SYLLABUS AND EXAM SCHEDULE GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 CHEM-1411 SPRING 2011 Saturday 9.0AM-3.0PM Spring branch Professor: Dr. Sudha Rani Email address: FOLLOWING TWO BOOKS ARE COURSE REQUIREMENT. LAB BOOK IS TO BE BROUGHT TO EVERY LAB. MAKE SURE AND BUY YOUR LAB BOOK PRIOR TO COMING TO CLASS. Text Book: Chemistry Tenth edition by Raymond Chang ISBN # 13-978-0-07-298068-4 Lab Book: Chemistry Laboratory Manual, HCCS, Northwest Course Intent: To teach basic concepts of Chemistry for engineering, Science, premed and nursing students. Topics include Elements, Measurements, Quantitative calculations, Gas Laws, Formulae of Compounds, Thermo chemistry, Electronic Structure of Atoms to name a few. Course Content and Exam Schedule: We will cover 11 chapters in a twelve-week period. There will be four exams. All exams will be of 2 hour duration. There will be a mandatory comprehensive System Final at the end of the semester. We will perform 9-10 experiments. You are required to read * 1 the labs before coming to lab and write * 2 a prelab. Prelab for the lab will consist of review questions in the HCCS lab manual. Refer to the page numbers. We will discuss the labs and You will be asked to answer the questions verbally * 3,4 Course Content: Chapter 1: Chemistry: The study of Change Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules & Ions Chapter 3: Mass relationship in Chemical Reactions Chapter 4: Reactions in Aqueous Reactions and Solutions Chapter 5: Gases Chapter 6: Thermo chemistry Chapter 7: Quantum Theory and Electronic Structure of Atom Chapter 8: Periodic Relationships among Elements Chapter 9: Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular geometry and Hybridization Chapter 11: Intermolecular Forces - liquids & Solids Section 11.1 - 11.8 Chem 1411. Tentative Instructional Outline: Please be advised that this is a tentative schedule; lecture topics, labs and exam dates may be changed if necessary during the course of the semester. Week No. Jan 23 Lecture-Class Events Introduction/ Start Chapter 1: Chemistry: The study of Change Lab-Class Events Grouping and Lab orientation Lab-I Safety in the laboratory Basic lab techniques Jan 30 Finish chapter-I/ start Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules & Ions Lab 2 Identification of substances by physical properties Feb 6 Continue Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules & Ions Finish chapter 3 Start chapter 3: Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations Review lecture exam-I Feb 13 Lecture Exam-I Start Chapter IV: Reactions in Aqueous Reactions and Solutions Lab III: Separation of components in an Inorganic mixture Feb 20 Finish Chapter IV: Reactions in Aqueous Reactions and Solutions Lab-IV: Separation of the components of a mixture-II Feb 27 Start chapter 5: Gases Lab V: Reactions in aqueous solution: Single and double displacement reactions. March 6 Finish chapter 5: Gases Lab VI: Acid- Base Titration for CHEM- 1411 Start Chapter 6:Thermochemistry March 13 March 27 Finish chapter 6: Thermochemistry Review Lecture Exam-II Lab VII: Determining the molar mass of an unknown volatile compound using DUMAS method Lecture Exam-II Lab- VIII: Start Chapter 7:: Quantum Theory and Electronic Structure of Atom April 3 Finish chapter 7: Start chapter 8:Periodic Relationships among Elements April 10 Lecture Exam-III Start Chapter 9: Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts/ April 17 Lecture exam-III/ Start Chapter 10 Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular geometry and Hybridization/ review lecture exam-IV Hess’s Law Continue chapter 8 Review Lecture Exam-III Continue chapter 9 Review Lab Exam-I Lab 9: Molecular Geometries of Covalent Molecules: Lewis Structures and VSEPR Theory April 24 Finish chapter 10 Start chapter 11: :Intermolecular Forces - liquids & Solids Lab Exam-I May 1 Finish Chapter 11 :Intermolecular Review Lecture Exam-IV Forces - liquids & Solids/ May 8 Review final exam Lecture Exam-IV Review Final Exam May 15 Final Exam (Cumulative) (Final date and schedule to be verified) May 15th (your final exam is Saturday, May 14th 12.0 -1.50pm) EXAMINATION 1 : Chapter 1,2 EXAMINATION 2 : Chapter 3, 4, 5 EXAMINATION 3 : Chapter 6,7, 8 EXAMINATION IV: Chapter 9, 10, 11 Labs : 1-10 Final Exam : Comprehensive Chapter 1-11 Research Paper: A written research paper has to be submitted by April 24th. Paper has to be 3 pages typed. Paper should be pertaining to the course material covered in the course. You may be asked to make a presentation.* 1,2,3,5,6 : 10 points Bonus 1.No makeup exams or labs. In case of a real excuse inform me of the problem so I can make appropriate arrangements for you. 2. If you are absent, you are responsible for the material covered that day. Contact someone in your class to get the information i.e. about homework, change of schedule etc. 3. Lab grade is based upon pre lab, quiz, lab performance, lab participation and written lab report. You must read the lab prior to coming to lab. A quiz may be given before the lab. * 1,2 4. A written lab report must be submitted in a folder. No loose sheets of papers will be accepted. Each person has to submit a written lab report. You must answer all prelab questions to get full credit. 5. If you miss a lab, you get a zero for that lab. An extra 5 points will be deducted for more than one lab missed. 6. 5 points will be deducted for late lab reports. 7. Safety glasses to be worn at the time of wet labs. 8. Cheating will not be tolerated. If cheating is even suspected an automatic F will be given. 9. Assignments must be turned in on time to get credit. If you miss the class makes sure to get the assignment from one of Your class mates. 10. Please do not disturb class by being late or leaving early. If you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked absent. Please inform me if you must leave early. 11. If you have any kind of disability, please inform me in the first week of class 13. You can communicate with me via email at the above address *6 or call 716 560 5491 GRADE DETERMINATION: Your grade will be determined by the following Lecture Major Exams Details Percent of Final Average Four major exams will be administered for the semester. (The lowest grade exam may be “dropped” at the end of the semester). The exam will be Objective Type Questions and Problem Solving. 60% Final is mandatory (No Exemptions) 20% Laboratory Experiments/ exams There will be 9-10 experiments for the semester. Participation is required for every lab expt. Submit accomplishment group report at the end of the period and submits an individual complete report on submission date. Inside the lab room, whoever group left their area dirty or wet and chairs not in proper place will be penalized 10% of that lab grade. (The lowest experiment grade will be “dropped” at the end of the semester). Two Lab exams will be conducted during the course. 18% Quizzes / Homework Pop quizzes and graded homework. The lowest score(s) in excess of 10 quizzes will be “dropped” at the end of the semester. Student’s with perfect attendance will be rewarded an additional points to the quiz average. 2.0% Final Exam 100% LETTER GRADE ASSIGNMENT: Letter Grade Final Average in Percent A 90 – 100% B 80 – 89% C 70 – 79% D 60 – 69% F 59% or below Grading: Final grade is based on the following formula. Exam 1,2,3 = 60% Final = 20% Labs and two lab quizzes = 15% / 3% Assignments and lecture quizzes = 2.0% 90% and above- A 80% -89% -B 70% -79% 60% - 69% Below 60% -C -D -F This course fulfills the following competencies. They are marked as follow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reading Writing Speaking Listening Critical thinking Computer Literacy HAPPY LEARNING!!!!