SyllabusTemplate2016 Main.doc

Associate Degree Nursing Program
Coleman Health Sciences College
RNSG 2130 – Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation
96485 96486 96487
96624 96241 96625
96626 & 96627
Spring 2016
Office # 357
Office phone: 713-718-7490
Office hours: (as posted)
Suite 326 Office # 323
Office phone: (713) 718-7232
Office hours: (as posted)
Office location and hours (as posted)
Please feel free to contact me at any time concerning any problems that you are experiencing in this
course. You do not need to wait until you have received a poor grade before asking for my assistance.
Your performance in my class is very important to me. I am available to hear your concerns and
discuss course topics. Feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Course Description
Review of concepts required for licensure examination and entry into practice. This includes
application of National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) test plan,
assessment of knowledge deficit, and remediation. This course lends itself to being a block or
integrated approach. This course is a hybrid course and will include classroom interaction and the
utilization of an online learning management system. Notice of Instructor’s Right to Modify the
Syllabus: The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus and will notify the class of any
changes during class or e-mail.
Pre-requisites: ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, BIOL 1406, BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420, PSYC 2301,
PSYC 2314, RNSG 1301, RNSG 1413, RNSG 1360, RNSG 1115, RNSG 2213, RNSG 2263, RNSG 1441,
RNSG 2360, RNSG 1105, RNSG 1460, RNSG 1412, RNSG 1144.
RNSG 2130, capstone course for the ADN program, must be taken as one of the final courses for
the program
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Apply cognitive knowledge in the successful completion of the exit exams.
2. Apply a cognitive knowledge (i.e. analysis, evaluation, synthesis) in the successful
completion of defined content of the NCLEX-RN Exam.
3. Provide patient-centered holistic nursing care using evidence-based outcomes and the
nursing process in a culturally congruent manner, collaborating with co-members of the
health care team.
5. Identify the legal and ethical parameters of professional nursing practice.
6. Identify health promotion needs for diverse clients across the life span.
7. Establish continued competency of critical thinking in a systematic, problem-solving
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of the course, you will be able to:
1. Utilize available resources in taking the NCLEX-RN Test.
Identify weakness in nursing content.
3. Participate in customized remediation plans to improve knowledge deficit.
Identify testing strategies to utilize while taking the National Council Licensure
Examination for the Registered Nurse.
5. Demonstrate the ability to critically think while performing each competency test.
Differentiated Essential Competencies (DEC’S)
Member of the Profession
 Participate in activities that promote the development and practice of professional
Provider of Patient Care
 Determine the physical and mental health status, needs, and preferences of
culturally, ethnically, and socially diverse patients and their families based upon
interpretation of comprehensive health assessment findings compared with
evidence-based health data derived from the diploma or associate degree nursing
program of study.
Patient Safety Advocate
 Demonstrate knowledge of the Texas Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and the Texas
Board of Nursing Rules that emphasize safety, as well as all federal, state, and local
government and accreditation organization safety requirements and standards.
 Comply with mandatory reporting requirements of the Texas NPA.
Member of the Health Care Team
 Communicate and manage information using technology to support decisionmaking to improve patient care.
QSEN Competencies
Using the institute of Medicine (2003) competencies for nursing, QSEN faculty have defined prelicensure and graduate quality and safety competencies for nursing and proposed targets for the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be developed in nursing pre-licensure programs for each
competency as follows:
 Patient centered care
 Teamwork and Collaboration
 Evidence Based Practice
 Quality improvement
 Safety
 Informatics
QSEN pursues strategies to build will and develop effective teaching approaches to assure that
future graduates develop competencies in patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration,
evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics.
About QSEN, Copyright 2014, CWRU
SCANS or Core Curriculum Statement and Other Standards
The Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) was appointed by the
Secretary of Labor to determine the skills our young people need to succeed in the world of work.
The Commission's fundamental purpose is to encourage a high-performance economy
characterized by high-skill, high-wage employment.
The primary objective is to help teachers understand how curriculum and instruction must change
to enable students to develop those high performance skills needed to succeed in the high
performance workplace.
SCANS have focused on one important aspect of schooling: what they called "learning a living"
system. In 1991, they issued their initial report, What Work Requires of Schools. As outlined in that
report, a high-performance workplace requires workers who have a solid foundation in the basic
literacy and computational skills, in the thinking skills necessary to put knowledge to work, and in
the personal qualities that make workers dedicated and trustworthy.
High-performance workplaces also require other competencies: the ability to manage resources,
to work amicably and productively with others.
Use Information Skills/Acquire information
Organize Information
Able to assign acquired data to correct categories within the nursing process:
a. Practice Exams
b. HESI Exit Exams
Enhance Basic Skills
Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens and speaks
--locates, understands, and interprets written information in prose and in documents
such as manuals, graphs, and schedules
--communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing; and creates
documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and flow charts
--performs basic computations and approaches practical problems by
choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques
--receives, attends to, interprets, and responds to verbal messages and other cues
--organizes ideas and communicates orally
Class Schedule
Course Calendar (Also Available via Eagle Online) is reviewed during course orientation.
Changes are sometimes necessary and will be announced in class and/or via Eagle Online.
16 week Course Calendar
Practice Module Assignment
Week 1
1/19/16 –
Course Orientation/Syllabus/Expectations
Course Calendar
Introduction to NCLEX-RN
TBON NCLEX-RN Requirements
Week 2
1/25/16 –
Pre-Test (Assessment) Exam/Review
NCLEX Test Plan - NCSBN Website
Test-Taking Strategies – Success Coach
Week 3
2/1/16 –
Module 2 – Health Promotion
Module 3 Mental Health Concepts
Week 4
2/08/16 –
Specialty Exam – Foundation (Wed 2/10/16, 9a-12noon, 12noon -3p)
Review Specialty Exam
Week 5
Module 4 Psychosocial Alterations
Module 5 – Management of Care
Week 6
2/22/16 –
Modules 6 – Basic Care and Comfort
Modules 7 – Safety and Infection Control
Navigation Review - Discussion Board (Forums), Testing and Review, Remediation
Week 7
2/29/16 –
Week 8
3/07/16 –
Week 9
3/14/16 –
Module 8 – Pharmacology and Intravenous Therapies
Additional Resources: Dosage Calculations
Module 9 – Monitoring Health Problems
Module 10 Physiological Health Problem
Specialty Exam – Pharmacology (Wednesday 3/9/16, 10a-1p, 1p-4p)
Review Specialty Exam - Pharmacology
Spring Break
Week 10
3/21/16 –
Week 11
3/28/16 –
Week 12
4/04/16 –
Week 13
4/11/16 –
Week 14
4/18/16 –
Week 15
4/25/16 –
Week 16
5/02/16 –
HURST REVIEW – 3 Days (March 22- 24)
Crossing the Finish Line Practice Tests
Comprehensive Exam Online Module/REVIEW
Computerized HESI EXIT EXAM #1 (Wednesday 3/30/16, 3p-7p)
Practice Exams if needed
Computerized HESI EXIT EXAM #2, (Wednesday 5/4/16, 1p -5p)
if needed
Final Evaluation
Instructional Methods
1. Classroom Instruction/Discussion
2. Online Course Management System
3. NCSBN Blueprint:
Student Assignments
Practice Modules
Pre-Assessment Test
A Pre-Test (assessment test) will be given on the second week of the course to evaluate baseline
competency and knowledge. The Pre-assessment test will be taken online. Students are required to
print and submit their assessment report to their instructor by January 31st 2016.
Progress assessment and grading will be used to evaluate satisfactory performance in this course.
1. Standardized Exit Exam: 50%
Student must achieve a non-conversion score of 850 or greater on the computerized Exit Exam. A
non-conversion score of less than 850 will require successful completion of online remediation.
Second Exit Exam is not mandatory if first Exit Exam non-conversion score is 850 or greater; if
second Exit Exam is taken, the highest of the two scores will be used toward 50% of course grade.
Only two Exit Exams will be provided.
Remediation consists of successful completion of online NCLEX 10,000 with PrepU, with
achievement of mastery level of 4 or above.
2. Specialty Exams: 20%
Specialty exams will be administered which will be 20% of the total grade for the course. A
conversion score will be utilized to evaluate student’s grades for the specialty exams.
3. Modules: 25%
The student will be required to complete each module of the HESI Saunders Online Review, which
includes, but not limited to pre-test, post-test, case studies, practice tests, and a comprehensive
exam. Each online module exam will provide students with remediation that they will be required
to complete. The Pre-Test is mandatory as a comprehensive assessment exam and students will
complete the study calendar, which will provide an individualized study plan for completion of
required modules. Students will provide evidence of completion on the dates assigned by the
instructor. The online activities will be monitored by the instructors and appropriate feedback will
be given to the student(s). The average of the grades on the modules will be tabulated for 25% of
the course grade.
1. Standardized Exit Exam
2. Modules
3. Specialty Exams
4. NCLEX Review Class Attendance
HURST Review – March 22 - 24 (Auditorium)
Exit Exam 1 – (Wednesday 3/30/16, 3p-7p) (Computer lab)
Exit exam 2 – (Wednesday 5/4/16, 1p -5p) (Computer lab)
Specialty exam - (Wed 2/10/16, 9a-12noon, 12noon -3p) (Computer lab)
Specialty Exam Pharmacology- (Wednesday 3/9/16, 10a-1p, 1p-4p) Computer lab)
Instructor Requirements
As your instructor, it is my responsibility to:
 Provide the grading scale and detailed grading formula explaining how student grades are
to be derived
 Facilitate an effective learning environment through class activities, discussions, and
 Description of any special projects or assignments
 Inform students of policies such as attendance, withdrawal, tardiness and make up
 Provide the course outline and class calendar which will include a description of any special
projects or assignments
 Arrange to meet with individual students before and after class as needed
To be successful in this class, it is the student’s responsibility to:
 Read and comprehend the textbook
 Participate and complete practice Modules and Exams
 Ask for help when there is a question or problem
 Complete the course with a 75% passing score
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100 – 90;……………………………………4 points per semester hour
B = 89 – 80: …………………………………….3 points per semester hour
C = 79 – 70: …………………………………….2 points per semester hour
D = 69 – 60: …………………………………….1 point per semester hour
59 and below = F……………………………..0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) ………………………………0 points per semester hour
W (Withdrawn)………………………………0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)…………………………………0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit) ……………………………………0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to
receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To
compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester
hours attempted. The grades “IP,” “COM” and “I” do not affect GPA.
Grading Criteria
A = 90 – 100
B = 89 – 80
C = 79 – 75
D = 74-70
F = 69 or less
> 901 = 100
881 – 900 = 90
851 – 880 = 75
850 or less = 50
Instructional Materials
HESI/Saunders Online Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination
Additional Practice Modules to be assigned by Instructor.
Recommended Textbook: Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination 6th
Edition by Linda Anne Silvestri
Practice module exams, pre-assessment and exit exams are mandatory. Inability to complete these
requirements may result in failure of the course.
Last day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals is Monday March 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm.
Students will not share log in information with other students for the practice modules and
exams, which is a violation of the Honesty Policy.
Repeated incompletion of practice modules and exams may result in counseling.
If a student has a disability or needs instructional accommodation due to a disability, please meet
with the instructor at the beginning of the course. Documentation must be provided at this time
with an official letter of accommodation.
Remediation, Testing Protocol, and Computer Based Testing:
A. Remediation Policy and Procedure:
Policy: Remediation will be available to any student enrolled in RNSG 2130 who expresses the need
for this service, and who are experiencing difficulties with the course work, and course
requirements. Mandatory remediation will be given based on the following:
 Failure to successfully pass the grade for the specialty exam (non-conversion score of less
than 850).
 Failure to successfully pass the grade for exit exam (non-conversion score of less than 851)
 Failure to meet course requirements and course work
 As recommended by faculty
Procedure: To remediate is to remedy the deficiencies. Remediation procedure is as follows
1. Upon the initial failure the instructor shall submit an early alert notification
2. Student will meet with the instructor to review the test
3. The student will meet with the retention remediation coach to review the test
4. Student will attend a remediation session for study skills, time management, and test taking
skills for nursing students
5. No student shall be allowed to sit for the HESI exit 2 exams until remediation has been
6. Faculty/peer tutoring will be provided if requested by the student
7. Success Coaching is also available on the 5th floor. Please contact Kally Numa in Rm. 540
During remediation sessions, it is expected that students will make an appointment with the
faculty or designated member of the faculty and come to the sessions prepared. Student
responsibilities include bringing textbook, questions or topics for discussion and are to follow
through with all instructor-made assignments. Students may receive extra assignments to
facilitate their learning. Successful remediation necessitates an active role for both students and
B. Testing Protocol:
Practice module exams, pre-assessment and HESI exit exams are available online for students.
Students are responsible for reading the Houston Community College System Student Handbook to
be certain that they understand HCCS policies/procedures which also includes refunds and
withdrawals from a course. Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face
significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask
your instructor/counselor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering
course withdrawal, or if you are not receiving passing grades.
All students are responsible for reading the Associate Degree Nursing Program Student Handbook.
NCLEX-RN Test Plan
Client Needs
Safe and Effective Care Environment
 Management of Care
Safety and Infection Control
Percentage of Items from Each
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Psychosocial Integrity
Physiological Integrity
 Basic Care and Comfort
Pharmacological and Parenteral
Reduction of Risk Potential
Physiological Adaptation
C. Computer Based Testing:
All Houston Community College System ADN program exams will be computer based to prepare the
student for and meet the NCLEX testing requirements. Paper-pencil versions of exams would
constitute a security risk and is not available for standardized exams. This is an intentional design
of the exams so that our computerized exams more closely emulate the NCLEX exams. Keep in mind
that the NCLEX is a CAT (Computer Adaptive Test) and is not delivered in paper form.
Academic Dishonesty:
A student who is academically dishonest is, by definition, not showing that the coursework has been
learned, and that student is claiming an advantage not available to other students. The instructor is
responsible for measuring each student's individual achievements and also for ensuring that all
students compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our system, the instructor has teaching, grading,
and enforcement roles. You are expected to be familiar with Houston Community College’s Policy on
Academic Honesty, found in the catalog. What that means is: If you are charged with an offense,
pleading ignorance of the rules will not help you. Students are responsible for conducting
themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary
proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic
dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and
Cheating includes:
• Copying from another students’ test paper or assignments;
• Using materials not authorized by the person giving the test;
• Collaborating with another student during a test without authorization;
• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the
contents of a test that has not been administered;
• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged
incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.
Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written
work offered for credit. Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may include a grade
of “0” or “F” in the particular assignment, failure in the course, and/or recommendation for
probation or dismissal from the College System (See Student Handbook).
Professional Behavior
As your instructor and as a student in this class, it is our shared responsibility to develop and
maintain a positive learning environment for everyone. Your instructor takes this responsibility
very seriously and will inform members of the class if their behavior makes it difficult for
him/her to carry out this task. As a fellow learner, you are asked to respect the learning needs of
your classmates and assist your instructor in achieving this critical goal.
Electronic Media Policy
Protected Health Information (PHI):
Students are allowed to access electronic medical records only for gathering information. The
information obtained must be handwritten; it cannot be photographed or electronically
transmitted. Auxiliary drives (USB drives, portable drives, discs, data storage cards, etc.) are not to
be inserted into any facilities EMR system.
Do not access any medical records that you are not using for patient care. This includes your own
medical records, your child’s, a family member’s, someone famous, or someone you saw on the
news. This is a breach in patient information and privacy and may result in consequences up to
failing your clinical rotation, fines, and dismissal from the program. Hospitals consider PHI
violations as critical errors in judgment resulting in grounds for immediate dismissal.
Password Security:
Do not share any facility password or your username with anyone. Please be advised that facility
staff members are not allowed to share their password or username with any student or faculty
HCC Course Withdrawal Policy:
If you feel that you cannot complete this course, you will need to withdraw from the course prior to
the final date of withdrawal. Before, you withdraw from your course; please take the time to meet
with the instructor to discuss why you feel it is necessary to do so. The instructor may be able to
provide you with suggestions that would enable you to complete the course. Your success is very
important. Beginning in fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering
freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in
obtaining a certificate and/or degree.
If you plan on withdrawing from your class, you MUST contact a HCC counselor or your professor
prior to withdrawing (dropping) the class for approval and this must be done PRIOR to the
withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” on your transcript. **Final withdrawal deadlines vary each
semester and/or depending on class length, please visit the online registration calendars, HCC
schedule of classes and catalog, any HCC Registration Office, or any HCC counselor to determine
class withdrawal deadlines. Remember to allow a 24-hour response time when communicating
via email and/or telephone with a professor and/or counselor. Do not submit a request to
discuss withdrawal options less than a day before the deadline. If you do not withdraw before
the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are making in the class as your final grade.
Repeat Course Fee
The State of Texas encourages students to complete college without having to repeat failed
classes. To increase student success, students who repeat the same course more than twice, are
required to pay extra tuition. The purpose of this extra tuition fee is to encourage students to
pass their courses and to graduate. Effective fall 2006, HCC will charge a higher tuition rate to
students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. If you are considering course
withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor
as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test taking skills,
attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might
be available.
Sex/Gender Discrimination
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that institutions have policies and
procedures that protect students' rights with regard to sex/gender discrimination. Information
regarding these rights are on the HCC website under Students-Anti-discrimination. Students who
are pregnant and require accommodations should contact any of the ADA Counselors for
It is important that every student understands and conforms to respectful behavior while at HCC.
Sexual misconduct is not condoned and will be addressed promptly. Know your rights and how
to avoid these difficult situations.
Log in to Sign in using your HCC student email account, then go to
the button at the top right that says Login and enter your student number.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for
Greater Learning Student
Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student
feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated
time near the end of the term, you will be asked to answer a short online
survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous
results of the survey will be made available to your professors and
department chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the
survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online
near the end of the term.
RNSG 2130 – Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation
I, ______________________________, have read the RNSG 2130 syllabus and fully understand the
expectations of me as a student in this course.
I acknowledge that I am aware that the Houston Community College A.D.N. Student Handbook is on
the course website (Eagle Online) and that I am accountable for following the policies and
procedures discussed in the handbook.
In addition, I agree to uphold the honesty policy by neither giving nor receiving any information
about test content in this course as well as signing in for another student in class.
Failure to submit a signed agreement will be considered a breach of contract and I may be
administratively dropped.
My signature below signifies my willingness to comply with the course requirements and I don’t
have any questions regarding the syllabus.