
Math Lab #8
Read Text 2 : “Phase Portraits” pp.166-169
Problem #1:
Consider systems (i), (ii) and (iii) in problem 4 on page 180 of Text #2.
(a)-Write each of these systems in scalar form and use dsolve to find the solution of each
system that satisfies the initial conditions x(0) = a, y(0)=b.
(b)- Use the procedure described on p.168 to plot several solutions of (i) for t = -5..5.
(c)- Use the procedure described on p.169 to graph the solution of (iii) that satisfies the
initial conditions of part (b) for t = -1..1, t=-3..3, t=-5..5, t=-10..10. What conjecture can
you make about this solution as t -> - and as t -> ?