February 18th

Date: February 23, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: February 18, 2016
Number on council: 14
Number present: 14
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:04 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
All present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Graham moves to approve last week’s minutes
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
Chair Dietlin: Welcome everybody to our meeting, first we have a call to the
audience, next we will go to unfinished business and then new action business.
What will happen is when I call your name you can come to the podium, tell us
about your club, what you want to do with it, how many members you predict you
will have and how it will benefit the students. For all clubs and organizations here
for funding when I call your name come to the podium, tell us what the funding is
for, how many people, what you hope to gain, and how it will benefit the students
a. Green Fee
We just want to say thank you to everybody. We have decided that we want
to push this to next year so we are getting the signatures and endorsement
needed plus we want to continue to make that connection with the students
and inform them about this proposal.
I am representing the green jacks today and I want to voice our thanks to all
the senators, team, and advisors of ASNAU. I know it was unfair to ask for the
endorsement with the limited time frame we had in mind. In the fall we are
going to work to gain your endorsement and also president Cheng as well.
Unfinished Business
Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz,
Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel
Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin,
Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay,
Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel has been untabled
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin,
Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel
Second: Senator Graham
Senator Moore-Sharp: I messaged the guy in charge of all the bills, but he
didn’t respond to me yet on if they have any other sources of funding. So
really it’s up you what you guys want to do.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Is there anyone here representing them today?
Chair Dietlin: No, but I have been in contacted their advisor and the names of
who is asking for funding is going to be changing.
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to table Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin,
Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel
Second: Senator Graham
Senator Carr: Is there any way to remove it until we have an idea without
having to keep tabling it?
President Buchta: No, after being tabled three times it has to be tabled
Senator L’Ecuyer: Did they email you the names, because if they are not going
to get the funding some people can’t go or for some other reason?
Chair Dietlin: Let me look it up, so one more person is going to be added, so
instead of ten there will be eleven. Though this means they will have to
submit a funding packet for that new person.
Senator Sivage: Can we submit or make a rule for how many people
constitute a group, because I have the same problem that will be coming up
with Model UN.
Chair Dietlin: You can, but it would have to be in legislative and pass to come
to senate.
Senator Rosic: I was supposed to do that this week, I was going to wait until
the windmill competition issue was over. I think this is our error and I
wanted to wait till this situation is figured out so it doesn’t seem like we are
creating to restrict them.
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to table, Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin,
Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel,
Second: Senator Carr
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay,
Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel has been tabled
New Action Business
Item A- Club Recognition: Entrepreneur Club
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition:
Entrepreneur Club
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: Hello everyone, I want to start off with I appreciate your time
today, allowing me to speak behalf of my club. The purpose of this group is to
inspire and educate people that wish to flow their dreams. Our club will be
inclusive to all of campus and we are looking to recruit people outside of the
FCB. Our purpose is to give the opportunity to people to learn and get what
they desire. We expect at least 100 members by the end of the semester.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: Entrepreneur Club has been
Item B- Club Recognition: NAU Derivatives Trading Club
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition: NAU
Derivatives Trading Club
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: I am in the process of staring this club. Derivatives are a form of
investments. It works with different philosophies than stocks. I have over 10
people that have already expressed interest in it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Does derivatives go though the broker system?
Presenter: Yes
Senator Moore-Sharp: Since when?
Presenter: I don’t know. I have a question; it says for clubs there is a training
that the President and Treasurer have to attend. Do we have to send them
both if we aren’t going to be collecting money or asking for funding so have
no need for a Treasurer?
Kristine: Your president has to come, but if you aren’t going to have a
treasurer just your president and someone else will be fine.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: NAU Derivatives Trading Club
has been approved
Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Gospel
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item C- Club Recognition: NAU
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: You may have seen our filers around campus. We just had an
event in Prochnow, which had around 400 people in attendance. We really
want this club to be a cultural enriching experience for all that want to learn
about the music. I’m a music major but there are many singers that aren’t so
it will be really open to everyone.
President Buchta: I just want to say that you guys are really awesome.
Presenter: Thank you, we really want to make this a community-based club
instead of just a campus one.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- Club Recognition: NAU Gospel has been approved
Item D- Club Recognition: NAU Speech and Debate Team
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item D- Club Recognition: NAU
Speech and Debate Team
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Hi, we are here to represent the NAU Speech and Debate Team.
We are all ready are a club and we practice and go to competitions. We would
like to make it an official club, because it took me forever to find out that we
even had one. Mostly it will help members develop leadership skills and
conversational skills.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D- Club Recognition: NAU Speech and Debate Team
has been approved
Item E- SB 28-85: Etude O’Neel-Judy
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item E- SB 28-85: Etude O’Neel-Judy
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Good afternoon, I am currently completing research through a
NASA program and have been selected to present my work at the Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference. It is in Texas and the funding will cover flight,
lodging and registration.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-85: Etude O’Neel-Judy has been approved
Item F- SB 28-86: Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Motion: Senator Rosic moves to vote on Item F- SB 28-86: Chinese Students
and Scholars Association
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: Hello, I am from Chinese Students and Scholars Association and
we are asking funding for he Chinese Spring and Lantern Festival Gala that
we hosted. It is a popular event in the Chinese culture and we had it, because
we are not able to be with our family and wanted other students to feel
connected to their roots. It is a big event and this event is totally free for
Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-86: Chinese Students and Scholars
Association has been approved
Item G- SB 28-87: Alpha Zeta Nu
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item G- SB 28-87: Alpha Zeta Nu
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: We are from Alpha Zeta Nu and we are an honors society. We are
asking funding for the Sigma Tau Delta International Chapter Annual
Conference. It is in Minneapolis from March 2-5. Each day is packed with
workshops, events and speakers from around 8am to 9:30pm. There are also
going successful publishers and editors that will be attending. The funding
will help the four of us, who all have different majors, to network with other
students and professional. With that being said our diverse involvement will
help us spread what we have learned throughout the campus. We are asking
for the full amount, but would be very grateful for any help.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G- SB 28-87: Alpha Zeta Nu has been approved
Item H- SB 28-88: UTV 62
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item H- SB 28-88: UTV 62
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: I am the second assistant producer for the film. If you don’t know
every semester, UTV 62 produces a film. This is our biggest one so far, its
called Dawn of the Drunks. As you know UTV is an on campus station. So the
money I m asking for is locations fees and production rentals and lodging for
our crew. We wish to create a production for the campus and whole
Senator L’Ecuyer: can we reimburse for location fees?
Chair Dietlin: I would assume it is the same as registration fee, so yes.
Senator Carr: What is your concern?
Senator L’Ecuyer: It just freaks me out I want to make sure.
Senator Carr: Would it just be like the same as a room rental? Didn’t we turn
a club way for that same reason?
Chair Dietlin: No theirs was because it was liability fee.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H- SB 28-88: UTV 62 has been approved
Item I- SB 28-89: Young Life NAU
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item I- SB 28-89: Young Life NAU
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Discussion: I am here on behalf of Young Life NAU. We are asking for funding
to take around 50 students to Mexico to work with first mission. We are
going to help build houses to people who need them. We have gone with
them for several years and love giving back to a community. Just so you know
a family getting a house has to clock in over 300 hours of community service
ahead of time. We hope for the full amount of funding to pay for lodging.
Every time we have gone ASNAU has funded us.
President Buchta: Have you ever personal been before?
Presenter: This will be my third time.
President Buchta: What has been your favorite part of it?
Presenter: My favorite parts is the last night we get to share with the family,
we have dinner with them. It allows us to get to talk to them about their life
and how they got the community service. Like last year a mom worked at her
child’s school and serviced lunch for a few months.
Vote: Majority rule, Abstention Senator Rosic, Item I- SB 28-89: Young Life
NAU has been approved
Item J- SB 28-90: James McKay Gravitt
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item J- SB 28-90: James McKay
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Hello, I would like to start off by saying thanks to appropriations,
Gabby, and senate. This bill is seeking $1500 for personal funding for an
academic conference in Italy. I was just notified of this before senate, but I
was rewarded a scholarship for attending. I discussed the information about
the scholarship with the person in charge of it, but I don’t know when the
funding will be available, so that’s why I am still here. The conference is
formatted like a Model UN and I hope to develop debating skills and
professional skills there. This time this will be the first time that I will have to
provide for myself all by myself. This will go for my plane tickets and I have
saved money by purchasing it in euros instead of dollars. Secondly, for a
background this will be my seventh conference and if you know me I have
recently had to help with medical cost for my parents this year, that why I am
coming here to ask for this full percentage
Senator Mathew: Are you aware how many Model UN student are going as
Presenter: Eight so far, but I am the only one that has gone through the
appropriations yet. I know there is someone from the club that I am rooming
with to save money.
President Buchta: Is this is separate from the club?
Presenter: Yes, however we all applied under the recommendation of the club
Senator Moore-Sharp: If we are going to have multiple people going to the
same conference, even if they are not in the same group, are you guys okay
with this?
Presenter: Like I said I don’t know who is going to ask for funding. This is all
coming out of our individual pockets unless people are deciding to room
Senator Carr: Are there members from the organization going or are they just
Presenter: Six are going and one that is already studying aboard.
Senator Carr: Would you all feel more comfortable to wait until all the people
come in?
Chair Dietlin: Keep in mind if no one applies and three weeks pass we will
have it tabled indefinitely.
Senator Nunnally: If we give him the full funding and someone else came for
the same amount, it would still be the same amount of money for a group.
Senator Rosic: I think you were diligently enough to set this up before anyone
and think he shouldn’t be penalized for that.
Senator Moore-Sharp: If you know the people that are going and need funding
just let them know they might have problems if they come in for funding.
Presenter: Yes, I can do that. I just want to let you know if this is tabled I will
not be able to make it to any other senate meetings before the conference.
Senator Ridge: Is there anyone else going through anytime soon?
Chair Dietlin: I haven’t had anyone else so far.
Senator Sivage: I have one.
Senator Nunnally: I just want to thank you for sharing this information with
us; it’s very useful.
Presenter: I didn’t make it so personal, but I wanted to tell you where I am
coming from.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J- SB 28-90: James McKay Gravitt has been approved
Item K- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to table Item K- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: Presenter not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item K- SB 28-91: Alpha Psi Omega has been tabled
Chair Dietlin: So for all the clubs and organizations here today at this time
you are welcome to leave if you have people to see places to be since we will
be going into reports. We hope you all have a good night.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
-All right I want us to hurry through reports since some people have to
leave early. If you have any problems with the student body email if
something is not in there tell me and I can send out another email.
Tomorrow I have a collative meeting with the presidents of the other
colleges also tomorrow Jared, Vanessa and I have a conference call. I am
going to the wall aquatic center opening tomorrow. Just to remind
everyone everything needs to go through PR first because they know
NAU’s rules and regulations with advertisements.
Senator Rosic: So we were promised a meeting or two ago that we would
get missed executive reports emailed to us, but still haven’t.
President Buchta: We will fix this. Thank you for everyone who went last
night to the event.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- So I wanted to apologize for not being here the last two meetings, I was
at the shirt handouts. Conner is not here, but I wanted to give him a shout
out he was the only person there for all handouts. For an update on shirts
we are out of XL and XXL; last year we had to many so this year I ordered
Senator Graham: Do we have any more in the office or?
Allison: Yes, maybe a few but that’s it.
Senator Graham: All, because we need more mediums in CHQ.
Allison: No just XL and XXL, we have more of everything up here.
Senator Nunnally: Are there anyways to improve the t-shirt ordering
Allison: Yes, I really tried this year because last year we had ten to fifteen
boxes left of XL or higher. I counted how many were left from how many
we ordered and reordered that amount. I just thought we should waste
money and have them sit in the office over the break. Seeing that we ran
out of those instead of small and medium this year I will adjust it for the
next VP.
Senator Rosic: Is there anyway to order more for XL and XXL since this is
an error on our part.
Allison: We can look into it only if we would be able to get them in the
timeline. We need to feel it out, if it is only 10 that’s not enough. When
people come in to ask write it down, but don’t promise anything. It’s hard,
because if we order more shirts it will be more expensive. I meet with our
sustainability interns and they are working on a zero waste checklist for
our office and events. Diversity week this week, the committee is all going
to dinner to Lopez Lomong before the event. He has a very interesting
story about how he came here and I hope you can all make it.
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- I had an academic standards meeting and there were a few new policies.
The new end of term policy says there is no such thing as reading week
and that professors are allowed to give exams and present new
Senator Moore-Sharp: Where has reading week come from then?
Chair Dietlin: From other universities that actually have it. If you want a
reading week you need to come up with something and write it to get
passed. The other thing was the add drop deadline, administrative was
moved up they can drop someone in 6 business days after the start of the
term, but as of right now for students’ sill stands at 8 days, which it has
always been. Next meting we are looking at the wording of the grade
appeal process about them having a silence witness at both meetings.
Your bills this week looked awesome keep up the good work, been
answering a lot of emails about funding.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- Yesterday, I helped Ali and Erin with the leadership dinner. I want to say
about diversity week, on the behalf of someone who has had low come
outs, I know they have worked hard on this week so hopefully more
members will come. Also I am excited for the rest of this week.
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
- So I have been working on elections and hear all the concerns; I won’t be
making any decisions until noon tomorrow. I will be at the event tonight
so you can come afterwards and talk to me about any concerns that you
have. I have had a lot of meetings dealing with the artist reveal and
concert. I know some people know who the artist is, but we have a
contract and if it gets breached we may not have a concert. Anyways you
won’t know if it is true or not if you have heard who it is. To receive a
floor ticket, you need to help with passing them out. We pass them out
Sunday before the concert. If you want a floor ticket you need to work the
event if not, I can’t hold it.
Senator Carr: So if we are working we can get a ticket?
Lauren: Yes, I will hold the ticket for you.
President Buchta: If you have an emergency during that time, you will
need to work the line at the concert to receive the floor ticket.
Lauren: The concert is April the 21st, people line up at 9am in the union so
I will create shifts so you don’t need to be the whole time.
Senator Carr: What if we have prior things?
Lauren: Let me know. So as you know we changed hours at the library to
open before noon on Sundays and I have heard its been going good.
Thank you to everyone who helped hand out chocolate. I need to know if
you want to do donuts with the dean by the end of the month.
Senator L’Ecuyer: So say if we want to do a different event then donuts
with the dean can that be accommodated?
Lauren: Come talk to us about it, if it is the same amount of money I don’t
see a problem.
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
-I don’t really have a report. I just went to the leadership dinner and have
a shout out to Dallas for the movie last night. Sorry about the turnout, I
know how difficult it is when you plan a whole event and having
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- Wanted to remind you that we need three weeks before an event to get
the filers ready; also we want to start having meetings with you so we can
know what you are thinking for the advertisements.
Reed: Also, since we work only three days a week we get a lot of texts in
class about sending out a posts so please let us know before hand and we
can have it set to post at a certain time.
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
- Hi everyone. We just want to thank everyone that helped us with the
cookie decorations and candy bars hand out.
We have been working with Kristine on the Louie awards and we had
a Donuts with the Dean this week, we hope it went good. We are
working on concert stuff. Also want to say to Dallas great job on
diversity week.
Senator Carr: I was wondering if ASNAU could partner on an event for
earth week.
Allison: Our sustainability interns are working on that right now
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Jo Olas, Dylan Graham
- So we are back from our conference, NCLC, and we won the Instagram
challenge but we didn’t get a prize because we had to leave early to get
back up here. We are ordering NSG shirts and we have a relay for life
President Buchta: Would you come and talk to me about the shirts.
Lauren: It’s already been dealt with.
President Buchta: Okay never mind.
Dylan: Also we are going to have a freshman dorm competition at the
upcoming basketball game and are going to have a concert kickoff
hopefully on south quad.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
- I was not there.
Senator Roos: I was there and it went great.
Chair Dietlin: Yeah its really great since sometime Alex makes us cookies.
Senator Roos: I haven’t done that since that one time.
Chair Dietlin: Shhhh, I am hoping bringing it up will encourage her to
make us more cookies
B. Legislative: Senator Carr
- Chair Dietlin: We talked about a piece of leg that was going to go to the
state about fire arms and modes of transportation, but leg has decided
not to write anything on it, because it is very controversial on this
campus. There are senators that will sign a resolution, but don’t feel
comfortable writing it; so if you are come talk to me.
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
-Chair Dietlin: They all just left
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- NR
b. Stefan Rosic- Cindy: I attended the Student Leadership Dinner
with President Cheng last night, it was nice to see student
leaders from across campus come together to talk with
administration. I also went to the first Diversity Week event;
only 4 people from ASNAU went. Senator Carr, Senator
Nunnally, Dallas Diaz (The Diversity Director and I went from
ASNAU. Luckily there were over 100 people in attendance in
the Cline auditorium. But, I am concerned because we sit here
wondering why NAU dislikes this organization, and we are not
doing much to change their opinions, I’m hoping the student
body will see in the upcoming events that ASNAU does care. I
want to congratulate Dallas Diaz for putting together and
coordinating an entire week almost single handedly, and
thanks to PR for making the flyer. Cindy Anderson was a
tremendous help in spreading the word as well, so thank you
Dr. Anderson. I do want to address some overarching concerns
of this organization: there has been a serve lack of
communication from exec, and I am concerned that every valid
question is met with inadequate answers that place blame on
others or deflect a problem.
I think elections should be extended:
The general student body was just made aware of this on
Wednesday at 11:43am, and packets due by Friday at 12:00pm.
This makes it nearly impossible for students of various
circumstances to have enough time to
a) Decide they want to run
b) Pick up a packet
c) Collect 150 signatures in 48 hours
d) Turn in the packet
As an able bodied person it may be hard to understand this, but
I feel as it directly threatens student with certain abilities from
collecting this. Students that work. Students that may be out of
town for these 2 days for reasons unknown. Students that are
not apart of a large organization (like Greek life), and students
that were not aware of ASNAU elections until over 24 hours
ago. I am aware there is a deadline to Article 1 Section 12.2
says it must happen 40 days before inaugural banquet is
already planned, but executive boards mistakes of not
including it in the weekly emails (by the way there have only
been 2 and its week 5) are not adequate responses. The
general student body should not be punished, and exec should
allow input instead of deflecting issues that were internally
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- NR
b. Gabriella NunnallyPresident Buchta: Wait lets address these students first. Are
you guys here for Alpha Psi Omega?
Student: Yes.
Chair Dietlin: Okay our meetings start promptly at 4pm
Student: I was told 5.
Chair Dietlin: Okay, well your bill has been tabled so you will
need to come to next week’s senate to talk to us about your bill.
Kristine: Last night I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Samba
Gadjigo for the Diversity Week event! I am excited that the
week has begun because we have some great speakers coming
to campus, and we have an opportunity to engage in social
justice dialogue. Last night only Senator Rosic, Senator Carr,
our diversity director, Dallas Diaz, and myself were present.
This event would have been great to use as study break,
educational opportunity, as well as a networking opportunity. I
hope to see more people from ASNAU at other events.
Although our marketing strategy did not go as planned, I would
like to thank the PR team for creating a very informative
Diversity Week Flier. I also had a meeting with Dallas this
afternoon to talk about the events that happened this morning
and some of the confusion that she is having. After speaking
with Dallas, I have learned that she has not been trained about
how to go through the proper channels of Public Relations
releases, she has not received an ASNAU polo name tag, and
she has not received business cards, yet she is still expected to
execute Diversity Week events without much assistance,
guidance or training. Under poor conditions, our diversity
director and diversity committee hosted the first event of
Diversity Week! Over 100 people came, I am so thankful for
Dallas ad other members of the diversity committee that have
been so willing and eager to advertise for the events, because
they are turning out great! I would also like to thank Dr. Cindy
Anderson for being so helpful in this whole process.
Last night I attended that Student Leadership Dinner with
President Cheng. Unfortunately, I had to leave early due to a
time conflict with Black Student Union study hall. On my way
out, I handed some of my notes about the diversity/inclusivity
goals of the institution, the gentrification of Flagstaff, and
student safety on campus to a member of my executive board,
Mr. Brown. After that he was not treated respectfully by the
members of ASNAU. Mr. Brown was concerned by his
treatment and I am concerned because he is a student leader
and activist on campus that is interested in this organization.
People also look up to Mr. Brown because he inspires change. I
am concerned about the image of ASNAU at this moment
because of the lack if interest in Diversity Week and treating
people with diverse backgrounds with respect. I am also
concerned about the lack of communication between members
of the executive board and the greater body of ASNAU.
People have not been properly informed about the elections
and the things that are being decided by the executive board. I
hope that this improves and that the rest of the diversity week
events go well! Thank you, and I’m sorry this is so long.
President Buchta: I would like to clarify there was a long speech
given by Dr. Brown. Then he said no one from ASNAU but
Gabby supported the diversity director and I told him that was
Chair Dietlin: The he continued to argue that he was correct in
front of the entire room.
Senator Sowerwine: We thought about reaching out to him to
talk to him about it. Is that okay to do?
Chair Dietlin: We haven’t had an executive meeting to discuss it
Senator Moore-Sharp: I wasn’t there, but what feel for me. I
think about how much of an echo chamber that these clubs are
and it scares me. There is information that is being spread
about something and even if we put our support behind
something it can still be meet with anger.
Senator Sivage: Would it be okay for me to talk to Mr. Brown
because I used to room with him?
Chair Dietlin: If Warner Sivage is talking to him not Senator
Senator Graham: I know this is not on topic, but I was
wondering what is an appropriate excuse to not go to an event.
I feel like I get bad blood every time I say I can’t go to
President Buchta: Class, Si, study group of for emergencies.
Senator Graham: What if it is not about school?
President Buchta: Family sickness, events, weddings, etc.
Senator Graham: I have emailed Allison, but have not heard
back should I contact someone else?
President Buchta: Yes, just bcc Amanda to so she knows.
Senator Anderson: How much in advance do you want us to
know to tell you?
President Buchta: When you know, let us know.
c. Drake Ridge-NR
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- NR
b. Ashley Beghtol- NR
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- Shout out to the lovely ladies for our Donuts
with the Dean. It went really well, we had hella… a lot of people
show up. Kyle and I are now famous at our college.
b. Kyle Davis- I am going to go over things that were discussed in
the council.
Senator Moore-Sharp: What you see here is shows increases of
rates, you will see on top the percentage of increases if you see
orange all the way at the bottom that is how much hey will be
in the hole and how much they will need to cut. The middle
column at the bottom that how much they will raise over the
year. The areas they can cut are expenditures and furnishing.
They think they can cut these expenditures without any push
back for example it is jobs and salaries, but the chair doesn’t
think it will be much of a problem. 11 million will go to fixing
stuff and they don’t want to cut from it, how everything looks is
what anyone will see. Cutting investments, raising the rent
what do you think?
Cindy: Did they say what they were using for an inflation
Senator Davis: The consumer price index is what we think
Cindy: They have a separate budget besides the university, this
isn’t raising tuition.
Senator Moore-Sharp: 2% of that will go for inflation. We were
just wondering how you felt.
Chair Dietlin: From what I understood NAU as a whole is
working off of a deficit. Is that correct Cindy?
Cindy: The governor sets the budget and we based our budget
on a projected budget. We set tuition off of that, but that was
not correct so we are working of off a deficient. As the
institution we have had to ask for more money from the locals
and residence and they understand that but it is like a double
taxation. Twice as long ago, 2008 the state funded students
$5288 per students and in 2016 the state funds $3418 per
student. I only paid $10,388 for my entire ungraded degree.
We can see this all moving places, inflation. You know halls will
still fill and that’s why I am glad the green fee will take a year
before trying to raise the price again. We want to have more
people with degrees but then you have a tourism economy. The
decisions are difficult.
Senator Anderson: I think that students are not going to be
happy we are raising it, but I think since it is so low that
student rather have fixed up to quality to deal with any
problems that arise. So I think personally I think 3.2 or 3.9.
Senator Moore-Sharp: To clarify I live in the suites and it went
up a few hundred dollars from last year.
Chair Dietlin: As an off campus student we face even higher
prices. My roommate and I had a 2-bedroom apartment and
they raised our rent $700. Rent is raised across the board
Cindy: Did they give you ASU and UofA rates to compare?
Senator Moore-Sharp: No. If we went up those percentages, we
are still far way from them and we will have nicer halls.
Kali: Freshmen aren’t going to notice it as much since they
haven’t been here as long as we have.
Senator Sowerwine: I like 3.2 would satisfy everything.
Senator Anderson: I still like 3.9 because there is more room for
improvement since I hear all the things they are complaining
about since I am an RA.
Chair Dietlin: We don’t vote on it just if you have an opinion
you would like them to share.
Kristine: I want to move back on campus this is cheaper than
my rent.
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- I am planning a forum for the 23 fee, if you
are interested contact me.
b. Sivage- NR
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- NR
b. Stella Carr- I went to some sustainability meetings today.
Everyone is worried about us slipping in our sustainability
here. Professors are even concerned. We used to have
sustainability in our courses and we don’t anymore. We might
think it is sustainable is high up there, but it is not.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp-Meeting with my dean next week
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— To comment on reading week, we have it on the books
from a long time ago it is understood as end of year policies. Examinations
during that time are only supposed to be PEs and labs, though papers and
presentations seemed to be fine. Is that changed from the proposals? We
don’t allow club activities to happen during that week because want
students’ efforts to be focused on more important things.
Chair Dietlin: So it says final exam must conform to the university finals
schedule, it doesn’t say other exams are not allowed to be during that week.
We did talk about it, they are allowed to present new information and exams
that are not finals.
Cindy: I saw from John Bower that… never mind
Kristine Heflin— Two things: I think some of the conversation are
encouraged with emotions and I think we just need to remember to think
about where others are coming from. Also I think it will go along way to try
to make it to at least one event during the week to show support.
Discussion Items
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Anderson moves to adjourn meeting at 5:48pm
Second: Senator Graham
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.