
Values Commitment Steering Team Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Christopher Bell, Giovanni Fernandez, Savannah-Jane Griffin, Colleen Price,
Elisabeth Poeter
Marketing our Values
How are we marketing our values internally and externally?
Chris Bell will reach out to Bruce Chong to have marketing come and share what Stetson is currently
promoting and ideas they might have on ways we can market our values internally and externally
The Campus Tour was brought up, Colleen is going to get the script from Admissions for the VCST to
We will talk with Stetson Marketing web team to see how we can make a website more effective and
user friendly
We also discussed the need for a more centralized calendar, which a new system has been purchased
“AdAstra” which should help with this.
Global Citizenship:
We had a lengthy conversation around Study abroad and have expressed wanting to know more about the
following areas:
How many students study abroad/semester?
How many student study abroad/year?
What is the percentage broken down?
Do we have a goal to reach of percentage of students that study abroad?
What are peer institution models that have a significant amount of their student population
study abroad?
Personal Growth:
Follow-up with Facilities (Al Allen) about the refillable water filtration systems installed on campus
They are in the process of hiring a Dietitian to campus as a resource for students.
Intellectual Growth:
There are a few specific topics we can choose from to focus on:
Book Feasts
Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Initiatives
Professional Development Discussion Circles that are opened up to the entire campus community
Academic Integrity – Plagiarism – Look into programs like: “Turn it In”
Values Day Planning:
Savannah will be sending out information on Values Day committees in the next week along with next
Next meeting Tuesday, March 29th at 4pm in DeLand Hall Board Room