Project 5 Checklist (3hrs).doc

Child Development
Department of Early Childhood Studies
3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004
713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax
TECA 1318 – Wellness of the Young Child
Required Component – This assignment is required for completion of this course. If this assignment is not completed with 70% of possible points, you will not
receive a passing grade in this class.
NAEYC Accredited Center – All practicum assignments must be completed at a NAEYC accredited childcare center. To find an accredited center, go to the
NAEYC website, Click on Accredited Program Search and a new window will appear. Type the zip code of the area in which you would like to find
an accredited childcare center. Call any childcare center from the approved list of NAEYC accredited centers. Identify yourself as a HCC student and ask
permission to observe their child care center in order to complete the laboratory assignment.
Visit – You will be expected to visit for at least three (3) hours. This may be completed in one three hour period or several shorter times. Complete the lab
assignment required for your class by completing the checklist, answering the questions and/or writing anecdotes. Complete the form documenting your hours.
Have someone from the childcare center sign as documentation of your 3 hour visit.
Student's Name
Accredited Center Name
TX Zip Code
Time In
Time Out
Contact person’s signature
Total hours
Paper – Complete the assignment per directions written on the assignment sheet and those provided by your instructor. After completion of the lab assignment,
write a minimum one-page summary. The summary must include:
(1) Reactions of your visit,
TECA 1318 practicum I – page 2
(2) Comparison of information obtained from your textbook, other readings and in class discussions to the lab assignment. (How are they alike? How are
they different?)
Return the completed assignment and summary to your instructor. Send a thank you note to the contact person of the center that you visited thanking them for
allowing you to complete the lab assignment at their center.
1. Describe the following playground area and equipment
Area or equipment
Observed Comments and Reactions
Fence and gate
Playground surfaces
(grass, sand, wood
Riding toys/riding path
Playground equipment
(swings, slides,
climbing apparatus,)
Fall zone area
Sand and water play
2. Supervision of children while on the playground is essential. Describe how the teachers interact with the children to help prevent accidents.
TECA 1318 practicum I – page 3
3. Observe a preschool classroom and describe how the following help to make a safe environment.
Preschool Area
Observed Comments and Reactions
Floor surface (clean,
non skid, no spills)
Furniture (no sharp
edges, shelves,
Temperature (wellventilated, comfortable
Lighting (windows,
overhead lighting)
Cleaning solutions
Electrical outlets, cords
Cubbies/ places for
personal belongings
Smoke detector
NAEYC accreditation
expiration date
TECA 1318 practicum I – page 4
4. Observe an infant classroom and describe how the following criteria help to make a safe environment.
Infant Area
Observed Comments and Reactions
Diapering area
(describe the diapering
Toys pass the Nochoke test
Bottles labeled/
Feeding infants
Toys disinfected
Extra clothing
5. Medication:
Comments and Reactions
6. Handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of disease. Watch a teacher as she washes her hands. Describe in detail, step by step the
TECA 1318 practicum I – page 5
7. Observe the bathroom area. Describe the items and list any safety or health issues related to items relating to the bathroom.
Observed Comments and Reactions
8 Locate the items need for emergencies. List the items.
Emergency Information
Location List
Emergency numbers
First Aid Supplies
Emergency supplies
(flashlight, fire
extinguisher, battery
operated radio)
Emergency escape route
9. Observe a meal time with preschoolers. Describe what you observed.
Observed Comments and Reactions
Interaction between
teachers and children
Family style or plate
Clean up
Well balanced meal
Food Dealers Permit
Revised August /2010