ASNAU SENATE MEETING #2 TWENTY-EIGTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: September 15, 2015 Date of Senate Meeting: September 10, 2015 Number on council: 14 Number present: 14 Prepared by Kyra Johnson Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the 2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 4:01pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call All senators present Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp move to vote to approve senate minutes from last week Second: Senator Graham Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved Call to the Audience: Chair Dietlin: For all clubs here for recognition; you will come to the podium and explain your organization so all senators can hear and then we will vote. Unfinished Business New Action Business Item A- SB: 28-1 (Green Jacks) Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote to approve SB: 28-1 (Green Jacks) Second: Senator Ridge Discussion: Presenter: I am presenting on behalf of Green Jacks which is asking for funding to go to a conference about sustainability for higher academics. We hope to gain knowledge and learn more about what other universities (ASU and UofA) are doing for their sustainability. To know what are they doing or what they are not and why. We wish to also apply some of those techniques at school. We are asking for money to fund 3 student flights, lodging and registration. Senator Carr: Are all three members on the executive board of the club? Presenter: The Chair and Co-Chair plus a member will make up the three going Senator Moore-Sharp: What is your club’s role on campus? Presenter: Green Jacks has grown since the last year. Our main focus is that we work with sustainability on campus and that includes the studetns, staff, administration. The club also works with students at ground level, instead of just higher up projects Senator Moore-Sharp: They are asking… oh asked for over the cap but now I see the updated version. I saw in the bill you were taking 5 members, did you modify the amount and number because of the cap? Presenter: Yes, it was modified. Senator L’Ecuyer: They are still taking 5 members though Chair Dietlin: They are only using money for 3 of 5 members Senator Roos: Point of interest, we discussed the other 2 members are grads and the bylaws say we can’t fund that, just undergrads. Chair Dietlin: Correct Questions: Vote: Unanimous, SB: 28-1 has been approved. Item B- Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote to table Item B Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda Second: Senator Rosic Discussion: Presenter not Present Vote: Unanimous, Item B Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda has been tabled Item C- Club Recognition: Institute of Transportation Engineers Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote on Item C Club Recognition: Institute of Transportation Engineers Second: Senator Graham Discussion: Chelsea: Hi my name is Chelsea. I represent my club, Institute of Transportation Engineers. The engineering building consist of a few transportation courses and the purpose of the club is to extend the knowledge from these courses. It is beneficial for our members because it helps them get a glimpse of the field before graduation. It will also allow them to attend presentation/conference in Phoenix on October 1st. Lastly this past summer this club was recognized national and we hope to bring that to NAU. Also we hope to build a relationship with ASNAU. Senator Sowerwine: How many members do you have? Chelsea: Currently 5 board members but are looking for more. Senator Moore-Sharp: How popular is civil engineering among the reason of the engineering programs? Chelsea: There are 5 departments. Its not the most popular but I like it. Vote: Unanimous, Item C Club Recognition: Institute of Transportation Engineers has been approved. Item D- Club Recognition: NAU Golf Club Motion: Senator Nunnally moves to vote on Item D Club Recognition: NAU Club Golf Second: Senator Sowerwine Discussion: Ryan: Hello I am Ryan. I am acting president of NAU Club Golf. NAU club golf would be a club for students pursuing an interest in the sport. We are trying to be recognized as a club sport right now. We would compete in a league; in a division. We would compete against other teams in the region such as ASU and UofA. Senator Mathew: Are you co-ed? Ryan: The club is open to all students. Senator Carr: How many do you have interested? Ryan: We have 5 board members but none interested students yet. We were waiting before tabling for this meeting but I have talked to multiple students that want to go here (NAU) but they don’t really want to because the lack of this club. Offering this will encourage more students to come here (NAU). Senator Mathew: Will the club work with the NAU women’s golf team? Ryan: Separate, but if they are willing to help out. Senator Moore-Sharp: I know how golf goes, but how exactly are you going to make people want to join the club? Ryan: I have been in touch with coordinator of club sports and we would be at freshman orientation week recruiting students. We will also recruit out side the union with fliers. For the roster we will have tryouts at golf clubs around Flagstaff. Senator Roos: There are limited courses in Flagstaff; do you know of any you can hold tryouts at? Ryan: My manager said if they are with me it will be free for the team and we can get discounts for other things we need. I will also be in touch with other courses. Vote: Unanimous, Item D Club Recognition: NAU Club Golf has been approved Item E- Club Recognition: NAU Non-Trads Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote to approve Item E Club Recognition: NAU Non-Trads Second: Senator Sowerwine Discussion: Presenter: Good afternoon. We are hoping to start a club for non-traditional students that have had lots of hardships which can effect their abilities to further their education. Non-Trads have a harder time transitioning into college and we want to help with that. If the club is approved, we will like to have an area that is open and comforting to students; a place to embrace their individuality. Senator Moore-Sharp: When you mean Non-Trads? Presenter: Students who are outside the traditional demographic of college students. Like they are 25 years or older, with kids, going from post grad to PHD and they have very little support. Senator Sowerwine: How many students have showed interest? Presenter: We have 5 already and many that have expressed interest like transfer students. Senator Moore-Sharp: You mentioned support; is it money or….? Presenter: No. We want to give them a family environment. Have study groups and child care during finals. Maybe later split members into colleges so they can better support themselves. Senator Mathew: Would you allow student who are younger to come? Presenter: Yes, everyone is welcome. Vote: Unanimous, Item E Club Recognition: NAU Non-Trads has been approved Item F- Club Recognition: NAU Trail Riders Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote to approve Item F Club Recognition: NAU Trail Riders Second: Senator Davis Discussion: Presenter not present, Kristine presenting for president Kristine: The club is for off road enthusiasts, for motorized use and non. They want to get together and share trails for the sport that they love. Senator Moore-Sharp: Do we have an off-roading club? Kristine: This is more like two wheel bikes. Senator Sowerwine: Do they have interested members? Kristine: 5, they are waiting for this meeting before they start to recruit. Senator Sowerwine: I’m wondering if we could table the item. They are not here and I think we should ask more questions about like: what kind of trails, are they buying bikes…ETC. Kristine: I think they all own bikes. President Buchta: We don’t even fund clubs till a semester after and equipment will never be funded Senator Sowerwine: Can I take it back, because I take it back Vote: Unanimous, Item G- Club Recognition: United Diversity Council Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote to approve Item G Club Recognition: United Diversity Council Second: Senator L’Ecuyer Discussion: Senator Rosic: It is an organization to bring together all diversity clubs on campus so we can connect and support each other in events we are hosting. We have had meeting on Tuesdays and all clubs are welcome to come to it. Senator Sowerwine: Is it a bunch of clubs coming together to put on events or just support? Senator Rosic: bunch of clubs; just to plan events and see how they can over lap and hopefully we can increase turn out. Senator Moore-Sharp: You have been meeting for how long? Senator Rosic: Just this semester and over summer. Senator Moore-Sharp: Just executive members of the clubs? Senator Rosic: Yes, we have multiple clubs involved like the black student union, etc. Vote: Unanimous, two extensions (Senator Rosic and Nunnally), Item G Club Recognition: United Diversity Council has been approved Item H- Club Recognition: Uplifting Athletes Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote to approve Item H Club Recognition: Uplifting Athletes Second: Senator Moore-Sharp Discussion: Kristine: Football players can’t be here because of practice so I am presenting on their behalf. Uplifting Athletes is a national organization aligning football with disease organizations. Senator Carr: So a club for the football team to be involved in community service? Kristine: Not sure of activities but they would be learning about diseases and outreach. It will be open to all studetns on campus not just football. Vote: Unanimous, Item H Club Recognition: Uplifting Athletes has been approved Chair Dietlin: All clubs can leave if they want we are going into reports. Congratulations once again you have all been approved as clubs. Executive Reports a. ASNAU President- Alexandria Buchta -This week I sent out my first student body email. I had one very colorful response and emailed them back on how to unsubscribe. I went to appropriations, the honors open house and went to multi-cultural reception. I got to talk to more students and I trained our new SSA director. Next week I have two-faculty meetings and will be late to senate next week and the following two weeks because of ABOR. Senator Roos: when do we get to choose committees? Chair Dietlin: I talked to Cindy and it’s still in process President Buchta: We are creating new committees to help with different things and looking to hire Supreme Court. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley - Our first tailgate is Saturday. I need 2 people for the second shift. If not, I will assign people. The first shift you might need to stay later because I don’t know how many I will need. You will get an emails knowing what you will be doing and wear your nametags and I will save you all Lumberyard shirts and have them so you can wear them. Chief of Staff: We are going off that google doc so change if need be C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin - I went to appropriations, early, but a lot got done. The first standards’ meeting is tomorrow. I have had a lot of questions on funding packets. Thank you for communicating with your clubs on that we have funding available. The committee list is being worked on if you want to seat on things you are interested in, let me know. You all have had meeting with me besides Brooke (Senator Graham) and we have all had successful meeting and I hope we are best buds. D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy - This week our pledge program launched and we are teaching studetns about that. We are gaining signatures to send to administrative staff and thank you for everyone for tabling. I have been working with Heaven on the campaign Its On Us. We have an author coming to speak to us about her book, College Girl, and she is signing books. We are going to be showing the movie Hunting Ground at Prochnow. We are also working with other organizations to show other videos. We have lots of things in the work and ABOR is coming soon as well. Now I want to have an open discussion about some concerns that some might have. For the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes; Ryan is eager to work with us and take suggests on the events and I have a meeting with him later this week. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, is an organization and they are (Sigma Chi) bound by their guidelines. They are going to have the walk and speaker, things like that. If you do have any suggests, let me know. Senator Carr: what is it? Vanessa: Men walk a mile in heels for women to stop rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Senator Rosic: Has the fraternity reached out through Facebook to people concerned with the event? Reed: They messaged them. Senator Rosic: They blocked a few. Reed: No, no is blocked anymore. Senator Ridge: Has he unblocked them? Reed: Yes, I scolded them. My boyfriend is the president of Sigma Chi and they are open to everyone’s input. They are not educated on the topics and they are panicking about it. They are so open to comments; they want to know what people think. Senator Moore-Sharp: what exactly are the concerns? Vanessa: That no females can be in the walk but they are bound by organizations rules. Senator Moore-Sharp: Is it open for just women victims? Vanessa: I don’t know; we are not running it. Senator Nunnally: This is the stereotypical thing for frats. Them blocking people from the page is not okay; nor is it okay for not all people sexually assaulted to be represented. Trans sexual assault is higher than women and there is a problem with the event being taking seriously; some events are taking as a joke. Kristine: Does everyone understand the event? Senators: No Kristine: The national organization and event are held around the country. The idea, original, is that men wear heel for a mile for the pain that sexual assault victims go through. I don’t know all the information, but Ryan says he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. They need to work with the national organization on the college campus. They are open to all genders coming out and getting involved; they are working with the organization to see what they can do. I suggested he work with the LGTQ office for more information. Senator Carr: Who will be a participant in it? Kristine: we are working on the male side of things. Senator Rosic: It is on the website. Kristine: That is something we are looking to change. Look for a way to provide more educational training in the topic for all students. Senator Carr: So not just Greek life? Kristine: All students are allowed. Senator Sowerwine: If only men can participate, can they have an after party for everyone? President Buchta: Reed can answer everyone’s questions, just men walk but everyone else can participate. Kristine: Another concern that was brought up was alcohol being a factor and they will kick out people if they arte drinking or have been. (Even if it is at 11am) Also taking it serious, we are not in dressing in wigs and those people who do will be asked to leave. Senator Ridge: For everyone not aware, a student raised concerns about that the event could be harmful. High heels sexualize women and that women can’t participate; then that student was blocked from the page. Senator Rosic: The website says a playful event. How with them saying that will we know that it will be taken serious? Will the frat be strict on the genders allowed? Reed: I don’t think it is that way. Senator Moore-Sharp: Can people (not men) participate in other things? So they are still educating the public? Kristine: I don’t want to speak for them and I am just trying to facilitate discussion. President Buchta: We are not saying yes or no on it; we are asking if you (senate) are comfortable if we can promote Its On Us during this. Chief of Staff: This is like can we go and speak at it or no. Senator Carr: That is fine but take back comments on it. For the chapter, they should be educated before the event. I should be able to ask them about it and have them speak upon the act of this cause. Senator Rosic: I would feel better if the person came to a meeting so we can ask questions. Vanessa: I agree not to vote, so they can iron out the plan and be more inclusive. Kristine: Any more questions, send them to me. e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins - I have been working with special events and Mid- Way West for the rides at the carnival. They said they can fit up to 10 rides in the area and we are looking at 7; also having carnival games. It depends on pricing; studetns would not be paying for it so that is something we have to look into. Sun Entertainment is going to get the genre list out and should send out about tomorrow and they are putting in description for what each genre would contain. Vanessa and I are working on ordering more Its On Us and the polo’s will be coming soon. Chantz has updated the website and if there is anything else that needs to be updated please let me know. I am open to suggestions. PR is working on ads for concert voting and NSG kickoff. Once we get polo’s we will be doing pics. Staff Reports a. Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock - Vanessa and I worked on the stuff in her report together. b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow - Reed: About the Sigma Chi things, no ones opinions upset me. Any concerns, I can provide you with presidents email. They were blindsided and are working on it. I will be bothering all of you in the next week for pics and a little bio about you including clubs you are a part of. For ads if you guys have anything going on and need something let me know soon. Senator Moore-Sharp: My best friend is a great graphic designer and I will put him in contact with you. Reed: I have been working with an ad teacher in the communication college and she has given me tips. Are you guys all on the Facebook group? Senator Roos: No Reed: You need to be signed up by some one so I will add you. Chief of Staff: I will send out all the info on social media accounts. Reed: If your clubs are holding something let us know so we can get photos so we can look like we are involved. c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner -Taylor: It is what Lauren said. We did carnival stuff and figuring out all the rides and Tuesday we will start tabling for genre voting. d. NSG- Kali Morris, Hali Wetzel -Hali: We are planning the NGS kickoff; it will be 4:30 to 6:30pm in the gym. We have a wrecking ball game and there is going to be food. From there the students will be running everything and we will just be helping them with paperwork and stuff. Kali: We put together packets for what they are except to do and we have application to get to know them and make sure they want to stay. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer - Senator L’Ecuyer: I was not at meeting. I slept through it, sorry. I heard it went well, thanks for everyone who did shown up. Chair Dietlin: Senator Rosic would you like to give the report since you were there? Senator Rosic: NAU green jacks came and explained a lot about what the funding was for. With our help they were about to distribute what students would get funding from us. B. Legislative: Senator Carr - Senator Carr: no report besides there will be be meeting next week. Chair Dietlin: Yes all will have a meeting next week. Leg should meeting in the office and keep appropriations in club headquarters. Senator Moore-Sharp: can you send out reminder? Senator Nunnally: you can put in a reminder in your phone. Chair Dietlin: that is a personal thing you need to do Senator Moore-Sharp: Not even as a refresher? President Buchta: we only send out an email if we cancelled senate, if you don’t get an email then we have senate and all other meetings. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Abbey Matthew- Stefan (Senator Rosic) and I are meeting with our Dean tomorrow at 11am. We emailed our clubs but we have received nothing back. b. Stefan Rosic- Meeting with the dean and discussing the direction we as ASNAU and him want to go with the college. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Brooke Graham- No report b. Gabriella Nunnally- Planning to meet up time with our dean c. Drake ridge- Same College of Health and Human Services a. Alex Roos- Went to appropriations, (there were donuts) and I worked office hours. b. Ashley Beghtol- Sent out club emails and exciting response from Senator Mathew who has the Red Cross club. They didn’t get email so I worked with them. Working with Alex (Senator Roos) to find when we are both free. College of Education a. Alyssa Anderson- our college is having an welcome event we are going to after this meeting b. Kyle Davis- we are going to meet students who are setting up the event College of Business a. Amanda Copeland- trying to find time with dean and we have the HRM club fair next week b. Lauren L’Ecuyer- hopefully when we speak with the dean we can set up event for family weekend College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a. Madi Sowerwine- no emails back from clubs yet and we sent an email to our dean b. Stella Carr- same thing and I have been trying to come up with things we can do to be productive in the mean time University College a. Marc Moore-Sharp: I have been in contact with dean and we have a meeting next week; every 4th Friday of month. I am also working on drafting up what helped me as freshman in hopes that we can get that out to the students. Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin) Cindy Anderson— I have been to a lot of kickoff events. I want to say I was a raffle winner but gave the shirt to an exchange student. On that list of committees, the alcohol and drug committee want to be involved and have students get involved with support efforts. The meetings are monthly Wednesday at 9pm. I have a request; we are looking for more students to be apart of the university hearing board. We are looking for studetns that want to sit on boards for students that have expulsion or suspension meetings. You (senate) can’t serve because I am the advisor. We need students who are interested in how the process works and how school treats the students. Send names to me. Also free conference 19th at ASU and reimbursements will be giving to you. I will pass the paper around. President Buchta: Would it be possible to get a small group of ASNAU to go? Cindy: I think so since you are employees. As we are getting ready for our programs, it’s important to show their effectiveness and good use of our federal funds. President Buchta: Anyone interested. Come talk to me after. Senator Rosic: How many studetns are we looking for and at what time are the meetings? Cindy: A pool of 20 studetns. I only need 2 people but I need to schedule them all round our needs, so I need more to select from. Also they can regret students so we want to know the students ahead of time. Senator Rosic: Can grad students be apart of that? Cindy: I would have to check on that, maybe. Kristine Heflin— I have been busy with presidents of clubs and training them for their organizations. I have been sharing lots of information for funding though most don’t know what is going on with that. Senator Roos: If clubs are interested in starting clubs, is that through you? Kristine: Yes, but mostly on true blue connects. Any questions? Discussion Items Chair Dietlin: I am going to assume your have read the senate minutes from last week, because its part of your job. Senators: I didn’t get the minutes. Senate Clerk: I sent them out with the funding packet info. Chief of Staff: I will send out login information for the Gmail account so you can read before senate Chair Dietlin: So anyways, Kyra typed up 17 pages of minutes, it has everything that we talked about. So she is getting the golden pinecone this week. Announcements President Buchta: When we are in senate if you need to go to the bathroom please just go; anytime just go. For IPad checkout line up in front of my office 5 minutes before. If not it will be delivered to you in this room but it is your responsibility to get it before senate. Chair Dietlin: Next week we will try to have that happen before we come to this room. Chief of Staff: My special events wants to put on an event for each college on the calendar; so talk to your dean (it can be small). Email special events team or me. VPGA: There is an Arizona legislative internship. You can get credit and pay; so go ahead and look at that. If you know anyone that would be interested let them know, pass it on to your friends. Senator Rosic: Tomorrow is the LGBTQ climate feedback and it would be cool if ASNAU could go. It asks about mental health, drug use, how they feel about NAU, etc. Important Dates Adjournment Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to adjourn meeting Second: Senator Rosic Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 5:25pm