
Thursday 5/5/16
Name Of Teacher:
Name of Lesson:
Lesson Type:
Class Period:
Analysis of Learner & Lesson:
Homogeneous/heterogeneous/inclusion/advanced/etc? Where are you in the unit? What happened
just previous to this less? What will happen immediately after this less?
Objective: Students will be able to:
Using a Venn Diagram, students will compare and contrast two characters from a read-aloud story we
have previously read and a character from a movie they have previously seen
Students will write a compare and contrast sentence, using vocabulary associated with the
language function of compare and contrast after completing a Venn Diagram as a whole class
State Standards:
R.L 5.3 Compare and contrast characters, settings, or evets, drawing on details
R.L.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases
R.L.5.6 Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described the
meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases
W.5.4 Produce writing in which development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and
Materials: Venn diagram, DVD, Vocabulary
Anticipatory Set:
Today we will be watching a movie that compares two students who live in Puerto Rico. One student
is a girl named Laura and the other student is a boy named Jose. Although both students live in Puerto
Rico, they manage to live two different life styles. Throughout the film they will inform us about
themselves, their families, and their living.
We have read a text titled, Lunch Money and seen a movie called Gabby Douglas.
 Who can give me a summary of the movie Gabby Douglas?
 Who can give me a summary of the text Lunch Money?
 What are some similarities between Greg and Gabby? (ex: determined to achieve their goal,
obstacles were faced when reaching for their goal, family influenced them to pursue their
dream) (3 students share)
 What are some difference between Greg and Gabby? (ex: accomplished different dreams:
Gabby- Olympic and Greg-Comic Books, Gabby went away to London to accomplish her
dream & Grey did not he stayed at his school finish his comic book, Greg was selling his comic
books for money and Gabby was not she paid to accomplish her goal) (3 students share)
What are some other words or phrases that we can use when referring to the words, “different” and
“same” (use sophisticated language) (ex: like, same, both, have in common, as well as) (instead, but,
on the other hand, differ). (3 to 5 students share)
I will then ask students to compare or contrast Gabby and Greg with the new vocabulary words or
phrases we just shared in a complete sentence. I will provide students first with my example: “Gabby
Douglas traveled to pursue her dream. On the contrary, Greg did not move to another place. He was
successful where he was and was successful with selling his comic books at school. (3 students share)
I will communicate with students that we will be watching the movie but before I want them to learn
some vocabulary in relation to comparing and contrasting. I will say the word in English and then in
Spanish students will repeat after me -- Vocabulary: common, same, both; different/difference, but,
on the other hand. After, I will express to students that there are somethings I want to make them
aware of that will be spoken about in the film. Therefore, I want them to know the vocabulary word in
Spanish. The vocabulary in the movie: Coqui, hurricane, family, school, job, machete (in Spanish)
Students will repeat after me.
Fun facts about Puerto Rico:
1. The world’s largest single-dish radio telescope is located in Puerto Rico
2. Puerto Rico’s unofficial mascot is a tiny tree frog found only on the island (coqui)
3. Pasteles is one of Puerto Rico’s main dishes
Body: watch video for 30 minutes, while students are watching the video students are given a
handout with three questions related to the film they are watching. The questions are:
1. List some similarities and differences that was presented in the video between Laura and
2. List all the things you heard in the video that is needed to prepare for a hurricane
3. Why didn’t Laura’s parents want to have a TV set? What did they mean when they said they
don’t want to waste their lives working for things they don’t really need?
As a class we will go over these questions. For the first question I will only let three students answer
(one fact for each character).
Exit ticket
Write about one similarity or one difference between you and one of the characters in the film.
Make sure to include vocabulary associated with the language function of compare and
Exit ticket- being able to see what students have written will give me a better understanding if
students understood the different between compare and contrast and using other words to represent
the words “same” and “different”
Open discussion – having students share the list of differences and similarities between both
characters in the movie will also guide me in the direction of their understanding
Monday 5/9/16
Name Of Teacher:
Name of Lesson:
Lesson Type:
Class Period:
Analysis of Learner & Lesson:
Homogeneous/heterogeneous/inclusion/advanced/etc? Where are you in the unit? What happened
just previous to this less? What will happen immediately after this less?
Objective: Students will be able to:
Using a Venn Diagram, students will compare and contrast the two characters from the movie
Students will be able to read and comprehend informational text
Students will be able to quote accurately when drawing an inference
State Standards:
R.L.5.1 Quote accurately when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences
R.L 5.3 Compare and contrast characters, settings, or evets, drawing on details
R.I 5.10 Read and comprehend informational text
Materials: Venn diagram, both passages, sentence strips
Anticipatory Set: When students come in I will provide students with two copies of text. The text
copies I am giving the students are about the two characters in the movie. What the students
watched in class in class on Thursday is now written in a story. Students will read both stories and will
show engagement by underlining/highlighting, circling, and writing notes on the side. After, students
will fill out the Venn diagram. Students will be instructed to find five difference and five similarities.
Also, while completing the Venn diagram students will have to prove their answer. The way students
will prove their answer is by referring us back to the text.
Body: Next, we will come together and share our responses. Before I ask students to participate I will
have two similarities and two difference about the characters in the movie written out on a sentence
strip. I will let a student read what is on the sentence strip and ask another student where does this
fact go, Laura, Jose, or both.
Closure: I will introduce the compare and contrast prompt and checklist to students.
Prompt questions:
Similarities and differences
Who would you choice and why?
Tuesday 5/10
Planning page lesson and then students work on
their essay