October 15th

Date: October 22, 2015
Date of Senate Meeting: October 15, 2015
Number on council: 14
Number present: 12
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:06 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
Absent: Senator Mathew and Davis
Approval of Minutes
Chair Dietlin: Due to the events that occurred last week, minutes will no be finished
or voted on till next week.
Call to the Audience:
Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs and organizations here today, how this will work is
when we call your item you will come to the podium and tell us a bit about your club
or your request for funding. We will work down the list of items on the agenda and
after everyone has come up we will move into voting on each one in the same order.
Any questions?
Unfinished Business
Item A- International House Student Club
Motion: Senator Roos move to un-table Item A Club Recognition:
International House Student Club
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: International House Student Club was just created this year. We
create awareness of other cultural, educational programs departments at
NAU. We are hoping to bring all international students together.
Motion: Senator Ridge move to vote on Item A Club Recognition:
International House Student Club
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Vote: Unanimous, Item A Club Recognition: International House student Club
has been approved
New Action Business
Item A: Club Recognition: AZ Students for Progress
Motion: Senator Rosic moves to vote on Item A Club Recognition: AZ
Students for Progress
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Our main gals is to create a safe environment for liberal ideas.
We are focusing on community projects to get student registered to vote. We
also will be watching the debates for the general election and having
community volunteer events.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Is this a club like created by you, or through the school
type thing?
Presenter: Yes, I started this club and am looking to collaborate with ASU and
UofA for a state wide club.
Senator Sowerwine: So how many people do you have interested in this club?
Presenter: 45 people are interested; we have had two unofficial meetings in
the library but only 5 people have showed up so far.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A Club Recognition: AZ Students for Progress has
been approved
Item B- SB 28-13: High Performance Computing
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item B SB 28-13: High
Performance Computing
Second: Senator Nunnally
Discussion: Mike: I work for the high performance computing department.
We provide support for all of campus; for any professors/researchers. This
year there is an international conference for super computing. Teams of
student as are given a super computer to do projects on and solve problems;
IMB and Google might even be there. We are on a dual university team with
ASU and we are requesting funding for flight and shuttle. Three students
going to this from NAU.
Senator Sowerwine: Are all three students that are going undergrads?
Mike: Yes
Kristine: Are you going as an organization or as individuals?
Mike: What? We are apart of a department on campus.
Kristine: Isn’t that rule in the bylaws? Since they are not a registered
club/organization through ASNAU.
Chair Dietlin: So since you are not a registered student organization through
us, we are going to table your bill. You can resubmit bills for each of the three
individuals going. Just, you can speak with me after, no I will send you an
email about it.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B SB 28-13: High Performance Computing has been
Item C- SB 28-14: Alexander Ollerton
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item C SB 28-14: Alexander Ollerton
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: I am doing research on transfer students; I am trying to help
transfer students and see if any of them have any needs. Helping make their
transition to NAU better and smoother. I am coming to you guys to ask for
money for our conference in D.C. It will help promote my research with
professionals in the field and provide better relationships between student
and teachers.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C SB 28-14: Alexander Ollerton has passed
Item D- SB: 28-15: Meghan Belmares
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item D SB 28-14: Meghan Belmares
Second: Senator Ridge
Discussion: I also got accepted to the same SACNAS conference in D.C. My
research is looking into students and statics with cellphones in the classroom
and how cell phones might not be a distraction. We want to see of teachers
should be strict with cell phone use or not.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D SB 28-14: Meghan Belmares has passed
Item E- SB: 28-16: PRISM
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item SB: 28-16: PRISM
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: Hi, I am Shawn and I am vice president of PRISM. We are asking
for reimbursement from last year and for this year’s rental of the Orpheum
for our annual drag show. All the funding for PRISM comes from the ticket
sales of this show because we aren’t funded through anywhere else. The
funding will cover for last spring and this fall show because of the funding
problems with ASNAU last year.
Senator Roos: What were last year funding issues?
Chair Dietlin: I believe Shawn is referring to last years funding freeze.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Since you can only have $3000 a semester, they are looking
for another $3000 later?
Chair Dietlin: It’s combined total for both events, $3000 is our totally for the
Kristine: ASNAU states you can’t fund alcoholic.
Mike: It’s only served to people under 2l by Orpheum.
Parker: We can’t fund anything with alcoholic beverages
Chair Dietlin: Okay we are going to table this.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Table for what?
Chair Dietlin: For further investigate and a proper discussion.
Vote: Unanimous, Item SB: 28-16: PRISM has been tabled
Item F- SB 28-17: Circle K International
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item F SB 28-17: Circle K
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Hi my name is Sarah and Circle K International is a serve based
organization. Its gives our members a chance to learn about nation wide
service project. Gas for the 4 hours trip and registration
Vote: Unanimous, Item F SB 28-17: Circle K International has passed
Item G- SB 28-18: Item G SB 28-18: TASH@NAU
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item G SB 28-18: TASH@NAU
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: We promote inclusion for people with disabilities and we are the
only state chapter for TASH. We are asking for funding to attend the TASH
national conference in Portland. Last year we won best poster and we are
asking for funding so we can present on self express for self advocates and
student advocates.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G SB 28-18: TASH@NAU has passed
Item H- SB 28-19: NAU Feral Cat Alliance
Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to table Item H SB 28-19: NAU Feral Cat
Second: Senator Moore-Sharp
Discussion: Presenter not present
Vote: Unanimous, Item H SB 28-19: NAU Feral Cat has been tabled
Item I- By-Law Change: Training
Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on Item I By-Law Change: Training
Second: Senator Anderson
Senator Carr: This will require all ASNAU staff within the first semester to do
safe zone, and bystander training. So you, so the whole office is trained in
those by the beginning of the school year.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Is safe jack is suicide prevention training?
Chair Dietlin: Yes
Senator Moore-Sharp: Is there is any liability incase a student come to us?
Chair Dietlin: No
Vote: Unanimous, Item I By-Law Change: Training has passed
Item J-By-Law Change: Two Week Rule
Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on Item J By-Law Change: Two Week
Second: Senator Anderson
Senator Carr: So when you have been approved for funding, the club or
organization will have two weeks prior to the event to turn in receipts to the
front desk ladies or two weeks after the bill has been approved.
Senator Anderson: When will we be doing that or starting that?
Senator Carr: From now on if the by-law become approved
Vote: Unanimous, Item J By-Law Change: Two Week Rule has passed
Item K-By-Law Change: Membership Fees or Dues
Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on Item K By-Law Change: Membership
Fees or Dues
Second: Senator Anderson
Senator Carr: So this one just says how we as ASNAU can’t pay for
membership dues. We can pay registration for conferences but not a fee to
become a member of the organization.
Senator L’Ecuyer: That wasn’t already in there?
Senator Carr: No
Lauren: It’s state regulation but this By-Law Change will put it in there.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K By-Law Change: Membership Fees or Dues has
Item L- By-Law Change: Sustainability Intern
Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on Item L By-Law Change: Sustainability
Second: Senator Anderson
Senator Carr: This is a position within our organization and it is focusing on
sustainability. There are are some job duties which include to work with
ASNAU to make sure our office is sustainably as possible and the same as our
events. We are going to have them sit on the committees around campus and
they are going to be working with greenjack’s. It might sound like a lot but it
is only when it comes up. It also allows them to be creative and come up with
new ideas to help with ASNAU’s goal of becoming greener.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Why is the position for 10 hours per week?
Senator Carr: That is the same as other positions in the office, but we can
change the hours. Its just that if they want to use it for academic hours the set
is a minimum of like 5.
Senator L’Ecuyer: Are your interns paid?
Vanessa: No
Senator Carr: That could be the max, but if they have less stuff to do that
week they could just do as many as they need. We talked about the aspect of
if a future senate makes it a paid potion this internship will be a good kick
Senator Sowerwine: It is a lot of stuff for an intern to do are we sure we don’t
want a paid position?
Senator Carr: I think it would be good to pay them, but I don’t know about the
budget. They don’t have to be leading anything they are helping out with
other people’s positions.
Chair Dietlin: After adjusting, after enrollment we have 89 dollars. If you
want to look at the duties and hours the intern will work and adjust those
that’s fine, but we don’t have the funds to pay them.
Senator L’Ecuyer: What about the diversity chair?
Chair Dietlin: This is the balance after we pay the director position.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L By-Law Change: Sustainability Intern has passed
Item M- SB 28-20: Beta Alpha Psi
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item M SB 28-20: Beta Alpha Psi
Second: Senator L’Ecuyer
Discussion: Sarah: Hi I’m Sarah and I am president of Beta Alpha Psi. We are
an accounting club in the FCB and we are asking for money for our
conference next January. It will help build leadership skills and professional
skills. We are looking for funding to cover travel, hotel, and conference fees.
The students going will pay $100 out of pocket and we have 10 that want to
Vote: Unanimous, Item M SB 28-20: Beta Alpha Psi has passed
Chair Dietlin: We have now finished our voting so if you were here for club
recognition or funding you are free to leave we are moving into officer reports.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock, John Bower
-John: This week has been slow since Its On Us has been pushed back. I
am also working on holding political debate watching on campus like one
for general democratic and republican. Any questions?
Senator Moore-Sharp: On we planning on having any mediation for
Lauren: It’s just a debate watching party, no discussion. UofA has already
done it and they didn’t have any issues.
Senator Moore-Sharp: I mean like Bernie people are super aggressive.
John: Okay yeah, we will do our best to make sure nothing becomes
Senator Roos: Is this going to be an ASNAU event?
John: Yes, and we are also looking to have voter registration forms there
for people who are registered can become so before the election.
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- Lauren: Korrin has been working on homecoming ads
Kristine: What about electronic ads or like a week long ad?
Lauren: I can see if the PR team can make the ads digital so we can
send them out but we do not have a week long ad.
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
- Taylor: We continued to work on the carnival. Our prizes came in our
and also the crowns/scepters came in. The carnival is a week from
today and we have been working a lot on last minute things; Kristine
has been trying to work out some issues for us. Also a huge thank you
to everyone who helped out with family games night.
Senator Sowerwine: When will we find out what shift we are working?
Lauren: I was going to cover that in my report
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
- Not Present
NSG- Tori O’ Reilly, Lexie Hardy
- Tori: Hello I am the liaison for NSG and on Tuesday we went over the
senate report from last time. Me and another person went to Blue Key
homecoming meeting. We broke into our other committees and elected a
chair. Our PR came up with an event which will be in Wilson quad with
cookies and hot chocolate; everyone can bring a blanket and look at the
stars with us. Social team came up with ways to recognize birthdays and
service community came up with something for us to do for thanksgiving.
We have been working on homecoming quite at bit.
Chair Dietlin: Parker
Parker: ASNAU constitution, Section 3: Closed Sessions A. All general and
special sessions of the Senate shall be open to the public, except in the
event that the Senate must discuss matters regarding individual students’
educational information, matters relating to individual personnel, or
other topics that may be confidential in nature. During closed sessions, no
motions may be made and no vote may be taken. So we must ask
everyone in the audience to leave, but advisors my stay.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
B. Legislative: Senator Carr
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthewb. Stefan RosicCollege of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Grahamb. Gabriella Nunnallyc. Drake RidgeCollege of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roosb. Ashley BeghtolCollege of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson-
b. Kyle DavisCollege of Business
a. Amanda Copelandb. Lauren L’EcuyerCollege of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwineb. Stella CarrUniversity College
a. Marc Moore-SharpAdvisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson—
Kristine Heflin—
Discussion Items
Important Dates
Meeting ended at 4:47pm