MGS 351 Introduction to Management Information Systems Recitation # 13 Agenda • Attendance • Collect: – Chapter 7 Guided Exercise Questions • • • • • Optional Early Presentations Presentation Reminders Project Deliverables Reminder Examples of “A” Projects Project Work Presentation Reminders • Dress: Business Casual • Make sure your database can be accessed from your website on a school computer – Test this ahead of time, but have it on a thumb drive just in case • Practice – Presentation must be between 6 and 8 minutes! Project Deliverables 1. Project Write-up – Essay format – Includes all reports printed with explanation of business value 2. Database 3. Website – Group and Individual 4. Presentation 5. Peer Evaluation (download from MGS 351 website) **SEE Project Checklist & Project Overview** Write-up Requirements • Write-up in paragraph format – Cover page with URL of project website and member names – Description of the system – Future enhancements – Backup/maintenance strategy • Printout each of the 5 (or more) reports – Include a description about how each report will be used in the business and what business value is derived from the report (one or two paragraphs per report) • Printout of Access database relationships • Original graded ERD Projects That Receive A’s Aside from doing all the checklist requirements CORRECTLY go above the minimum on EACH component Website Switchboard Forms Presentation Reports Tables All of you should have already and continue to closely checked the PowerPoint “Ways to Earn Extra Points” in order to find additional ways to go above the minimum Switchboard • • • • Great formatting Appealing aesthetics Extra buttons: allow the user to either close the entire database or access Another idea: for one medical office project students did a menu where they had a Nurses submenu, Doctors submenu and a Patients submenu; it all depends on your project idea and implementation Tables Well thought out attributes of tables that add value, and are not just place holders. Table should show user design and ease of entry Advanced and unique input masks that apply to the project Tables Continued This makes sure not only that the amount paid is greater than zero, but in the property sheet of the table the students learned how to set a validation rule involving another field Forms Forms Continued Reports Based on advanced queries to test if amount was paid in full, includes conditional formatting for ease of viewing. Reports - True Business Value One of this team’s reports was an automatically generated contact agreement generated based on information they had in tables Reminders: Due Next Lab • Final Project Due – Re-read the Project Overview to make sure you have completed everything (Course Website)