Thriving in Uncertain Times statewide resources 

Employee Assistance &
PO Box 5642
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
928-523-8092 fax
Thriving in Uncertain Times
Statewide Resource List
NAU Office of Employee Assistance and Wellness has compiled this list of resources
available to employees around the state to help manage some of the challenges that may arise
during these uncertain financial times. EAW does not endorse any of the agencies listed and
takes no financial responsibility for services obtained from any of these resources.
Food Security/ Food Banks
Federal & NAU Budget
Health Services
Personal Finances
Please call or e-mail EAW to find region-specific referrals or to suggest resources for the list.
NAU Gateway Center
 NAU Gateway Center is a resource for students to investigate career options, yet their
website has many career links that employees may find valuable as they look toward
their professional futures.
AZ Department of Economic Security
(602) 542-3667
 AZ Department of Economic Security is home to a number of programs intended to assist
individuals and families facing financial difficulties including:
o Employment Services
o Unemployment Insurance
o Feeling the Economic Crunch
Career One Stop
 Career One Stop website provides information on many concerns related to employment.
Food Security/ Food Banks
Association of Arizona Food Banks
 Association of Arizona Food Banks is a network of statewide food bank services. The
website houses a searchable database for users to find local resources for food
AZ Department of Economic Security
(602) 542-3667
 AZ Department of Economic Security is home to a number of programs intended to assist
individuals and families facing financial difficulties including:
o DES Nutrition Assistance Program, thousands of Arizonans are able to provide
adequate nutrition for their families. These services, combined with the support
provided by the Women, Infant and Children program at the Department of
Health Services and the Free or Reduced Lunch program through the
Department of Education, also help to minimize the risk that Arizona’s children
will experience developmental delays as a result of poor nutrition.
School Based Nutrition Programs
Arizona Department of Education
(602) 542-8700
 The Child Nutrition Programs provide cash assistance and donated foods to serve
nutritionally adequate meals to children in schools, preschools, day care centers and
homes. Eighty percent of the children served are low income based on free and
reduced-income eligibility status. The free and reduced status is based on the federal
poverty guidelines and is an indicator of a child's at-risk status. Local schools can
provide more information based on a family’s needs. The following programs are
available in different areas around the state:
o After School Snack Program
o Child and Adult Care Program
o Food Distribution Program
o National School Lunch and Breakfast Program
o Special Milk Program
o Summer Food Service Program
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
(800) 252-5WIC/ (800) 252-5942
 The Arizona WIC Program is a federally-funded program designed to provide
supplemental foods, nutrition education, and referrals to other health and social services
as a part of good health care during critical times of growth and development. The goal is
to prevent health problems, and to improve the health status of eligible women, infants,
and children. Eligibility guidelines may be difficult to interpret as they are flexible based on
individual family needs. Contact your local office for an eligibility appointment to best
assess your personal situation.
Nutrition on a Budget
 These websites provide information for families and individuals to eat healthy on a
o Supermarket Savings: 16 Tips that Total BIG Bucks!
o National Institutes for Health: We Can! Initiative
o Small Steps to Health & Wealth
Federal & NAU Budget Information
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
NAU Office of the President Budget Website
Health Services
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
 AHCCCS is Arizona’s Medicaid program. Eligibility is not performed under one roof,
but by various agencies, depending on the category. For example, pregnant women,
families, and children generally enter AHCCCS by way of the state’s Department of
Economic Security. The blind, aged, or disabled who receive Supplemental Security
Income enter through the Social Security Administration. Eligibility for programs like
KidsCare, long-term care, and Medicare Cost Sharing is handled by AHCCCS itself.
Each eligibility group has its own income and resource criteria.
 Click on the links for more specific information about coverage for:
o Families
o Children Only
o Pregnant Women
o Adults without Children
o Seniors
 KidsCare (Arizona State Children's Health Insurance Program/ Az S-CHIP) provides
medical coverage for children who have had no health insurance for the last three
months. Eligibility requirements are more forgiving than many other assistance
programs. In person eligibility interviews are not required; you may apply for this
program by mail.
Arizona Long Term Care Systems (ALTCS)
 ALTCS is a program for aged (65 and over), blind, or disabled individuals who need
ongoing services at a nursing facility level of care. Applications are processed at local
ALTCS offices.
Community Health Centers
 Spread across 50 states and all U.S. territories, there are 1,200 Community Health
Centers that provide vital primary care to 18 million Americans with limited financial
resources. The Arizona Association of Community Health Centers has links to its
member agencies around the state on its website.
County Health Departments
 County health departments across the state provide a number of services for residents.
Each county offers services unique to the needs of their population. For information about
your county, follow this link.
Housing/ Mortgage
Mortgage Provider
 Contact your mortgage providers to learn how the federal stimulus package could impact your
mortgage options.
AZ Department of Housing
 ADOH offers many programs for Arizona residents in need of mortgage and housing
Federal Housing Administration
Housing Counseling
 Housing counseling agencies offer guidance on home buying, renting, reverse mortgages, and
default and foreclosure prevention.
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
 HUD offers a few programs to help individuals and families find affordable housing around
Arizona. Those programs include:
o Subsidized Apartment program helps apartment owners offer reduced rents to lowincome tenants. To apply, contact or visit the management office of each apartment
building that interests you. You can search for subsidized apartments here.
o Public Housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible
low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Find public housing in
your area on this page.
o Housing Choice Vouchers allow very low-income families to choose and lease or
purchase safe, decent, and affordable privately-owned rental housing.
o Southwest Office of Native American Programs ensures that safe, decent and
affordable housing is available to Native American families, creates economic
opportunities for Tribes and Indian housing residents, assists Tribes in the formulation
of plans and strategies for community development, and assures fiscal integrity in the
operation of the programs.
Personal Finances
Local Bank Branch
 Visit your local bank branch and inquire about free or affordable financial consultation services.
Many banks provide their members with such resources to create budgets, reduce debt, and
plan for future expenses.
Feed the Pig
 Feed the Pig is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Ad
Council. The site focuses on financial literacy for individuals and families including tips, tools,
and resources for your “tween”-age children.
America Saves
 America Saves is a website with savings and wealth planning information.