Keyan Fang et al. Supporting Online Material (SOM) for Spatiotemporal variability of tree growth over Northwest China and its association with climate Running title: Climate-growth interactions in NW China Keyan Fang, Xiaohua Gou, Fahu Chen Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems (MOE), Research School of Western Environment and Climate Change, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou China, 730000 Edward Cook Tree-Ring Lab, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, New York, NY USA 10964 Jinbao Li International Pacific Research Center, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI USA 96882 Yingjun Li Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems (MOE), Lanzhou University, Lanzhou China, 730000 This file contains: Table S1 to S3 References Figure S1 1 Keyan Fang et al. Table S1 Site and chronology statistics of various locations which were grouped into clusters as shown in Figure 1. The explained variances for clusters of F, H and I were not shown, because these groupings were not based solely on results of RPCA. Group A B Explained ID* Variance DEZQIN GOUQIN HEBQIN LAJQIN MQAXJP MQBXJP MQDXJP 16.7% MQFXJP MQRXJP TDAXJP TDBXJP HBLXJP HBMXJP HBHXJP 15.5% Species PIFL JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR JUPR Time Span** 1358-2004 1382-2004 1600-2004 1522-2004 1166-2001 1090-2002 1350-2002 1279-2002 1090-2002 1490-2002 1540-2002 1570-2002 1510-2002 1563-2002 Longitude (°E) 100.49 100.48 100.47 100.43 100.21 99.47 99.40 99.41 99.41 100.48 100.49 100.49 100.49 100.49 Latitude (°N) 34.45 34.44 34.44 34.43 35.04 34.47 34.43 34.45 34.45 34.47 34.47 34.47 34.47 34.47 Elevation (m a.s.l.) 3495 3370 3385 3375 3540 3600 3650 3675 3665 3290 3350 3880 3890 3957 Reference [Peng et al., 2008] [Gou et al., 2008] [Peng et al., 2008] DQHZHO JUPR 1433-2004 100.04 35.00 3722 SYKRWL BSIRWL XINLOL XINLML XINLOM XINLOH TULUGH TULGHM TULGLM TULGOL MOSIGH MOSIHM MOSILM MOSIGL PITA PITA PIWI PIWI PIWI PIWI PICR PICR PICR PICR PITA PITA PITA PITA 1776-1999 1820-1999 1829-2003 1805-2003 1836-2003 1843-2003 1865-2003 1899-2003 1881-2003 1912-2003 1887-2003 1912-2003 1890-2003 1897-2003 38.72 38.72 35.27 35.30 35.46 35.51 36.58 36.59 36.61 36.63 36.81 36.82 36.84 36.86 2150 2175 2370 2460 2570 2660 2690 2630 2550 2325 2400 2340 2290 2230 [Li et al., 2007] KENGPS BIGKPS BEQURU PISC PISC PISC 1729-2004 81.43 1713-2004 82.08 1760-1993 87.07 42.48 42.53 43.08 2593 2610 2440 [Cook et al., 2010] [Yuan et 2 105.98 105.98 103.98 104.01 104.03 104.09 102.65 102.67 102.69 102.71 102.91 102.93 102.94 102.95 [Fang et al., 2009] Keyan Fang et al. HXBURU XGSURU ZEDURU FUKBAI JIALPS GOLQIA KUERPS HUTXIA HUTSHI TIANPS MIQAPS MIQBPS PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC PISC 1719-1993 1770-1993 1743-1993 1877-2004 1674-2004 1737-2004 1696-2004 1786-2004 1846-2004 1728-2004 1713-2002 1689-2002 87.11 87.14 87.03 88.15 82.09 82.69 82.52 86.30 86.70 88.07 87.55 88.01 43.11 43.16 43.13 43.95 43.04 43.08 43.09 43.79 43.71 43.53 43.46 43.48 2360 2070 2390 1820 2308 1710 1499 1900 1910 1925 1980 2070 WULANJ JUPR 0-2000 98.41 37.02 3704 DULAJP SHENJP DUSHJP JUPR JUPR JUPR 900-1993 900-1993 876-1993 98.05 98.05 98.05 36.18 37.00 36.39 3800 3653 3324 DELINH JUPR 990-2001 97.93 37.45 3600 TIAANG TIALEN TIAZHA ABCH ABCH ABCH 1911-2005 106.47 1857-2005 106.25 1856-2005 106.55 34.25 34.35 34.19 2510 2234 2375 HUASPI PIAR 1589-1990 110.05 34.29 2020 SANGTS TSCH 1725-1992 107.48 33.39 1540 GHEGAN JUPR YINBPS PISC 1795-2000 101.32 1735-2000 101.36 37.56 37.48 2800 2895 [Gou et al., 2005] BLKALS BLKBLS LASI LASI 1718-2002 93.18 1802-2002 93.23 43.51 43.50 2810 2840 [Peng et al., 2008] H QUMAJP ZHIDJP JUPR JUPR 1584-2002 96.08 1486-2002 96.17 33.48 33.43 4225 4215 [Qin et al., 2003] I YCHAPS YCHBPS PISC PISC 1764-2001 76.59 1666-2001 77.00 37.36 37.36 2920 2750 Others ZHANGX PITB 1616-2006 104.28 34.38 2436 C D E 12.0% 8.2% 4.7% F G 2.9% 3 al., 2003] [Cook et al., 2010] [Li et al., 2006] [Zhang et al., 2003] [Sheppard et al., 2004] [Zhang and Qiu, 2007] [Shao and Wu, 1994] [Liu and Shao, 2003] [Fang et Keyan Fang et al. SUNLZU * JUPR 1686-2000 98.48 38.58 2312 al., 2010] [Gou et al., 2005] LASI = Larix sibirica; PISC = Picea schrenkiana; PIWI = Picea wilsonii; PICR = Picea crassifolia; JUPR = Juniperus przewalskii; PIFL = Pinus flexilis; PIAR = Pinus armandii; PITA = Pinus tabulaeformis; TSCH = Tsuga chinensis; ABCH = Abies chensiensis ** based on the reliable portion of each chronology (more than 6 tree-ring cores) 4 Keyan Fang et al. Table S2 Clusters based on climate-growth response functions for temperature and precipitation from previous May to current September. The ID and groupings (A-I) are shown in Table 2. Cluster Explained ID for each cluster variance 1 Group B (SYKRWL XINLOL XINLML XINLOM XINLOH TULUGH 15.3% TULGHM TULGLM TULOGL MOSIGH MOSIHM MOSILM MOSIGL) 2 11.7% Group D (DELINH DULAJP SHENJP DUSHJP WULANJ); SUNLZU 3 Group C (MIQAPS MIQBPS KUERPS TIANPS FUKBAI GOLQIA 11.1% HUTXIA HUTSHI); Group I (YCHAPS YCHBPS) 4 Group F (GHEGAN, YINBPS); Group A (MQAXJP, MQBXJP 9.1% HBHXJP, HBLXJP, HBMXJP) 5 9.0% Group A (DEZQIN, GOUQIN, HEBQIN, LAJQIN, TDAXJP, TDBXJP) 6 Group A (MQDXJP, MQFXJP, MQRXJP); Group H (QUMAJP, 7.7% ZHIDJP) 7 6.0% Group C (BEQURU, HXBURU, XGSURU, ZEDURU) 8 5.4% Group C (BIGKPS, KENGPS) Others DQHZHO BSIRWL JIALPS TIAANG TIALEN TIAZHA HUASPI SANGTS BLKALS BLKBLS ZHANGX 5 Keyan Fang et al. Table S3 Classifications for drought-growth responses. Cluster Explained ID for each cluster variance 1 MIQAPS MIQBPS JIALPS DELINH GOUQIN HEBQIN GHEGAN DULAJP SHENJP DUSHJP MQAXJP MQBXJP MQDXJP MQFXJP 23.5% MQRXJP TDAXJP TDBXJP HBLXJP HBMXJP HBHXJP HUASPI YINBPS WULANJ QUMAJP ZHIDJP ZHANGX DQHZHO SYKRWL MOSIGH MOSIHM MOSILM MOSIGL 2 KUERPS TIANPS YCHAPS BEQURU HXBURU XGSURU 18.1% ZEDURU LAJQIN SANGTS XINLOL XINLML XINLOM XINLOH TULUGH TULGHM TULGLM TULOGL HUTXIA TIAANG others BLKALS BLKBLS BIGKPS KENGPS YCHBPS SUNLZU BSIRWL DEZQIN GOLQIA HUTSHI FUKBAI TIALEN TIAZHA 6 Keyan Fang et al. Figure S1. Monthly total precipitation for some stations in NW China according to the instrumental records since the 1950s. 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