CDEC 1358 Program Observation Form Spring 2012.doc

Child Development
Department of Early Childhood Studies
3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004
713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax
CDEC 1358 Creative Activities for Early Childhood
Required Component – This assignment is required for completion of this course. If this assignment is not completed with 70% of possible points, you will not
receive a passing grade in this class.
NAEYC Accredited Center – All practicum assignments must be completed at a NAEYC accredited childcare center. To find an accredited center, go to the NAEYC
website, Click on Accredited Program Search and a new window will appear. Type the zip code of the area in which you would like to find an
accredited childcare center. Call any childcare center from the approved list of NAEYC accredited centers. Identify yourself as a HCC student and ask permission to
observe their child care center in order to complete the laboratory assignment.
Visit – You will be expected to visit for at least three (3) hours. This may be completed in one three hour period or several shorter times. Complete the lab assignment
required for your class by completing the checklist, answering the questions and/or writing anecdotes. Complete the form documenting your hours. Have someone
from the childcare center sign as documentation of your 3 hour visit.
Student's Name
Accredited Center Name
TX Zip Code
Time In
Time Out
Contact person’s signature
Total hours
Paper – Complete the assignment per directions written on the assignment sheet and those provided by your instructor. After completion of the lab assignment, write
a minimum one-page summary. The summary must include:
(1) Reactions of your visit,
(2) Comparison of information obtained from your textbook, other readings and in class discussions to the lab assignment. (How are they alike? How are they
Return the completed assignment and summary to your instructor. Send a thank you note to the contact person of the center that you visited thanking them for
allowing you to complete the lab assignment at their center.
CDEC 1358 practicum I – page 2
1. Locate the dramatic play area in the classroom. Give a brief description of the item and how it was used during play.
Dramatic play items
Observed Comments and Reactions
Play food
Cooking utensils
Men and Women’s clothingHats
Office equipment
Office supplies
2. Describe a play scene from this area.
CDEC 1358 practicum I – page 3
3. Sit outside the dramatic play area and observe the children as they play. Describe the play stages that you observe.
Play stages
Comments and Reactions
Solitary Play
Parallel Play
Associative Play
Cooperative Play
CDEC 1358 practicum I – page 4
4. Locate the creative art shelf or area. List all the art materials the children may choose from Describe how children are using the supplies.
Creative art supplies
Observed Comments and Reactions
5. Identify one child who is working with art materials. Describe exactly what materials are being used and how the child is free to use them.
CDEC 1358 practicum I – page 5
6. Locate the music cabinet or area. Check off the materials and describe exactly what material is being used. How are the children free to use the materials?
Music items
Observed Comments and Reactions
Tapes or CD’s
Easy to operate tape player or
CD player
Musical Instruments
Items used for movement
7. Give at least one specific example of how the teacher used music with the children today. Such things as songs, clapping games, transition activities, clean up,
group activity time, learning centers, etc.
CDEC 1358 practicum I – page 6
8. Anti-bias and multicultural materials should be integrated throughout the classroom environment. Dramatic play and creative art offer many opportunities for such
integration. Check off the item or activities that you observe. Give a description of each item.
Anti-bias and multicultural
Observed Comments and Reactions
Boys cooking or performing
stereotypical female roles
Girls building with blocks or
pretending to be in more typical
make roles
Different kinds of play food
Fabrics and hats from other
Cooking and cooking utensils
from other cultures
Dolls depicting various
Black, brown, and other skin
tone papers, paints and crayons
9. Choose one of the items you checked from the above section. Describe how a child used this for creative play.
Revised August 2010