CEC FIPP Activity Report Name Karla Coti Date 10/13/2010 Department Mathematics and Science FIPP Partner Holly Schumacher Class title & section # Chemistry 20, 9185 Name of Activity/Strategy Self-Management Category: (Please select only one.) (Reminder: You will submit one report from each of the categories.) Classroom Activity Classroom Environment Classroom Expectations Feedback & Evaluation Homework & Out-of-Classroom Learning Experiences Briefly describe the activity/strategy, providing enough detail so that a colleague can replicate the activity/strategy. 1. Introduction To increase students' self-management skills and heighten their self awareness on the time they spend studying for Chemistry 20, I challenged them to do a three-week assignment and complete a "Next Action List" each week. As part of their assignment, they were also asked to write a short paragraph evaluating themselves as to how many of their set goals they accompished that week. Additionally, the students chose a partner that would help them keep them on track. At the end of the week the partners were given 15 minutes to discuss their success and difficulties in achieving their set goals. 2. Set-up & Supplies I handed out a chart of the "Next Action List" photocopied from our On Course text. 3. Directions The students were asked to define their role and goal in each action list. For example, Role: Chemistry 20 student, goal: to earn an A in Chemistry 20. Then they made a list of all the actions they had to accomplish that week for Chemistry 20, and if they desired they could also include the actions they had to complete for their other courses, personal, and professional tasks. Their actions had to be very specific. Afterward, they ranked each task in terms of its importance and urgency into four categories: (a) Urgent and important - which are important activities that have a pressing deadline; (b) Urgent but not important - which include tasks that had to be completed soon but will not necessarily contribute to their success in Chemistry 20; (c) Important and not urgent - actions that are important in achieving their set goal but do not have a pressing deadline; and (d) Not urgent or important - which are actions that will not contribute at all to their success in Chemistry 20. Then the actions that fell under category (a) or (b) were included in the action list. After the completion of each action, they could cross it out or put a smiley face to indicate that the action had been completed. At the end of each week the students wrote a short paragraph evaluating themselves as to their accompolishements and how this activity was helping them use their time more effectively. They also met with their success partner to share their accomplishments and any set backs. What worked well? For some students this activity helped them become aware as to how little time they were dedicating to study for Chemistry 20 and, as a result, they began to set aside more time to study for Chem 20. A survey was administered during the third week of this acitivity to evaluate the effectiveness of this activity on the students' success and their self-management skills; 23 students completed it and the findings are summarized below 1. Helped me understand the material or topic - 3 Strongly agreed and 9 Agreed 2. Increased my interest in the material or topic - 3 Strongly agreed and 7 Agreed 3. Kept me actively involved in the material or topic - 4 Strongly agreed and 7 Agreed 4. Helped keep my attention in the material or topic - 4Strongly agreed and 10 Agreed 5. Will contribute to my success as a student in this class - 5 Strongly agreed and 8 Agreed. The following positive comments included the following: This activity has helped me better prepare myself for my second exam compared to my first test. I would forget things that I would have to do to prepare myself for the next class session. This activity was very easy to keep up with because I noticed my study habits changed and kept me on track when I started this assignment. The activity helped me realize that I had to make changes to be able to concentrate on the material of this class. This activity made me more aware of my responsibility to read the chapters more than once. It helped self manage my time more effectively and set time aside to study for my exam, the first time I didn't set time aside. Yes it helped me a lot and other professors should use it. What would you change? I would not make it a requirement. I would strongly advise them to do it. I heard a lot of complaints from some students that it was not going to help them understand Chemistry. Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Undecided. The response of the students on this activity was divided, some felt that this activity really made a difference on the time they dedicated to Chemistry 20, while others were utterly outraged and did not see the correlation of writing their actions and achieving their goals. From the 23 students sruveyed 12 responded that they strongly agreed or agreed that this strategy contributed to their success as a student in class and 11 said they disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement. Please describe any student learning and/or changes that you observed after the implementation of the activity/strategy. From their answers to the survey, this activity helped students dedicate mor time to study for class. There were no observable changes of the students' learning after this activity.