IMED1316 LWFall_8wks_2012 Syllabus.doc

Course Syllabus
Web Page Design I
Wendy Allen
IMED 1316
Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN)
Fall 2012 CRN 27294
Instructor contact information (phone number and email
Phone 713-398-6933
Office Location and Hours
No Office hours.
Course Location/Times
WLOP, Room 136 • Friday, 9:30am-3:15pm
Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Laboratory Hours:
External Hours:
Total Course Contact Hours
Course Length (number of weeks)
8 Weeks. Start 10/25/2012 – End 12/14/2012
Type of Instruction
Course Description:
Instruction in Internet web page design and relate
including markup languages, web sites, Internet
interactive topics.
Course Prerequisite(s)
 ARTC 1305
 ARTC 1325
32 web enhanced
 MATH 0306 (Basic Math Pre-Algebra)
 GUST 0341 (7th -9th Grade Reading)
 ENGL 0300 or 0347
Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate ability to select and apply industr
2. Design and demonstrate use of software and t
Communication’s practical applications.
3. Develop a portfolio of work that demonstrates
4. Present a portfolio of work that demonstrates p
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7
1. Identify how the Internet functions with specific
Web and file transfer.
2. Apply design techniques in the creation and op
other embedded objects.
3. Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Con
layout standards.
4. Design, create, test, and maintain a Web site
Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to
SLO - e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.)
Identify how the Internet functions with speci
Wide Web and file transfer.
1. Practice locating Web sites in a browser.
2. Download text and images from the Internet to
3. Using FTP client software, upload those files t
making a note of their URLs.
4. Email URLs to the instructor as required.
Apply design techniques in the creation and o
other embedded objects.
1. Involve the placement of graphics such as logo
into tutorial and individual projects.
2. Ensure that images are saved in the correct fo
and usage.
3. Make the image in its original file of the dimen
Web page, and save it to as small a file size as p
display resolution.
Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Con
and layout standards.
1. Make the image in its original file of the dimen
Web page, and save it to as small a file size as p
display resolution.
Design, create, test, and maintain a Web site
1. Apply W3C standards to individual midterm an
Web site that meets professional portfolio quality
2. Upload it via FTP to student server site for disp
various browser environments to ensure integrity
3. Make changes locally and update the site on t
SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable
Identify how the Internet functions with speci
Wide Web and file transfer.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Reading
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Workplace Competencies - Technology -Selects
Workplace Competencies - Technology -Applies
Apply design techniques in the creation and o
other embedded objects.
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Decision Making
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Creative
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Seeing Things in th
Foundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Self-Mana
Foundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Responsi
Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Con
and layout standards.
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Problem Solving
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Knowing How to Le
Foundation Skills - Thinking -Reasoning
Workplace Competencies - Information -Acquires
Workplace Competencies - Information -Organiz
Workplace Competencies - Information -Interpret
Workplace Competencies - Information -Uses Co
Design, create, test, and maintain a Web site
Foundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Self-Estee
Foundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Social
Foundation Skills - Personal Qualities -Integrity/H
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates
Workplace Competencies - Technology -Maintain
Instructional Methods
Web-enhanced (49% or less)
Hybrid (50% or more)
Distance (100%)
Face to Face
Student Assignments
Identify how the Internet functions with speci
Wide Web and file transfer.
Lab Exercises
Homework Exercises
Apply design techniques in the creation and o
other embedded objects.
Lab Exercises
Homework Exercises
Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Con
and layout standards.
Lab Exercises
Homework Exercises
Design, create, test, and maintain a Web site
Lab Exercises
Homework Exercises
Student Assessment(s)
Identify how the Internet functions with speci
Wide Web and file transfer.
Various assigned readings from textbooks
In-class discussions
Apply design techniques in the creation and o
other embedded objects.
In-class discussions
Group and/or individual projects
Demonstrate the use of World Wide Web Con
and layout standards.
In-class discussions
Group and/or individual projects
Design, create, test, and maintain a Web site
Group and/or individual projects
Instructor's Requirements
On-campus classes, all students in HCC Distance
required to follow all HCC Policies & Procedures
the Student Handbook, and relevant sections of
when interacting and communicating in a virtua
fellow students. Students who violate these poli
subject to disciplinary action that could include d
related email, discussion groups, and chat room
Use of recording devices, including camera phon
prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty of
where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. St
need to use a recording device as a reasonable a
the Office for Students with Disabilities for infor
accommodations. This instructor does not perm
instruction or other meetings with students.
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism Policy
A student who is academically dishonest is, by d
coursework has been learned, and that student
available to other students. The instructor is res
student's individual achievements and also for e
compete on a level playing field. Thus, in our sys
teaching, grading, and enforcement roles. You a
the University's Policy on Academic Honesty, fou
means is: If you are charged with an offense, ple
will not help you. Students are responsible for co
honor and integrity in fulfilling course requireme
disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by Coll
student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scho
but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiaris
Cheating on a test includes:
Copying from another students’ test pap
Using materials not authorized by the p
Collaborating with another student duri
Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing
whole or part the contents of a test that
Bribing another person to obtain a test t
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’
unacknowledged incorporation of that work in o
for credit.
Collusion mean the unauthorized collaboration
preparing written work offered for credit.
Violations - Possible punishments for academic
grade of “0” or “F” on the particular assignment
recommendation for probation or dismissal from
recommendation for suspension or expulsion wi
Dean of Student Development for disciplinary di
Please plan accordingly to have your work done
wait until the last hour to attempt to submit work
problems with the online course system. Also all
designated areas of the online course to receive
All web projects and assignments must be on a w
the project / assignment are on the web server th
assignments area in Eagle Online. If the instructo
a working project located on a web server that pr
Also a final CD will be required at the end of the
CD to the instructor will result in an “F” for the fin
The CD should contain the following materials: F
of all Bridges tutorials. Please remember to put y
2012 on the CD. This CD is a complete archive o
that demonstrates your ability to organize and ma
The key to doing well in this course is first and fo
time. Second keep up with the video and readin
Online web site areas at continuously. Make sur
board, and take the quizzes for this course.
Student Assignments and Projects
Tutorial Projects
Midterm and Final Projects
Your enrollment in this class is intended to devel
midterm and final assignments must be professio
like to make hobby pages rather than profession
involve professional topics while others are nothi
you approach a topic could mark the difference b
professional subject matter. Submitting a prospe
instructor's approval before beginning work on w
set out to build a product that will be appropriate
entry. The prospectus will require you to outline w
Midterm Assignment
Your midterm assignment will be to copy a webs
You must link these pages to each other, and the
noted on the Web Site Requirements document
Final Project
You shall construct a Web site for your final proje
minimum of 5 HTML documents.
The topic must be professional in nature and it m
forth in your agreement when the instructor assig
Further, you must develop your Web site in a tex
(Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). You may not use a
WYSIWYG Web authoring tools or online templa
When you present the project, be prepared to do
 Explain what was involved in the develop
 Explain any problems you encountered w
 Explain how you solved those problems.
 Explain five things you learned about the
site development from doing this project.
Start your projects well ahead of the due date as
and sort things out! You will find project require
site for this course.
Assignments, projects and activities have been d
learning and concept development as an intro le
understand a topic/concept, you will be given as
that you will need to remember for your success
Please note that since this is an 8-week hands on
course. As you learn new concepts and applicati
knowledge to your Major Projects (you will find
requirements for them on the Eagle Online web
All assignments/projects are due on the day not
a “0”. No exceptions. The work still has to be co
Note: Original working files are REQUIRED for AL
submission of final compressed files
Required Textbook and Materials
 Dennis Gaskill. Web Site Design Made Eas
Morton Publishing Company, 2008 [ISBN: 0
 Mass storage device
 On realm of paper for class printer
Requirements will be posted in the Eagle Online
projects. Be sure to follow the requirements of e
Instructional Methods
Online Instructional Videos
Eagle Online Classroom
Bridges HTML tutorials
Students will be evaluated in the following wa
Research Paper
Mid Term Website
Final Website
Bridges Tutorial
Discussion Board
Since this is a distance education course I tak
week by student participation in the discussio
present for each week a student must post a
discussions by the date that the discussion a
Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable
Complete and comprehend the objective
all graded assignments.
Demonstrate the ability to apply creative
to all class projects and assignments.
Complete all reading assignments perta
the course.
Attend class regularly, missing no more
lab time (12 hours)
HCC Grading Scale:
Arrive at class promptly and be prepared
storage media, assignments, and anythi
Exhibit safe and courteous lab habits.
Develop and share knowledge and infor
Participate in keeping labs clean and org
computers when finished; abiding by lab
instructors, fellow students and lab assis
Participate in class discussions and critiq
Demonstrate the ability to communicate
Turn in all assignment on time and in the
Demonstrate the ability to use computer
software applications as it applies to be
Understand and be proficient in compute
saving and retrieving files.
When possible, demonstrate the ability t
Macintosh and Window operating system
Demonstrate knowledge and the ability t
and storage devices.
Develop a portfolio that illustrates conce
used in solving class assignment, includ
describing project concepts and process
Demonstrate ability and creativity in usin
in communicating, solving problems and
Accept responsibility for personal unders
requirements and degree plan.
A = 100- 90
B = 89 - 80:
C = 79 - 70:
D = 69 - 60:
59 and below = F
4 points per semeste
3 points per semeste
2 points per semeste
1 point per semeste
0 points per semeste
FX (Failure due to non-attendance)
0 points per semeste
IP (In Progress)
0 points per semeste
W (Withdrawn)
0 points per semeste
I (Incomplete)
0 points per semeste
AUD (Audit)
0 points per semeste
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student mus
COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses.
FINAL GRADE OF FX: Students who stop attending class and do not withdraw t
withdrawal deadline may either be dropped by their professor for excessive abse
grade of "FX" at the end of the semester. Students who stop attending classes w
compared to an earned grade of "F" which is due to poor performance. Logging
active participation is seen as non-attending. Please note that HCC will not dispe
students who have never attended class.
Students who receive financial aid but fail to attend class will be reported to the D
may have to pay back their aid. A grade of "FX" is treated exactly the same as a
GPA, probation, suspension, and satisfactory academic progress.
To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total
attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.
Health Sciences Programs Grading Scales may differ from the approved HCC G
Sciences Programs Grading Scales, see the "Program Discipline Requirements"
Instructor Grading Criteria
Your work will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Adherence to the assignment guidelines: Do not rearrange the assignment g
assignment. If the assignment is not clear to you, it is your responsibility to as
doing it.
Appropriateness: Follow course policies, attitude-check on how you handle p
with working with others in class. Do not have someone do the project or ass
present projects on time.
Techniques and Concepts: Application of Concepts and Techniques.
Design Layout: Consider creativity, balance of elements, design techniques, u
and styles, effects and color.
Quality of Execution: Content information. Strive for excellence. All work sho
Using the above criteria, your work will be assessed on six levels:
Exceptionally fine work; superior in presentation, visual observ
Above average work; superior in one or two areas
Average work; good, unexceptional participation
Below average work; noticeably weak with minimal participatio
Below 60%
Clearly deficient in presentation, style and content with a lack o
Excessive absence (more than 12.5% semester absence)
Grading Weights
= 10 %
Projects – Five
= 25 %
= 20 %
= 35 %
Attendance/Participation = 10 %
NOTE: LATENESS on any assignment/project past the due date and time will
Working on assignments/project is an integral part for the course.
Also note all images used to build each project must be submitted with the
turn in supporting images will result in a grade of 68 or lower.
All projects must be turned in using the Eagle Online Course web site. The in
that credit will be awarded for any projects turned in by methods other than
Course Web Site. Points will be deducted if projects are submitted in other w
Instructional Materials
• Dennis Gaskill. Web Site Design Made Easy, 3rd Ed. Englewood, CO: Morto
[ISBN: 0-89582-765-2 / ISBN 13: 978-089582-735-7]
• Mass storage device
• One ream laser paper
HCC Policy Statement:
Access Student Services Policies
on their Web site:
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater
Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student fee
teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the term, you
online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymo
made available to your professors and department chairs for continual improve
the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online n
Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies
Access DE Policies on their Web site:
Access CE Policies on their Web site:
Course Calendar
Following is a tentative outline of discussion topics and class assignments for the term.
Week One-October 26
Student profile sheets
Course requirements and grading
Review of computer file management
Introduction to the Internet
Parts of the Internet
How data is transferred across the Internet
Browsing the Web
Gaskill • Chapters 1, 2
Using email
Web site design principles
Creative process
Developing the comp
Assignment: Complete Tutorial One — Getting Started With the Internet. Completion is for guided
practice and must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Week Two-Nov. 2
Gaskill • Chapters 15, 16
Planning midterm projects
Developing a concept
Introducing your HTML authoring tool
Text editor vs. WYSIWYG editors
Considerations in Web design
Getting started with HTML
Writing well-formed code
Saving HTML files
Using a filing system
Creating a Web page
Using text to organize your page
Inline Cascading Style Sheets
Spacing and layout
Special characters and entities
Maricopa Lessons
FTP and uploading files
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Two — Getting Started With HTML. Completion is for guided practice and
must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Assignment: Write a 100-word prospectus covering what you plan to do for your midterm project. Discuss
the topic, concept, audience and scope of your project. Also discuss why you view the subject as
professional. If the instructor does not approve your project, this assignment will be rejected and returned
to you to do again. Submit in a Word format to Eagle Online.
Week Three-Nov. 9
Preparing thumbnails and roughs
Horizontal rules
Background colors and images
Gaskill • Chapters 3. 5, 8, 9,
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Three — Lists, Backgrounds and Hyperlinks. Completion is for guided
practice and must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Gaskill • Chapters 6, 10, 14
Week Four-Nov. 16
Ordered and unordered lists
Formatting the <li> tag
Nesting lists
Various types of lists
Using internal Cascading Style Sheets
Internal CSS
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Four — Internal Cascading Style Sheets. Completion is for guided
practice and must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Week Five-Nov. 23
Chapters 4, 7, 8
(Thanksgiving Holiday)
Gaskill *
Inserting images
Using color on the Internet
Document relationships
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Five Images and Colors. Completion is for guided practice and must be
submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Week Six-Nov. 30
Midterm Projects
Gaskill • Chapters 4, 9, 11
Turn in Tutorial Five
Midterm project assigned/Midterm exam
Using div elements for page layout
Building external CSS
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Six —Tables and Internal CSS. Completion is for guided practice and
must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Week Seven-Dec. 7
13, 16
Gaskill • Chapter 12,
External CSS and Templates
Creating tables for data
Image maps and mouse-sensitive images
Simple image rollovers
Handling user input with forms
Meta Tags
Assignment: Complete Tutorial Seven — External CSS and Templates. Completion is for guided practice
and must be submitted via Eagle Online for a grade.
Week EightTopics:
Final Projects
Presentations of all final projects at the beginning of the class session Dec.14, 2012. Absolutely
no late assignments accepted. If your work is not complete, submit what you have done.
The final exam is due promptly at 9:30am on Dec. 14, 2012. No late submissions will be
accepted under any circumstances.
The Instructor reserves the right to change the above assignments and dates as deemed