College of Education Department of Educational Psychology Master of Education – Counseling – Student Affairs (This 48 hour program is only available on the Mountain Campus in Flagstaff, Arizona) PROGRAM OF STUDIES (2012-2013) Student’s Name: NAU ID: Advisor’s Signature: Date: Student’s Signature: Date: This is the: */+ I. Course No. Initial Final Program of Study Semester/Year – Planned/Taken Course Title Foundations Studies (historical, philosophical, ethical, cultural, and research foundations) * * * EPS 565 EPS 670 EDR 610 Student Services in Higher Education Professional Ethics, Legal Standards and Responsibilities Introduction to Research II. Professional Studies A. Student Development Theory * EPS 603 * EPS 690 + EPS 620 College Student Development Theories Pre-req.: EPS 565 Multicultural Counseling Pre-req.: EPS 601; Pre-req. or Co-req.: EPS 660 Vocational Counseling and Career Development B. Student Characteristics and Effects of College on Students * EPS 602 The Impact of College on Students C. Individual and Group Interventions * + EPS 601 EPS 660 + EPS 661 Theories of Counseling Counseling Processes Pre-req.: EPS 601 Group Processes Pre-req.: EPS 660 and EPS 601 D. Organizational and Administration of Student Affairs (see EPS 565, 608, and 694) E. Assessment, Evaluation, and Research + + EPS 525 EPS 664 Introduction to Statistics Tests and Measurement Pre-req.: EPS 525 III. Supervised Practice * * EPS 608 EPS 682 Fieldwork Experience (3 hrs) Student Affairs Practicum OR EPS 692 Pre-req.: EPS 601, EPS 660, EPS 670; Co-req.: EPS 661 Note: There is a 100 contact hour requirement to complete practicum, EPS 682 *Core course, +Thematic course M.Ed. Counseling – Student Affairs Revised: HGD, January 30, 2013 Student’s Name: EPS 692 NAU ID: Counseling Practicum Pre-req.: EPS 601, EPS 660, EPS 670; Co-req.: EPS 661 (course fee req.) Note: There is a 100 contact hour requirement to complete practicum, EPS 692 * EPS 694 Master's Internship (3 hrs.) Pre-req.: EPS 682 or EPS 692 Note: There is a 600 contact hour requirement to complete the internship, EPS 694 IV. Elective (with Advisor’s Consent) *Core course, +Thematic course M.Ed. Counseling – Student Affairs – Program of Studies – Page 2 Revised: HGD, January 30, 2013