Music 100-01
Tuesday’s- 08:30AM - 09:25AM, Davidson Building, Room D207
Instructor: Dr. Gerald J. Blanchard
Contact: Arts and Communication Department
228C Davidson Building
(269) 965-3931 Ext. 2566
Office Hours: By appointment (or see posted schedule outside of D228C)
Course Description and Goals
This is an introduction into basic music theory at Kellogg Community College.
The course is designed to familiarize you with the basics of musical
fundamentals and its terminology. This includes musical terminology, concepts,
notation and the basics of diatonic harmonic structure. This is a beginner’s music
The student will do the following:
 Define technical terms and concepts (pitch, rhythm etc.).
 Identify, write, and play all intervals within the octave.
 Identify, write, play and sing major and minor scales.
 Identify, write, play major and minor triads in all of its inversions.
 Identify, write and play diminished and augmented triads.
 Identify, write and play diatonic 7th chords in root position.
 Understand and realize (= write) simple figured bass.
Required Text and Materials
Music Staff Paper
The Music Kit-Required Text, 4th edition. Rhythm Reader and Score Book. Author: Tom Manoff.
Publisher: W.W. Norton ISBN:978-0-393-97403-4
The Music Kit-Required Text. 4th edition. Workbook. Author: Tom Manoff. Publisher: W. W.
Norton ISBN:978-0-393-97403-4
Grading Scale
A: 100-92
A-: 91-90
B+: 89-88
B: 87-82
C: 77-72
C-: 71-70
D+: 69-68
D: 67-62
B-: 81-80
D-: 61-60
C+: 79-78
E: 59
General Policies
1. All homework must be turned in on time. If you have an acceptable reason
for not turning in an assignment, if approved, you will be given an alternate
project to complete in lieu of the original task. Example of an accepted
one time excuse: Illness (with written documentation), family emergency
or college function (with a supporting letter from the director) are the only
acceptable excuses. Those events which aren’t emergencies must be
setup and approved in advance. No quizzes will be made up. You will
receive a zero for that grade. However, please note that you can arrange
to take yours in advance if you know you will be absent the day of the
2. Attendance policy is very simple, you arrive late more than two class
periods, your grade will be deducted a total of 5 points per tardiness. If
you arrive more than 6 class periods late, your grade will be an F for the
course. So in short, please plan accordingly and be on time.
FULL ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is a graded component of this class.
Students earn points for each class. Missing six or more classes will result in
a non-passing grade. If you miss class it is your job to find out what you’ve
missed from other students. Dr. Blanchard is under no obligation to make up
missed assignments or activities with you. In case of tardiness or early departure,
see above statement.
The Student will…
Outcome I: Perceiving, Performing,
and Responding - Aesthetic Education
 Demonstrate the ability to perceive, perform, and respond to music.
Outcome II: Historical, Cultural, and
Social Context
 Demonstrate an understanding of music as an essential aspect of history and
human experience.
Outcome III: Creative Expression and
 Demonstrate the ability to organize musical ideas and sounds creatively.
Outcome IV: Aesthetic Criticism
 Demonstrate the ability to make aesthetic judgments.
Content and Tentative Schedule of Course
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class meeting for which they are assigned. Late
work will NOT be accepted. The assignments will be graded and returned at the beginning of
the following class meeting when possible.
UNIT EXAMINATIONS: (Topics for each exam will be announced in class)
WEEK 1-3: The Notational System
WEEK 4-6: Rhythm and Meter
WEEK 7-9: Sound and Scales/ keyboard proficiency
WEEK 10-12: Intervals/Chords/ Special projects
WEEK 13: Exam review
WEEK 14: Final Exam
Quiz #1
Quiz #2
Quiz #3
Concert reviews
Comprehensive Final Exam
(Must be typed and accompanied by original program)
DISABILITY STATEMENT: Students with a documented disability are strongly encouraged
to speak with the instructor and with the professional staff at the Counseling Center. The College
offers many resources, but it is important to take advantage of them early. It is the student’s
responsibility to notify the College and instructors of your needs.
WITHDRAWAL: Check with the registrar’s office for the last day to withdraw and receive full refund.
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Music staff paper in a 3-ring binder. Pencils and a KCC
e-mail account.
FULL ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is a graded component of this class.
Students earn points for each class. Missing six or more classes will result in
a non-passing grade. If you miss class it is your job to find out what you’ve
missed from other students. Dr. Blanchard is under no obligation to make up
missed assignments or activities with you. In case of tardiness or early departure,
see above statement.