March 10th





Date: March 22, 2016 Number on council: 13

Date of Senate Meeting: March 10, 2016 Number present: 11

Prepared by Kyra Johnson

Stefan Rosic, Vice Chair of Senate, called the Senate meeting of the 2015-2016

Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 4:02pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

Absent: Senator Mathew and Carr

Approval of Minutes

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approve last weeks’ minutes.

Second: Senator Sowerwine

Vote: Unanimous, last weeks minutes have been approved.

Call to the Audience

Unfinished Business

Item A- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students

Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item A- SB 28-95: Society of

Physics Students

Second: Senator Davis

Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students has been untabled

ADiscussion: I am the vice president for the Society of Physic Students, its pretty self-explanatory. We are requesting funding from New Mexico. The whole group goes to watch and listen to a bunch of physics talks, get experience, get to see what is happening in different sub areas of physics fields. It’s really nice and helps you decide what you want to do after your degree. The funding would go to paying for vans and rooms; we cover food and everything else. Some fundraising efforts we are doing right now are Pie day, which was yesterday and a puppy party, which will happen in the future.

Currently there are 12 people that are going to go and there might be more or less.

Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item A- SB 28-95: Society of

Physics Students

Second: Senator Sowerwine

Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students has been approved

Item B- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item B- SB 28-96: Future Business

Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Second: Senator Davis

Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi

Beta Lambda has been untabled

Discussion: Presenter not present

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to table Item B- SB 28-96: Future

Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Second: Senator Graham

Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi

Beta Lambda has been tabled

New Action Business

Item A- Club Recognition: Heshima Bioethics Society of Northern Arizona


Motion: Senator Roos moves to table Item A- Club Recognition: Heshima

Bioethics Society of Northern Arizona University

Second: Senator Sowerwine

Discussion: Presenter not present

Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: Heshima Bioethics Society of

Northern Arizona University has been tabled

Item B- Club Recognition: Northern Arizona Model United Nations Conference

Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition:

Northern Arizona Model United Nations Conference

Second: Senator Ridge

ADiscussion: Hi everybody so I am the president proposing this club, well secretary general in Model UN, and I am the deputy secretary general. We are proposing to have this club to host a conference at NAU because through out the years we have multiple schools through out the western region as well as international interest of attending a conference here. We hope by doing so we can facilitate real world applications that students can use in future careers as well as promote our school’s reputation.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Is there any relation to this club to the people who came in for funding?

Presenter: No one of the people who came in are going to be a part of this unless the ones returning next year wish to apply for a chair or position.

Chair Rosic: As well to clarify when you become a club you have to wait another semester before you can get funding

Presenter: On funding, as a club I have been trying to host one of these conferences for the past few years. We could rent out rooms at the HLC but with the various interests of the club we thought it would make sense.

Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: Northern Arizona Model United

Nations Conference has been approved

Item C- SB 28-108: Alexandra Tyra

Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item C- 28-108: Alexandra Tyra

Second: Senator Sivage

BDiscussion: Hi, I am an undergraduate student studying phycology here at

NAU. I have been involved in undergraduate research for about two years now and have been working with my professor for a year. We have completed research studies and recently we have been looking at the relationship between friends and happiness and a lot of good qualities in friendship experiences. This study was recently was accepted to be presented at Western psychological conference in Long Beach, California. I would be going to this conference on my own from April 28 th to May 1 st 2016.

I think this is an important conference for me to attend because this is the first conference I have gone out of state for and I think it is an important experience for me now. I think it is also important for me to get involved in the psychological field outside of NAU, to meet faculty members and other

students from different schools. I would get to know other programs and make some connections. I also wish to represent NAU and that this school is a quality undergraduate research and are a force to be reckoned with. The overall cost is $1064.85 however $200 has already bee covered the college and that’s the cost of my airfare. All I am asking for is the housing, registration and ground transportation.

Vote: Unanimous, Item C- 28-108: Alexandra Tyra has been approved

Item D to L- SB 28-109 to 117: Melton, Robinson, Wertz, Ceniceros, Schatz,

Muente, Bauer, Sabol, and Richards

Motion: Senator Anderson moves to vote on Item D to L- SB 28-109 to 117:

Melton, Robinson, Wertz, Ceniceros, Schatz, Muente, Bauer, Sabol and


Second: Senator Davis

CDiscussion: I am the faculty advisor for a project here on campus for the undergraduate collegiate wind competition. This is a group of 18 students and this semester 4 students from the college of business who are working together to designing a small wind turbine and writing a business plan for it as part of a national competition. As one of 12 teams traveling to the competition in New Orleans, which is, may 23 rd to the 26 th . We are requesting funding for specific members of our team to travel to the competition to cover airfare, transportation, and lodging with 3 students per room. We are raising funds from other sources for the faculty that will be going with them.

So each of the students that have requested here is interested in going because they are participating in a number of different specific events like: a private design, private business plan, public pitch and a number of tests related to the turbine.

Senator Moore-Sharp: This is for Warner; I am seeing here isn’t a change in price so has that been resolved?

Senator Sivage: I think legislative was supposed to go over it?

Senator L’Ecuyer: Can I answer it? I don’t really know what you are asking, but we tabled it indefinitely which means there bill could never come back to senate so they rewrote them again and they didn’t want to change any of the funding requests.

Senator Sivage: I also assumed that, because of what was happening previous weeks that this group of bills would also be approved.

Senator Sowerwine: I have a question for you, at this conference are they competing in all group events or some groups or some single?

Presenter: There will be, of the students that attend there will be some subgroup will go give a presentation on the business plan, on the technical design, public pitch, and will be handling the turbines in the test.

Senator Sowerwine: So there is multiple sub groups?

Presenter: Yes exactly. Everyone who goes will have a specific role.

Chair Rosic: So you said there are multiple sub groups so is this all one group going to this together?

Presenter: we would arrange travel so all the students would be together and they would stay in the same place and come back

Chair Rosic: I am asking because with the other bills we funded is that each of them are going as individuals since it is an individual application where this is a group going with different sub groups.

Presenter: I don’t know if this is an answer to your question but since this is not a club it is a student team, but we have been advised by someone from

ASNAU to have each student apply for individual funding. So if you said we can only fund a certain amount we would go and find somewhere else to get the rest of the funding.

Chair Rosic: Yeah, we had this conversation a month ago and that’s what we thought was going to happen, that this group would come back with multiple options of funding if we could only give $3000 lump sum to the group.

Presenter: If we can fund X number of students we would be we would also like the students to fund some of their own way. We are aware that we are asking for 9 people to go but might only wind up taking 5 or 2. We do are pursuing other funding but don’t have anything promising.

Senator Moore-Sharp: So if we decide to amend these bills to be with the group limit would that cause a problem where some people would have to stay home?

Presenter: We can travel with fewer people but it would be ideal to take our whole group. If I would go back to team members and tell them they have to fund whatever wasn’t covered there probably would be people that couldn’t go.

Chair Rosic: For reimbursement don’t the receipts have to be in the student’s name?

Kristine: We talked about it in exec but I don’t think we came up with an answer or not.

Vanessa: What we came up with is that we are not sure if we are able to reimburse if it will go back to a department. We only know that we are able to definitely reimburse the students.

Presenter: so in this case, we would purchase the flights so the students don’t have to and we did this two years ago and you guys did it.

Vanessa: We have re-written our bylaws

Presenter: So you re-wrote how it works.

Kristine: If you guys vote for funding today we will tackle that question later as we come to it.

Senator Ridge: I think that this point in the semester our budget would allow for the funding of all these people because we have been responsible.

Senator Sowerwine: I am still concerned about voting on them as individuals since the limit would be double what we would give to a group. I know they are not a club, but they have the exact same funding sheets and going to the exact same conference.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Does anyone have any other concerns?

Senator Davis: I feel that we have been responsible that the funds wouldn’t cause any harm

Senator Anderson: I think it would be unfair for us to not grant the and not allow the students to participate.

Senator Graham: Also a capstone is a really big deal.

Chair Rosic: As a senator, I kind of am unsure if we should vote for them individually or treat them as a group, though we have a surplus in our budget

I don’t think that is an excuse to spend it and by pass our laws we have written.

Senator Ridge: I don’t think there are really any bylaws that prohibit it. Also since we have funded them in the past I think we have already set a precedence.

Vanessa: There is something in the bylaws about reimbursement but if you chose to fund them we can work around it.

Senator Roos: I wanted to say this is the reason we left that grey area at the beginning of this year.

Vote: Majority rule, Opposed Senator Sowerwine, Abstention Senator Moore-

Sharp, Item D to L- SB 28-109 to 117: Melton, Robinson, Wertz, Ceniceros,

Schatz, Muente, Bauer, Sabol and Richards has been approved

Item M- SB 28-118: NAU Collegiate Distributive Education Clubs of America


Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item M- SB 28-118: NAU

Collegiate Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

Second: Senator Sivage

DDiscussion: Hi, I am, the competitive collegiate director for DECA and I am the Arizona state collegiate president. We have a accomplished mostly everything you can do in your first year, we went to a conference in New

York this December and we won the chapter of the year for the state. So basically we are business focused however we are open to all majors and recently we competed at our state career development conference where we took about 12 students to compete in different events and there were 6 of us that qualified for the national conference. It is in Washington D.C. from April

16 th to the 20 th . We are requesting the full $3000 to pay for the trip it costs us about $5000 total. These students are going to represent NAU for the first time on a collegiate DECA level at an international conference which all states and countries are represented at. It is a great opportunity to build networking skills and apply what we have learned in class.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Can you fill us in on some of the events?

Presenter: yeah so everyone is going for something else, but how it works is that you are put into a role-play and you have 30 minutes to solve a problem within a company. You going to your CEO (judge) and you get graded on your overall performance. There is a wide variety and about 16 different ones.

Vote: Unanimous, Item M- SB 28-118: NAU Collegiate Distributive Education

Clubs of America (DECA) has been approved

Item N- SB 28-119: Relay for Life

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item N- SB 28-119: Relay for Life

Second: Senator Davis

Discussion: I am the event lead for Relay for Life and we are here to today to ask for funding and teach you about what we are trying to do. So Relay for

Life is one of the largest fundraisers events in the nation for the American

Cancer Society. The main part is to fundraise money for research and other having to do with the organization. WE are asking for $3000 to cover the rental of the Sky Dome for our event that is on April 30 th .

Vote: Unanimous, Item N- SB 28-119: Relay for Life has been approved

Item O- SB 28-120: Julie Wachara

Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item O- SB 28-120: Julie Wachara

Second: Senator Roos

Discussion: Hello, I am an undergrad here at NAU and I am a bio medical science major. I am involved in research of infectious diseases on campus.

This year I found out that I got invited to go to the national undergraduate bioethics conference in Ohio. I would like to attend this conference because for diversity of schools going and or learning the concepts important different individuals and companies. I hope by going I can learn how to facilitate and engage character developments so when you go into a situation we learn how to recognize individuals and treat them as human instead of subjects. I am requesting about $800 hotel and flight, I am covering registration fees.

Senator Sowerwine: So this is my fault but we need to amend it to read Ohio instead of Honduras.

Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to strike Honduras from the bill and replace it with Ohio.

Second: Senator Anderson

Vote: Unanimous, the bill has been amended

Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote on Item O- SB 28-120: Julie


Second: Senator Davis

Vote: Unanimous, Item O- SB 28-120: Julie Wachara has been approved

Item P- SB 28-121: Black Student Union

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item P- SB 28-121: Black Student


Second: Senator Moore-Sharp

EDiscussion: Hi everyone I am the president of the Black Student Union. We are an all inclusive organization that uplifts, inspires, and connects students on campus. There are about 80 people that come per meeting and we also have about 6 committees. So we do an event during homecoming, we are responsible for planning the MLK celebration; we have a BHM committee, community service committee, a social justice committee, and a fundraising committee. So that what we do and we are here today we are requesting funding for our masquerade ball. It will be a large-scale event. The event will take place April 23 rd from 7pm to 12am. There is a $4 entrance fee and all funds go to BSU. We will have a full Italian dinner, dancing, photo booth and a masking making section. We are requesting the amount of $1750: $1500 will go to the dinner and the rest will go to the room rental. I invite you all to come.

Senator Sivage: The funding amount is different on the bill.

Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to strike the amount $1725 to change it to


Second: Senator Ridge

Vote: Unanimous, the bill has been amended.

Vote: Unanimous, Item P- SB 28-121: Black Student Union has been approved

Executive Reports a.

President- Alexandria Buchta

- NR b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley

- Sustainability interns aren’t here but they are working on the undie run and the recycling fashion show, so if you have any ideas or want to help let them know. The earth jam the swap bin is in the office feel free to donate items to it. We are looking at planning on a hand out for it. I am working on a CHQ email so that clubs can send in requests before hand, but I am working out the kinks. Also Chq is closed for Friday and the office closing before 3pm. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin

NR d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy

- So hiring is coming up, so I was wondering if you could elect some one for it from senate to sit on the hiring committee. Please don’t nominate yourself.

Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to nominate Senator Roos to sit on the hiring committee

Second: Senator Graham

Vote: Unanimous, the motion passes

Vanessa: I am working on stuff for ABOR. I just got those institutional excuses for people going. The voting is sexy t-shirts design is going through the bookstore to see if they want it and if not we will be looking for another company. Jake is planning on something similar like the

House of Representatives for NAU on how this year has gone and who their exec is. We will be providing food too. We don’t want to conflict with

Laurens 23-fee forum so its more like get to know the people representing you.

Chair Rosic: I think Ali said ASU has an open senate meeting for clubs to come in and discuss things like what you were saying. They have it every

3 rd Thursday of the month.

Kristine: I don’t know how many would actually show up, because this room won’t hold all the students involved in clubs on this campus, so we really have to think about that.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Off topic question, but will we be able to vote in here in this room for the presidential election?

Kristine: if you are assigned here then yes. e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins

- NR

Staff Reports a.

Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin

-So like Vanessa said I have some projects I am working on. Unfortunately the debates for April have not been announced yet so just waiting on that.

Another thing event I am working on is know your rights. b.

Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow

NR c.

Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner

-Thanks to everyone for helping out with the concert reveal. I hope everyone is excited. We are going to start handing out tickets on the 17 th .

We are also working on Louie awards and decorations. Taylor is looking

into handouts for students waiting in the line for tickets.

Allison: I just wanted to let you all know that the concert reveal reached the most amount of people out of any other event we have ever had.

Senator Moore-Sharp: I heard we can get floor tickets, how do we do that?

Amy: If you work the ticket line on Sunday you will receive a floor ticket. I will have more information in the future on that as well. d.

Information Technologist- Chantz Spears

-NR e.

NSG- Jo Olas, Dylan Graham

So we met on Tuesday and are finalizing all the stuff for the spring concert kickoff. We are getting everything all figured out. For the winners of the freshman dorm competition, which was Wilson, we are having an ice cream social for them. We will hopefully have some cheerleaders and maybe Louie will be able to make an appearance. f. Sustainability- Sydney Shaw, Sara Holditch


Committee Reports


Appropriations: Senator Anderson

- The bills looked good this week, but there are still like little things we need to work on. Please really re-read your bills, we had to amend all of them this week at appropriations.



- NR


Diversity: Dallas Diaz

-I am working on different things with different commissions. I met with the commission of access and design for disability and we talked about some speakers they would like to bring. I am hoping to contact ethnic studies department, queer studies, etc. so all can have a forum on talking about unrepresented fields of study. I am also hoping to have a clothing swap coming up where the clothing isn’t separated by genders, but by style. I am working with united diversity council for a conference 22 nd and 23 rd . It’s going to have a member of Obama’s council on the 23 rd to be the keynote for the conference. We are going to be working on tabling resources as well.

D. Solutions Committee: I sent you all the minutes from this weeks meeting. We want to be transparent with all the issues that are brought

up. We are hoping to make this a regular committee to meet weekly or biweekly; so we also wanted to make sure you are okay with whom your representatives are. A lot of ideas are for next year, but we came up with the newsletter idea to start after spring break, which will be a brief version on what people are working on and all the information about it.

We are making a discussion request form for the committee, they can decide who they want to meet with and you can choose it you want it to be public or private. I just wanted to show you guys a draft for it.

Senator Reports

College of Arts and Letters a.

Abbey Matthew- NR b.

Stefan Rosic- We met with our dean last week and talked about some new events and how to work on getting the word out about the 400 th anniversary of Shakespeare. Some of the deans are going to do sonnets and what not, so look out for that in


College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a.

Brooke Graham- NR b.

Drake Ridge- NR

College of Health and Human Services a.

Alex Roos- I am excited to start interviewing and I will send an email to all of senate to get some feedback on what you want me to look for in potential candidates. b.

Ashley Beghtol- NR

College of Education a.

Alyssa Anderson- NR b.

Kyle Davis- NR

College of Business a.

Lauren L’Ecuyer-

Chair Rosic: She wants to apologize for not being here and she is planning the 23-fee forum b.

Warner Sivage- We are in the processes of finalizing Donuts with the Dean

College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a.

Madi Sowerwine- NR b.

Stella Carr- NR

University College a.

Marc Moore-Sharp- I wanted to figure out how to do event for the beginning of the year during welcome week for my college.

Do I have to go to exec or?

Allison: Who you would go to depends on the event.

Senator Moore-Sharp: My dean wanted to know if ASNAU could host some events and have some people from ASNAU to table inside of the freshman dorms. She thinks it will be more powerful if some information came from student’s peers.

Chair Rosic: What time are the events?

Senator Moore-Sharp: I will ask next meeting, but the tabling or events inside of the freshman halls would be useful because she thinks students don’t know what resources are available to them.

Senator Roos: That would be good for us since it would get

ASNAU recognized by freshman.

Kristine: I sit on the welcome week committee and one idea we have is information booths, but you can’t commit next year’s staff or budget for it.

Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)

Cindy Anderson— NR

Kristine Heflin— I just want to say good job to Stefan for running senate. I think Louie awards should be an email next week. I have gotten a lot of faculty nominations, but need more for students, so make sure you go in and fill out for people you know that have really given back to this campus.

Senator Sivage: where do we go to do that?

Kristine: Student life website.

Amy: I have a link to send to all of staff.

Allison: When will it close?

Amy: Monday or Wednesday depending of we have enough.

There are a bunch of other awards that are open and they all close Monday after spring break, its on student life website. Also have a safe and fun spring break.

Chair Rosic: Okay so we need to have someone motion for a closed session.

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on a closed session

Second: Senator Davis

Vote: Unanimous, motion passes

Discussion Items


Important Dates


Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to adjourn meeting at 6:02pm

Second: Senator Sivage

Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.
