November 19th

Date: December 2, 2015
Date of Senate Meeting: November 19, 2015
Number on council: 14
Number present: 14
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:08 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approve last weeks’ minutes.
Second: Senator Beghtol
Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs that are here today when I call your item come to the
podium and you will talk for about 2-3 minutes. If you are here for recognition tell
us about your club: number of people, what you do, what you wish to accomplish. If
you are here for funding come up and tell us what the funding is for, how much, how
will this impact the college.
Item A- SB 28-36: NAU Lion’s Club
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item A- SB 28-36: NAU Lion’s
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: Good afternoon everyone, I am Lindsey. I am representing NAU
Lion’s Club today. We are the the world’s largest service organization. We
would like funding for our event, Dinning in the Dark. It was held at 1899 and
everyone that came was blindfolded during the entire meal. Helen Keller
challenged our club to become a leader in the blind community, so that’s why
all the funds we raised goes to the organization cocopups. They raise seeing
eye dogs and give them to blind people for free.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Do you have a chapter in Phoenix?
Lindsey: We are all over the world, with three chapters just in Flagstaff.
Senator Moore-Sharp: When I got my first pair glasses I think they helped out
because I couldn’t afford it.
Lindsey: Yeah, we are really involved. I have been to sight clinics and my
whole family is a part of the organization.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- SB 28-36: NAU Lion’s Club has been approved
Item B- SB 28-37: Raina Bekis
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- SB 28-37: Raina Bekis
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Good afternoon. I am asking for funding for the conference I
attended last weekend. It was a great opportunity and I learned far more
then I thought I was going to. This year’s focus was about race, gender and
identity in the classroom. I was going to present my paper on white privilege
in the classroom, but I realized that I wanted to talk about how I first learned
about white privilege. Its not that we are racist, but something we are born
into. I talked about how I have dealt with it and how can help.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Sorry, but wasn’t she last week?
Raina: I was here for my friend last week, this is my bill.
Senator Rosic: I think it would be cool if you could come and present you
topic to ASNAU. I think we could learn a lot about white privilege.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-37: Raina Bekis has been approved
Item C- Resolution 28-3: Upper Education Budget
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item C- Resolution 28-3: Upper
Education Budget
Second: Senator Moore
Discussion: Lauren: We are going to phone in Ali and Vanessa since they are
at ABOR.
President Buchta: So the letter in front of you is us showing our support of
ABOR. All the schools are asking the state for more financial support, because
they are in a better state for funding then they thought. If this does not get
passed, the pledge program and several other things could be removed.
Senator Rosic: Don’t we need one signatory on the resolution? I can be one.
Chair Dietlin: If you would like to propose that amendment, do that right
Motion: Senator Rosic moves to add a signatory signing on Item C- Resolution
28-3: Upper Education Budget
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Vote: Unanimous
Chair Dietlin: Anyone else who want to be a signatory? Senator Davis.
Lauren: We have only gotten 15 minutes with them. Ali and Vanessa have
been working hard on this and if it does pass we will be sending it to the
Arizona legislative.
Chair Dietlin: I am getting them on the phone right now.
Vanessa: Basically, did everyone read through all the materials? So to
summarize the purpose of the it is asking for 50% of AZ residents tuition cost
to be covered. It is to help stabilize the university and the pledge program. It
was founded on the thought we would have state funding. We want you to
pass it so we can bring it to them. So we can help provide education in the
Senator Moore-Sharp: For clarification, any idea of how much tuition would
Vanessa: It has nothing to do with tuition just the funding we will receive. We
are lobbying and proposing the plan for higher education. Tuition is
something we talk about in the spring.
President Buchta: Saying we support more money in the state budget. We
have only two weeks left of school till they have a planned out budget.
Vanessa: What they want is to hear from is the student body.
Chair Dietlin: Thank you Ali and Vanessa.
President Buchta: We are about to go into a meeting with ASU and UofA. It is
beneficial for you to support this and back this.
Senator Davis: If it is passed where would the extra funding go?
President Buchta: If you read the state constitution, it states education to be
as free as possible. We are trying to layout in the future for students of AZ to
get 50% of costs covered. For out of state students, they are having a big hit
because of funding from the state. It could also mean a good rate for out of
state residents.
Lauren: If we can fund in state students, the out of state will be less.
Vanessa: This is the proposal going to them before they make the budget. We
are asking that you approve that. We need to have representation from
students saying we would like more.
Cindy: Devils in the details. Item 5 exhibit b. FY 2016 State realized the
$400,000,000 in the state budget. We build a budget, you were off and we are
asking for it back. From Doug Ducey, they are asking to go back to the
governor’s original proposal. Under 2017, we see the per student funding
around 38%. They transferred the cost to out of state students. What they are
asking for is a go back to the original budget. The document would go to the
leg. You are all good readers so go back.
President Buchta: That Vanessa and I have spent all day with ABOR making
this document as transparent and representative of the students of NAU.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I like when they cover they want state to cover the
growth of students. That is a big deal with many students still in over flow
spacing. I walk around and know that there was not this many freshmen
when I was here.
President Buchta: Anymore questions?
Senator Moore-Sharp: I motion to vote.
Chair Dietlin: We are not at that stage yet.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Is there any down fall to this? It sounds like we get money
so why wouldn’t we pass it?
Vanessa: No down fall, just our support for ABOR.
President Buchta: The question would be why wouldn’t we support them. Out
of state students feel marginalized so we are trying to protect them.
Chair Dietlin: NAU strives to keep that increase under 5%, but with out more
funding they can’t do that.
President Buchta: If the leg doesn’t start working with our school, we will not
have the pledge program.
Senator Carr: Have you gotten wind of why they wouldn’t support it? What is
on the table for them to say yes or no?
Vanessa: Leg will or not support things for their own reasons. Last year they
wanted to put the money in the k-12 instead. Doug Ducey says he will be on
board if leg is. This is our first step.
Senator Davis: If it passes, will there be a discussion on out of state students?
Vanessa: The focus is to provide the most funding to state university. They
did this because it is more likely to pass. To support AZ residents is goal and
if it does it should help the out of state residents.
Cindy: I can’t remember the cost but I am confident that is was over 50%. The
most recent recessions had a negative impact. AZ in one of the negative states
for students of 48%. Over the years, other states have out paced us and that
why so many students from California come here. Leg has to see each section
of pie and where it will go. There will be claims from k-12, health, and prison.
I think this is reading as us making this claim on pie.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- Resolution 28-3: Upper Education Budget has been
Item D- By-Law Change: Supreme Court Duties
Motion: Senator Ridge motions to table Item D- By-Law Change: Supreme
Court Duties
Second: Senator Rosic
Discussion: Senator Mathew: This is a by-law is for supreme court justices.
You all have it in front of you so in summary it says that complaints must be
in writing and needs to be signed that it is true. The next three points is if an
exec member has a complaint.
Senator Mathew: Why table it?
Senator Ridge: I think we should look into it further. I think it was just briefly
looked at and that we didn’t have everyone there, like Stella.
Chair Dietlin: We were in quorum and it passed in leg. Purely on the bases
that at other session we where at quorum I don’t think that should hinder it.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I don’t know the point of having quorum, if we need to
have so many people each time it is going to derail the process.
Senator Davis: It did pass in leg.
Senator Ridge: Parker’s vote in leg. doesn’t count. It was 2 votes against 2
votes. That is my reasoning.
Senator Rosic: Based on absent, I agree. I don’t think we should hold special
favors to anyone.
Chair Dietlin: The only comment I have is that any ASNAU staff can be a part
of any committee. That makes him a voting member. Last year it was made
clear that I had a vote as parliamentarian. Also since it is mandatory for him
to attend the meetings he has a right to vote.
Senator Carr: If it is under the duties, I support his vote.
Senator Mathew: What I meant by my question was if you had a problem why
didn’t you bring it up when I ask if you had any questions?
Senator Anderson: Can I ask a question? It says the supreme court has 72
hours to uphold complaints, what if they can’t do it in the time?
Chair Dietlin: It is just the language. The interpretation is that they have 72
hours to decide to go into investigation or not.
Senator Nunnally: If they can’t make a decision in 72 hours, like if they can’t
meet can they do it like electronically or do they have to meet? Also what if
they can’t do either of those things?
Chair Dietlin: Electronic voting is allowed with the 72. If they need more time
they can write and extend the time another 24 hours.
Senator Rosic: Section i and ii, seems like a process of re-victimization to
make a written complaint. If people have a problem with what is happening
in the organization them saying so should be enough.
Cindy: I am still looking for if the 72 hours’ is business days only or include
Senator Carr: Can we have section F of student code of conduct read? Once
read I might have a problem with the wording. With the 72 hours what if
someone is sick or unreachable?
Chair Dietlin: Section seven, it is lengthy so I am going to highlight. Titled
prohibited conduct: Initiating, causing or contributing to any false reports,
Forgery of document and not limited to records, misrepresenting oneself or
an organization as an agent of a university, misuse, theft, misappropriation,
destruction, damage or unauthorized use or reproductions or property, data,
records, equipment or service belonging to… NAU. That’s just what covers
our topic.
Cindy: Question, number 4 under that section. The may be adapted by the
board or by the university. It is not clear if it is the by-law and constitution of
ASNAU. Was it to use number 4 under the code? If so would you regard as
institutional documents or ASNAU?
Senator Mathew: Its just making sure they can’t make a false report.
Cindy: But a complaint can always be forged. How would we know?
Senator Moore-Sharp: When we first discussed this, when she brought up the
code of making sure the complaints were true. These by-laws are lengthy, but
I was troubled there isn’t a specific process when they bring a complaint. I
think this is important; there needs to be a process. If you feel like that and
accuse someone, you need to stand behind it.
Senator Rosic: I felt like this made the complaint processes harder and makes
it harder for victims. Can figure out how to get along as adults instead of
making the complaint process longer?
Senator Copeland: I agree with Stefan. You should be able to have a verbal
complaint. I don’t think we need to change how this is run.
Senator Nunnally: I like to echo, they are filing the complaint for a reason and
making it longer it damages the victim.
Senator Carr: I feel this whole thing is if someone has a complaint it is isn’t
blaming someone it is just that they don’t support what was said or done. It
deals with their feelings and whether it is true if they felt that way.
Senator Mathew: We wouldn’t be the only office that does this. RHA if you
want to make a complaint you have to go through steps like these. If someone
makes a complaint for something that, if you know something is not true. If
supreme court impeaches them they could lose their job and as human
beings, we lie and say things that are not true. Its just not lose a position it
includes people’s money and employment.
Senator Graham: Is it against board members only?
Senator Mathew: Any complaint needs to be signed as true.
Senator Graham: Just board member or students?
Senator Mathew: Anyone
Cindy: Being truthful about the student discipline procedures. This whole
thing is based credibility and if the supreme court might not see the evidence
as satisfying enough to carry through.
Senator Carr: If drake complained that I called him stupid and that it didn’t
happen. If he can’t prove I called him stupid and they can’t find it true, it
makes him look stupid.
Chair Dietlin: Cindy said that his claim wasn’t false but not enough case
against him.
Senator Carr: Why do we have to state that?
Chair Dietlin: When looking at the documents, for 3,4,5 for what the exec.
member must do is just making the two sections parallel.
Senator Moore-Sharp: When I hear they make a complaint there is a
presumption of guilt on the member. We presume that you are guilty, but we
need to remember that you are innocent until proven guilty, so just
remember that.
Kristine: What is not included here is the standard of how the decision is
Cindy: I think it super important. I encourage that you to say you are looking
for the truth.
Senator Nunnally: To echo again, the truth is another reason this should be
tabled or amended. I think there should be something about a mediator
between the two parties.
Senator Graham: Drake tabled this for all these reasons.
Chair Dietlin: Current motion is to table.
Vote: Against Senator Moore-Sharp and Mathew, Abstention Senator
Sowerwine and Davis, Item D- By-Law Change: Supreme Court Duties has
been tabled
Item E- By-Law Change: CHQ Hours
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item E- By-Law Change: CHQ
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: Davis: This is basically just making sure what we are doing is
reflected in the by-laws and constitution. Everything is in the packet of
information. Does anyone have nay questions?
Vote: Unanimous, Item E- By-Law Change: CHQ Hours has been approved
Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs and organizations here today we have finished
the voting phase and are moving on to our reports. Before you leave, if you
did have a senate bill passed, we invite you to the podium to take a hand out
that shows you how to get in receipts and extra information about it. If you
write your names and fill out the other information the would be great. After
you do that if you have places to be and people to see you are welcome to
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
- Chair Dietlin: Both Ali and Vanessa are at ABOR, so they will be sending
their reports in an email.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- I need volunteers to hand out shirts so I am sending around signup
sheet. If you have not fulfilled your tailgate requirement this can count
towards it. DEMECCA is having a workshop it is not mandatory, but
would be nice if you could attend. After weeks of work on all our parts, I
am proud to announce that we hired Dallas for the diversity director. She
showed passion and an understanding of what the position required. She
continues to say, none of this would have been possible without
everyone’s hard work. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- I don’t know how many of you were aware of it, but there was a
Facebook status about ASNAU. Even though I will speak with you after
the fact, the exec. board talked to our advisors and we will not respond to
it and we ask you to support the decision. Moving forward we hope to
spread a new positive light of ASNAU.
Senator Rosic: Before senate today, I reached out to the individual to set
up a meeting. We hope to re-mend our relationship.
Chair Dietlin: That’s great, thank you. In appropriations we tabled 6 out of
the 8 bills that we had. So, I am not accusing anyone, but you need to
email your clubs and inform them of the meetings they need to attend.
Once the bill is finished, we assume you have already emailed them.
Senator Nunnally: Will we have appropriations next week?
Chair Dietlin: Both committees voted to cancel them.
Lauren: I think it would be a good idea to remind your clubs on Monday
by email or phone of the meetings they need to attend.
Senator Graham: I had a bill and I emailed her three or two times and she
said she keeps forgetting. What do I do?
Chair Dietlin: If you are doing your part that is all we can ask. My concern
is just that there are bills that have been tabled for weeks and weeks. Last
Friday I had a conference call with the textbook guy, but he doubled
booked so we will be talking next week. Finally, I worked with Ali and
Vanessa to bring the resolution to senate today.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- Chair Dietlin: Same thing, she will send an email.
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
- Okay, I have several things. I have been working a lot with special events
on the concert; you will know when everyone else knows. We had
planned on a dance for holiday week, but RHA is doing that. So maybe
have cookie decorating event. I just learned that Sodexo is not carrying
donuts anymore, but that means we can have Dunkin’ Donuts. Funding
packet should be finalized soon.
Senator Rosic: When you order the food can you get gluten free ones as
Lauren: If they have any, yes. Sodexo’s reason was that they were low
quality, which makes no sense. Some stuff from the front desk girls, your
hours need them to be printed and signed and to your exec’s desk by the
due date to be approved. Front desk can’t approve them.
Chair Dietlin: For the ones who emailed them to me just make sure you cc
your exec member as well.
Senator Carr: What of we didn’t do that this week?
Lauren: Next time you will not be paid. Paula has orders to not approve
them. The reason we need you hours is because if we were to be audited
it would be bad not knowing what we are paying for.
Chair Dietlin: Exec needs to see the hours you are logging. I am signing
that on trust, but I am going to have Paula to view them again.
Lauren: Also clean up after yourself. they are busy with senate bills being
passed. If you need to makeup hours, that needs to be approved first. if
you log hours that have not be approved it is very confusing. When
people are coming to turn in funding packets the clubs are waiting for you
to tell them to come to appropriations, so please do so. There is a
deadline for hours, because only ½ the work she does is for ASNAU.
Senator Anderson: When is that deadline?
Lauren: Wednesday at noon. Any senators that have to leave CHQ with no
one there. Talk to grace she is working on that.
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock, John Bower
- Chair Dietlin: They are also at ABOR
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- Not much going on. We all turned in a design for kiss my axe.
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
- Chair Dietlin: Not here, but I am guessing same report as Lauren?
Lauren: Yes
d. NSG- Tori O’ Reilly, Lexie Hardy
- This week we confirmed with the freshman halls about the food drive.
Also our holiday party is next week. It is ugly sweater attire and if you
wish to be in the white elephant drawling please bring a gift. It will be in
the ASNAU office.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
- We pretty much already touched on all the things we discussed at
appropriations this week.
B. Legislative: Senator Carr
- Senator Moore-Sharp: We discussed the by-law changes, including the
supreme court one. I guess we are going to have to go back and fix
something’s on that.
C. Diversity: Senator Rosic
-Since we have released our gender-neutral petition, I want to thank
those organizations for their support. I made an organization list and
shared it with everyone no one posted anything on there yet. There are
25-30 of us that are here, so please put any of your clubs that want to
support it on there.
Senator Copeland:
Are we able to take a printed out paper to our
Senator Rosic: Yes! There is also a guide on how to start/carry the
conversion. We are working on tabling too.
Lauren: How long will the petition be available?
Senator Rosic: Doesn’t have an end date, but probably go through winter
break to next semester.
Senator Nunnally: If you run out of room to sign, staple a paper with the
same information to it. Also if people in the community want to sign it
they can.
Senator Rosic: Next, we talked about the set up of chairs. The diversity
director is going to be the chair and and I will be the co-chair. I will keep
co-chair so senate is involved. Topics for next semester about
Islamophobia, Doug Ducey said he isn’t going to accept anymore refugees.
Also brought up homonationalism, if you don’t know what it means come
to the event on December 2.
Senator Roos: When is the meeting on Wednesday?
Senator Rosic: Dec 2. 10 am-11am.
Senator Nunnally: The group is talking about how homonationalism feeds
into capitalism making it seem more modern and its not. Using it, to boost
capitalism while still discluding people of color and trans.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Feeding capitalism, how?
Senator Nunnally: Companies using it for people to buy their product. Like
Ray-Ban having two gay white males in their advertising.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- NR
b. Stefan Rosic- NR
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- We had our Donuts with the Dean. We were
the only ones that showed up.
Lauren: Where was it?
Nunnally: The dean’s office.
Graham: She really picked terrible flavors.
b. Gabriella Nunnally- It was nice meeting the dean for the first
time and it was cool getting to know her.
c. Drake Ridge- Donuts with the Dean went well since as in I got
to eat donuts and have a nice conversation, with tea.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- NR
b. Ashley Beghtol- Just a quick question, can you send me the
meeting time for ATD?
Chair Dietlin: Yes
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- NR
College of Business
a. Amanda Copeland- So I wanted to let you all know I am leaving
NAU and my position at the end of the semester. Its for health
reasons and I will fly back in May to graduate.
b. Lauren L’Ecuyer- NR
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- NR
b. Stella Carr- I returned yesterday from my conference and
learned a lot about water. If you want to learn more talk to me
about it. I learned a lot like about about our water and its
conservation in this type of desert. So Yeah.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp- Have a meeting with the dean in 2 weeks. I
am just thinking of stuff to bring up.
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— NR
Kristine Heflin— NR
Discussion Items
Chair Dietlin: Senator Anderson please tell me your favorite candy as soon as
possible because you won minute madness.
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to adjourn meeting at 5:38pm.
Second: Senator Beghtol
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.