has been approved
Item C- SB 28-132: Circle K International
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item C- SB 28-132: Circle K
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: "My apologies for not being able to be at the meeting in person,
for I am getting trained on my position in CKI, which is part of the reason I'm
asking for funding for Senate. CKI is the largest collegiate service
organization in the world, and our club is one that is highly respected on an
international level. This year at district convention, NAU took almost every
award that is offered for our service hours, member engagement, and more. I
also ran an election for District Governor, an International Position in CKI,
and one of the first NAU members to take that position. International
Convention this summer in Toronto means that not only will I get to fulfill my
job requirements and represent NAU as our district, I'll get to be a part of any
legal voting and delegations in our spot, and I'll accept the awards we
receive on behalf of NAU. In order to be that person, I am asking ASNU to
help pay for my registration, plane ticket, and part of my hotel, while I pay for
the other part of hotel and ground transportation, and any other funds
necessary. Thank you for your time, and I hope I can benefit our school with
what I'll do."
Senator Sowerwine: This sounds it is a bill for individual not a club.
Senator Graham: I think we talked about it in appropriations how she is
representing the club.
Senator Anderson: Also that what Amanda and I decided.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- SB 28-132: Circle K International has been
Item D- SB 28-133: Club Managers Association of America (CMAA)
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote on Item D- SB 28-133: Club Managers
Association of America (CMAA)
Second: Senator Roos
Discussion: We are asking for $1000 for our student world conference in San
Diego. It was a way to get our name out there, have job opportunities.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D- SB 28-133: Club Managers Association of America
(CMAA) has been approved
Item E- SB 28-134: Delta Chi Fraternity
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item E- SB 28-134: Delta Chi
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: Every year we have regionals where all the Delta Chis’ get
together. It is a way for us to learn how to run a chapter, rush and all. We
learned of our event chi ultimatum from that. It will pay for hotel and gas and
we would really appreciate it.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-134: Delta Chi Fraternity has been approved
Item F- SB 28-135: NAU Percussion
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item F- SB 28-135: NAU Percussion
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Discussion: We are asking for $300 for bringing guest artists. They presented
master classes for the students. They basically went through what they do
and whom they have collaborated with.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-135: NAU Percussion has been approved
Item G to I- SB 28-136 to 138: Silvia Dominguez Mateo, Kristen Strauss, and
Karley Rodriquez Mata
Motion: Senator Graham moves to table Item G to I- SB 28-136 to 138: Silvia
Dominguez Mateo, Kristen Strauss, and Karley Rodriquez Mata
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: Presenters not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item G to I- SB 28-136 to 138: Silvia Dominguez Mateo,
Kristen Strauss, and Karley Rodriquez Mata have been tabled
Item J- SB 28-139: Lauren L’Ecuyer
Motion: Senator Anderson moves to table Item J- SB 28-139: Lauren L’Ecuyer
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: So I am requesting funding for summer internship. It is not paid
or politically affiliated. It will cover my plane flight and stay. I think it will be
beneficial for NAU, because it will get political science and HRM name out
Chair Rosic: It says May to August 2016 and we are not able to pay for
anything after the fiscal year.
Kristine: Also we can’t pay for your rent.
Allison: I think the way it works is that the expenses will have to take place
for this fiscal year that you are senators for. So if the flights were purchased
now we can pay for it just not the August one.
Senator Carr: Where will you be staying so we know if we are able to fund it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Why can’t we?
Parker: There is nothing limiting it from rent to hotel.
Senator Carr: Could I suggest we look into that more?
Senator L’Ecuyer: I can see that, but we have never had someone request for
rent so we don’t have anything in the by-laws for it.
Cindy: I think we need to check the university guidelines.
Senator Sowerwine: Should we amend it end on the fiscal year?
Chair Rosic: I think it would be best to table it.
Vote: Majority rule, abstention Senator L’Ecuyer, Item J- SB 28-139: Lauren
L’Ecuyer has been tabled
Chair Rosic: Okay so that is it for bills and club recognition. Thank you for
everyone who came. You are free to leave at this time.
Senator Moore-Sharp: What happens if we find out that a club isn’t doing
what the say, like if they are discriminating against certain groups?
Kristine: I think you can vote to revoke Club Recognition.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
- "ABOR has brought their year long discussion of the tuition rate for the
next year's AZ Student Body. UA, ASU, and NAU all presented their tuition
hike proposals, and all were approved unanimously by the Board. Many
Regents congratulated President Cheng for her obvious commitment to
increase tuition at the most minimal rate while maintaining the PLEDGE
tuition program. Tuition will rise a total of $406(3.9%) for Incoming
Resident Students. Additionally, we are proud to announce that the
Arizona Student Government Collaborative has finalized its bylaws and a
copy will be sent to each of you to review prior to next week. In terms of
upcoming events, we have finalized the ASNAU Club Mixer (April 18th),
Voter Registration Round 2 is set for approval (April 19), and Know Your
Rights: Student Housing Edition has been approved (April 20).
Additionally, we will be tabling on the Monday and Wednesday that week
to hype up our events and pass out resources for spreading awareness
and helping those affected by Sexual Assault. We would also like to
congratulate Senator Stella Carr on her hard work and accomplishments
which built up to her Emerging Leader Award this past Tuesday. It is
truly an honor to have such an amazingly determined leader like Stella in
our ranks." –Ali, Vanessa, Jake and John
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- I am working on the undie run. We are changing the date to the 14th at 79pm. We are working on the route and getting it approved. It mostly
likely will be in front of the union, right here. I will need a lot of help to
chalk the path and staff the event. We have 4 NAU PD officers to help, we
will have water and we will be sending out the waiver on the website. All
the clothes donated will be going to Dallas’s clothing swap and then I will
take and get them cleaned. Whatever else is left will go to Cedar Closet.
April 24th is the spring football game, we will be handed out what is left of
the kiss my axe shirts.
Senator Carr: What time?
Allison: 7-9pm, but 6:00 or 6:15 for setup.
Senator Carr: Can we have one box of the kiss my axe shirts for the
clothing swap?
Allison: Yeah, I just need to make sure it goes to students, just meet with
Senator Sowerwine: How would you like us to sign up?
Allison: I am just waiting, but I will let you know as soon as I can.
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- Good evening, everyone! I’m sorry I am absent this meeting. I would like
to pleasantly inform you that after last Friday’s Academic Standards
Committee meeting the plus/ minus grading proposal will not be going
into effect here at NAU. There was several echoes of many points I made
and the faculty and staff were receptive to he student voice. If you’d like
to hear more about how the meeting went, you are more then welcome to
talk to Cindy (since our advisor was amazing in the stead of Erin
Grisham) or contact myself. Other than that, I don’t have much else. It’s
been a crazy hectic week for many of us, I know. Have a great rest of your
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- NR
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
- NR
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- We worked on the Louie awards ads and certificates. The pictures will
be coming out soon. We are working on undie run and the two clothing
swaps, as well as voting registration. For NSG we are working on relay for
life and the pre-concert kickoff stuff. Also during the ticket sales for the
concert we will have everyone follow us on social media.
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
-We worked on Louie awards and want to say thanks for everyone who
came. I think it went well. We are working on pulling everything together
for the concert, we will let you know when and where we need people to
be. Next week we are meeting with the concert people to iron out the
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Hali Wetzel, Kali Morris
-Jo: We want all of you to sign up for our relay for life team its April 30th
6pm to 6am.
f. Sustainability- Sydney Shaw, Sarah Holditch
- Next week is earth week! Friday is the first event; it’s going to be on the
central quad. That is when the clothing swap will be and this week is the
last week to donate clothing. Next Thursday is state of sustainability
address in the ARD building and the guy from faculty services will be
talking to us about campus sustainability. It will be a time for students to
ask any question they have. Cindy and I have made a flyer for in office
sustainability tips and I will be posting it around.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
-It went well. Thank you to everyone who did bills this week.
B. Legislative: Senator Mathew
-Davis: So we talked about Kyra’s position and how it’s too much for
the position and the time allowed. Then the second thing is that we
talked about adding something that will allow us to reimburse
department if it is for the students.
Senator Mathew: So to add on that it was to see if all these duties can
be done in the time provided or if it is too much.
Senator Carr: Can you explain more about department funding?
Senator Davis: So when we had that one group for the wind
competition, the department was funding it and they wanted
reimbursement for the department. So this would allow that to
Senator Rosic: There is nothing in the by-laws right now that says
something specific against it. We are wondering if we will see more
departments coming to us for funding with the cuts.
Senator Roos: Does NAU offer funding for departments?
Senator Rosic: I think STAC funding goes to it. So that is their main
source, but I think it ran out of funding last year before thanksgiving.
Senator Carr: I think if it is going to students and will continue to
benefit them I don’t see a problem.
Senator Anderson: I agree with that and that department’s fund them,
because they can’t afford it.
Senator Roos: I much rather see the department come in for funding as
a whole and I think it made sense to fund them.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I just want to make sure to include some sort of
provision that we will be funding the department not students,
because we don’t want senators to feel like they were cheated like me.
Kristine: Also something about if is it for travel or events? If not that
might open doors for departments to come in and plan events and say
it benefits the students.
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
-I am feeling sad right now, because part of my job was to plan for
workshops around cultural understanding and inclusion. One person
came to the workshop after senate meeting last week. I don’t know
how to engage you you and I know we are all busy, but I wish there
was more commitment. The position came to be, because students
don’t feel safe or valuable when they come here. The rest of the year I
am working on helping hire the school chief diversity director. Also
working with the clothing swap. We are trying to provide information
and help with safe binding and makeup.
Chair Rosic: Do you have a time for that?
Dallas: 1-3pm on 29th of April.
D. Solutions
- NR
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- We are working on a coffee event for the Dean
because he couldn’t attend the Donuts with the Dean. Also the
Shakespeare anniversary is ending tomorrow, so check it out.
b. Stefan Rosic- There is a diversity conference going on the
weekend of the 22nd and 23rd.
Presenter: Yes, there will be different instillations.
Chair Rosic: I encourage everyone to go.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- NR
b. Drake Ridge- We are working on finding time to meet with our
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- I had breakfast with Drake, Kyle, and other students
for the director of diversity for Sodexo. She talked about her
story and it was really cool. I learned a lot about adding to and
dealing with diversity in the work place.
Senator Carr: Can you share something you learned with us?
Senator Ridge: She talked about the diversity of Sodexo. About
12 years ago there was a lawsuit and it is what made them get
a head of the times with the diversity director position. Also
that she felt so comfortable in the company that she came out
to 12,000 people at a Sodexo event.
Senator Roos: She also explained how Sodexo feels like a momand-pop company and it seems like the employees work there
for so long, because of their diversity workshops. They don’t
make any money off of having it, but it is still valuable.
b. Ashley Beghtol- NR
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- I attended the breakfast with them as well. She
mentioned how reaching one person can lead to so much more.
Also she has diversity directors that volunteer because they
are passionate and I thought that was really cool.
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- NR
b. Warner Sivage- We had to cancelled Donuts with the Dean
event, because we never heard anything back even after going
with Ali. We stood there, in the office for 30 minutes with know
one helping us. Then, I also got an email back she wouldn’t be
in the office till next Monday.
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- We had our last dean meeting and he wants
to take us out to lunch.
b. Stella Carr- On the 18th there is the Eco-Fashion show and its
free; plus, I will be modeling. There will be snacks,
entertainment, and raffles. For our Dean meeting, he talked
about voting and how it works. Also our college now allows
you to add yourself to a waitlist for classes.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp-Eric can’t make it so I will just discuss what
he was going to say. I am an intern from Ann Kirkpatrick this
year and she is running against john McCain; its really close
right now. They are looking for interns, they have a few up
coming paid positions, so if you are interested please look into
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— Thank you for anyone who came to the safety walk last
night and we had maybe over 100 students attend. If you walk to work or live
on campus and there is a problem, please let me know. I wanted to share I
had an opportunity to listen to the diversity director discussion and it was
very interesting. Sodexo has over 135,000 employees in the U.S. and is the
15th largest company in the world. She talked about the rate of change in a
company and if there was not a lawsuit there wouldn’t have been any change.
Also why this is a good investment for companies which is the greater
relevance to customers and increase of effectiveness.
Kristine Heflin— Want to thank everyone who came to the Louie awards. I
couldn’t go because of a class during the time. I mentioned last week we had
less people for our homecoming meeting, but that was because of the email
issue. We are hoping more will come next week. I am also setting up GSG
Discussion Items
Chair Rosic: I had a meeting with Chantz this week to make google form so we can
have transparency with the weekly email and a better streamline process. Also a
comment section on the google forms which will be available on the ASNAU website
so that everyone will have access to.
Kali: I just wanted to say I was asked to be on executive board for the focus group
for athletics. This board is thinking of way to pump up the crowd at events. If you
have any ideas, please come to me about them.
a. Eric Chalmers: Not Present.
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Graham moves to adjourn meeting at 5:12pm.
Second: Senator Ridge
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.