February 25th

Date: March 1, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: February 25, 2016
Number on council: 14
Number present: 13
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:04pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
Late: Senator Carr
Absent: Senator Roos
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Graham moves to approve last week’s meetings.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have been approved.
Special Session:
ASNAU discussed internal business regarding employees.
Call to the Audience:
Unfinished Business:
Chair Dietlin: Good evening everyone! If you are here for a senate bill and club
recognition and we will hear from everyone and then go back into voting period
afterwards. What will happen is when I call your name you can come to the podium,
tell us about your club, what you want to do with it, how many members you predict
you will have and how it will benefit the students. For all clubs and organizations
here for funding when I call your name come to the podium, tell us what the funding
is for, how many people, what you hope to gain, and how it will benefit the students.
Item A- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to untable Item A- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega has been untabled
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote on Item A- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: I am here to represent Alpha Psi Omega. We are requesting
funding for our winter ball. I went to the senate appropriations and we had a
successful meeting there. I really want this bill to get passed not only for us,
but also for the student body. We are a theatre fraternity and we specialize in
prompting excellence. This is our first annual winter ball; our team has
worked countless hours on this event putting it together and promoting. This
funding will cover room rental and Sodexo. This would be a benefit for us and
will take stress off of our community as a whole if we get this money to cover
what we bought out of our own pocket. You would help us financial and help
the students feel like the university is worth the effort.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega has been approved
New Action Business
Item A- Club Recognition: Go Baby Go!
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition: Go Baby
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: I am here on behalf of Go Baby Go! The idea behind this club is to
offer drive around toys that allow children with disabilities to interact with
the world. These machines will help them to move around with mobility as
others do. Children aren’t able to get a wheel chair till 5 years old and they
cost a lot of money when they do so we hope this will help out their families.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: Go Baby Go! has been approved
Item B- Club Recognition: NAU Council of Student Teachers of Mathematics
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition: NAU
Council of Student Teachers of Mathematics
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: Hi, I am going to be the vice president of your club if it gets
approved. The chapter is going to be the technical side of teaching math. We
want to learn/teach more about how to plan lesson plans. We are also
planning on doing some outreach to the community and going to some
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: NAU Council of Student Teachers
of Mathematics has been approved
Item C- SB 28-92: Gabrielle Mathew
Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to vote on Item C- SB 28-92: Gabrielle
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: Hi, my name is Gabrielle Mathew and I am requesting funding for
a banking conference in Paris that will be right before spring break. It will
allow me to get to know more about banking and finance before going for to
London School of Economics for my masters.
President Buchta: You forgot to put your signature on the back.
Chair Dietlin: We will fix that in the office.
Vote: Majority Rule, Abstention: Senator Mathew, Item C- SB 28-92: Gabrielle
Mathew has been approved
Item D- SB 28-93: NAU Climbing Club
Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to vote on Item D- SB 28-93: NAU Climbing
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: We are here to request funding for our spring break trip. We are
going to red rock cannon in Nevada to rock climb. The funding will go to gas,
reserving campsites, kitchen gear and climbing equipment. This trip is giving
our members the chance to use all the skills they have acquired over the
years. This place is world renown and is a great place for them to improve
their skills. Also it encourages healthy lifestyle choice and connects to
Senator L’Ecuyer: How many people do you have going?
Presenter: Sixteen as of right now, but we have a meeting tonight to make
Senator Ridge: Will you be buying or renting your equipment?
Presenter: Renting it from campus services.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D- SB 28-93: NAU Climbing Club has been approved
Item E- SB 28-94: Black Student Union
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to table Item E- SB 28-94: Black Student
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: Presenter not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-94: Black Student Union has been tabled
Item F- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to table Item F- SB 28-95: Society of Physics
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: Presenter not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students has been
Item G- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to table Item G- SB 28-96: Future Business
Leaders of America
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: Presenter not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item G- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America has
been tabled
Item H- SB 28-97: Connor Mullins
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote on Item H- SB 28-97: Connor
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: So in a couple weeks I am having a great opportunity to graduate,
but before I do that I want to get as much stuff for my resume. There are
many ways to bring diversity to this campus and the world. I am very
interested on how economics affects the world and think this conference will
be extremely helpful for me to understand it. The costs are lodging and what
ever I have down on the packet I forgot.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Are you guys going together?
Presenter: No, we are attending separately. NAU Model UN is highly ranked
national and internationally. We get lots of funding and get to send people to
many conferences as part of the club but this is different. Most conferences
help us rank and get money, but this conference is out side of that because it
is too big to represent the students.
Senator Mathew: As warner pointed out the names were erased and I don’t
really approve this.
Presenter: That is my mistake and I came back from Hong Kong last semester
and I thought we were going as a group.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I remember for the wind people we didn’t approve
them for funding. I just don’t know how this is different.
Kristine: Did you all go together last year?
Presenter: NAU Model UN we normally apply for certain conferences on
sheets and then the executive team gives them out. For this we apply on the
website independently.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Unless we recall the bill from last week, we can’t fund this.
Senator Rosic: We asked him if he knew of people and he said yes, but it is
when you applied did you do so individual?
Presenter: Individually, you don’t have to be a member of the club to apply.
Senator Sowerwine: I think we made this discussion last week, but it is
differently because there are different packets.
Senator Carr: When you go do you compete as pairs or by yourself?
Presenter: Not really, we are paired when we arrive at the conference. I agree
if this is happening it is under ruling funding but this is a separate bill.
Senator Mathew: If it is so separate why did your president say she was going
to represent Model UN?
Presenter: You would have to direct that conversation to her. I willing to to
say though it represents the college extremely well if the president goes.
They see her and they might want to bring her to their conferences.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H- SB 28-97: Connor Mullins has been approved
Item I- SB 28-98: Joshua Demakovsky
Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to vote on Item I- SB 28-98: Joshua
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Basically I am here for the same thing. We applied differently and
go differently. This is a very prestige event and ASU and UofA don’t send
students there, but if you send us its says NAU has the ability to support this
talent and have this talent.
Senator Sivage: Your name was on Connors bill but then erased. There were
six or seven names on there at first so how can it be separate?
Presenter: Probably because our advisor might have put them all on there,
but then realized we aren’t going together.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Are there any more students that are going to apply to
get funding for the same conference?
Presenter: I believe so, but I am not sure who or how many.
Senator Mathew: The president said in her package she said that she is going
to represent this club. So this sounds like this is a club within a club.
President Buchta: You aren’t getting course credit for going right?
Presenter: From what I know we are not.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I- SB 28-98: Joshua Demakovsky has been approved
Item J- SB 28-99: Arnold Air Society
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item J- SB 28-99: Arnold Air
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: Good evening, we are representing Arnold Air Society. So
basically we are asking for money for our national conclave where we are
able to meet with all the clubs across the nation. Each year we select our joint
service project with silver wings and this year it was creating blankets for
veterans. Our club is service based; we help with autism and help veterans.
Why I think this will beneficial is because our members will learn about their
jobs and what each one entails. I think these skills are important for our
younger students and we will be holding event for campus about leadership
to express what we learned there.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J- SB 28-99: Arnold Air Society has been approved
Chair Dietlin: I, along with the executive team, would like to email reports
this week due to the emotional meeting we had before hand. If you have
something you need to say right now you can if not your report must be
emailed to Kyra and I by noon on Monday.
Senator Graham: If we don’t have a report can we just say no report?
Chair Dietlin: Yes, is anyone opposed?
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
-I just want to let everyone know faculty senate reaffirmed a rule that we
have saying no guns on campus.
Senator Carr: So like by the law or not at all?
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- NR
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- I had a busy week full of answering emails. I have an Academic
Standards Committee meeting next Friday, so there will be more to report
on that soon. Senators, one more reminder, please keep your senate bill
writing to one week after the delivery of your funding packets.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- The SSA team is in the process of planning out the rest of this year's
activities which include co-sponsoring events with Health Promotions
during sexual assault awareness month, ordering "Voting Is Sexy" shirts
for another voter registration day, hosting another debate watching
party, and potentially hosting another Know Your Rights event. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with me
or send me an email.
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
-The reveal for the concert will be Friday March 4th! (this week). If you
want to work it, please let me know :) It would be greatly appreciated.
The Louie Award Applications will be available by Wednesday! Election
Voting will happen on Monday! They will be announced on the 8th!
Student Safety week is next week, Know your Rights on Monday and
more details to follow on Tuesdays Event.
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- NR
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
-This week Special Events just worked on the Spring Concert and figuring
out when the reveal of the artists will be. Also if you want to have a
Donuts' with the Dean event please let us know ASAP so that we can get
everything ordered for the event.
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Hali Wetzel, Kali Morris
- So really quickly, we ordered our NSG t-shirts. We are having a
freshman dorm competition and the dorm with the most people will
win a tree cookie and an ice cream social from us. Also we are planning
huge pre-concert kick off and want everyone to come since we are
trying to get the biggest turn out ever this year.
f. Sustainability: I everyone I am Sarah. I was hired to be the director of
sustainability for ASNAU. We are figuring out what to do with this
position, but I think it is very beneficial for ASNAU to get involved with
being more environmentally friendly. One of things we worked on was a
seminar. Green jack’s helped out as well as Cindy by hosting it and we
talked about conservation and there was like 45 people there. I will try to
advertise more next time and hopefully you can support us on that. The
next thing isn’t till earth week in April, but there is the eco- fashion show
and I signed up. I haven’t designed anything before, but am trying to do it
out of old ASNAU materials to design two outfits. I am looking for people
to model them; I think John already agreed to it so one more person. I also
need help collecting material and if you guys have any ideas let me know.
The other one is earth jam and it’s a celebration of sustainability. I think
we could get involved by participating on April 15th in the central quad. I
thought we could do a clothing swap. Its like free to students and what
ever is left over gets donated. So that all I really have, but we are also
thinking about tailgates next semester maybe having no waste tailgate. If
you have any ideas I am open to them.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
- NR
B. Legislative: Senator
- NR
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- NR
b. Stefan Rosic- NR
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- NR
b. Gabriella Nunnally- NR
c. Drake Ridge-NR
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- NR
b. Ashley Beghtol- Senator Roos and I have emailed our dean to
set up a meeting and hopefully we can find a time for donuts
with the dean where we both can be there but it is going to be
kind of difficult with our schedules. Also, just wanted to thank
everyone for their hard work and if you ever need anything let
me know!
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- NR
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- So I am trying to plan a forum on the 23 fee. I
just want to see how many people are interested. I will send an
email to you all that you can send to your clubs. We will explain
what comes out of the fee and who we are in general. We want
to be transparent in how we use the money we collect from the
fee. Reed suggested we get a financial person to come and
break it down; does anyone have any suggestions?
President Buchta: What about getting someone from EMSA.
Senator L’Ecuyer: I was hoping for someone that understands
our process.
Senator Ridge: It would be ideal for President Cheng if she is
available. Do you know when it would be?
Senator L’Ecuyer: I was thinking the week after spring break.
Chair Dietlin: It is going to be hard to advertise if we aren’t here
the week before.
Kristine: I don’t know if she has any idea out the fee so maybe
Senator L’Ecuyer: So maybe the week after that week back. Is
there a time and date do you think everyone would be able to
Senator Mathew: During senate for all of us.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Is that possible to do it during that time?
Chair Dietlin: Email all of exec and we can look into at our
Allison: If not Mondays and Wednesday are usually good, it is
very available from what I have seen.
Senator Rosic: Also we should put an info session at the end. I
think Thursday is a good day, because Monday’s are pretty
packed with all clubs having meeting on that night.
Senator Carr: I would just suggest to come prepared, someone
commented to me why we get paid for our jobs and other
people don’t, so just be prepared.
Lauren: I think Cindy has a little bit of background on that so
maybe she would be good to have come and comment on it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: If you have any questions that need to be
prepared, I can help.
b. Warner Sivage-NR
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- NR
b. Stella Carr- NR
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp- I have my meeting with the dean
tomorrow. She might be asking us to help get stuff moving. I
might be asking people to assist me with that.
Lauren: Ask her if she wants to do a Donuts with the Dean. I
need to know now or before spring break.
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— So I have three things: 1. The manager for Flagstaff
planning would like to included a poll/vote for NAU students on the
transportation plan. So just asking how what everyone thinks of the bus
schedule, like where it goes or doesn’t go that you think it should.
President Buchta: Is it a survey link, because I can send it out in an email.
Cindy: Yes, it needs to go out tomorrow.
2. I am very curious about what happened at the residence council meeting.
Senator Davis: They went with the3.88% increase.
Senator Moore-Sharp: They said that one year UofA didn’t do a cut and
because of that the next year they had a 25% increase for housing.
Cindy: 3. Wash your hands, get sleep, add emergency to orange juice, if you
have allergies get some local honey. Kristine and I were just sitting looking
around at everyone who is sick and how it is spreading through out the
whole campus.
Kristine Heflin— NR
Discussion Items
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to adjourn meeting at 5:52pm
Second: Senator Graham
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.